Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

June 13th, 2009

Wow: “Burn fat, not oil” nude bicycle protesters at . Cops make them put on their undies. Flashmob’s over. That’s live history!

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Successfully claimed…, while for my actual Facebook URL you’d have to replace the “facebook” w/ “twitter”…

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Sat morning chuckle: airport security just shoke down a magician. Normal looking guy, but bag full of cylinder hat, balls, & rose rabbits :)

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@gfxmonk Thx for the Wiki link on Google Code. I’ll try to work on a mock, but after next week ( It’s 2:26 AM in Hamburg.

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@gfxmonk Could you maybe create refresh & a push status buttons as in “Reload in TL” = refresh, “Open PV” = push status?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to timbertson