@ivan_herman Ironically enough getting a “Free Modern War” ad at the end of your well-formulated #RDFa post: twitpic.com/9ts5bo
manusporny Woohoo!!! The RDFa 1.1 world standard has been published!!! ow.ly/bqi6B ow.ly/bqi82 ow.ly/bqi9j #rdfa #w3c
RT @ayman: I have the expanded deck posted with more social and technical details bit.ly/LCOxxB #icmr2012 // Thanks!
~RT @sympapadopoulos: Open-source (near-dupe) image search code.google.com/p/nise/ #ICMR2012 // +1 for open-sourcing. Every publication should!
Who designed the “broken image” icons? #Quora knows; actually, even the designer himself replies: b.qr.ae/KIeWhd