edsu I just renamed congress-edits github repo to anon since it can be configured to listen to custom, named ip ranges now github.com/edsu/anon
@edsu Awesome work! Considered supporting IP v6, too, for the future? https://t.co/ChXXC4pMvG
tomscott Yesterday, I made @parliamentedits. Today, @congressedits, @gccaedits and @RiksdagWikiEdit are up and running, thanks to some smart people!
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/XXRav70GwQ. Media gallery: http://t.co/mViLL0F5b8
You know history’s being written when a sole #WC2014 match gets an own Wikipedia page https://t.co/B1gsnKLqz2 http://t.co/dsNKEeVm27 #BRAGER
@vambenepe LOL, I stand corrected. @RubenVerborgh & I are working on an extension that inserts http://t.co/ic8JUyxqbb in such cases ;-)
@debugglesoft @mhausenblas @vambenepe: @RubenVerborgh & me even got a scientific publication out of it: http://t.co/lcOXcWHfDM
mediagalleries #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineirazo. Media gallery: pic.twitter.com/kBLyVsFNXQ