#CORS isn’t just for XHR, says @rem: http://t.co/RXINcKGI (via @brucel) // +1K. Please go #CORSenabled! http://t.co/QOkTbQZZ
@tcurdt You can go fix it: bit.ly/UKvohh
@tcurdt Some call it a feature ;-) My point was: it doesn’t auto-open. It tries to auto-open ;-)
@tcurdt It did ask for permission. You allowed your browser to open iTunes for certain URI schemes.
My #PDFtribute pic from #TomsPhD at twitpic.com/bv56yu has been featured in @nosop3’s #Storify story: bit.ly/UKtiOb :D
My papers are avail. for free on my Google Scholar profile: bit.ly/xV7PPn #PDFtribute (via @tommyh) twitpic.com/bv56yu