Working w/ #PHP 5.3 & UTF#WishWish PHP 6 was out. Oh, and who the hell came up w/ function names like mb_eregi_replace?
@BinaryJunkie Thanks for the feedback. Happy as the old one works again for the moment…
#TextMate has annoying limits w/ regards to excessively (fair enough, but still) long lines. 2.0 promises to fix this. W8ing…
#Apple #Mighty #Mouse #Repair hint: hold the mouse UPSIDE DOWN and roll the ball around. Worked this time!
Grrrr, Mighty Mouse ball’s broken AGAIN, not sure if the Magic Mouse is any better (battery life)?
Random #nerd moments: do you like it too when you look at a watch and it’s 01:23:45, or 13:37 o’clock? Yeah, they’re watching us right now!
RT @vinoaj: Interesting #UI analysis of #Google #Wave ‘s scrollbars… I’m still trying to become comfortable with them