Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 5th, 2018

Registering as a Share Target with the Web Share Target API, by @petele:

via Echofon

If your site includes video livestreams, you can now use structured markup and the Indexing…

via Echofon

@magbicaleman You asked for a source: “Apple’s ARKit, Google’s Visual Core chip, native graphics APIs”—

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

The biggest news in the Safari Technology Preview 71 announcement post in my opinion is that `IntersectionObserver`…

via Echofon

@magbicaleman Agreed, the border gets pushed further and further. High-end gaming probably, but even this area is getting within reach.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to magbicaleman from Hamburg, Germany

RT @TobiasDelorme: Using Push Notifications in Progressive Web Apps: Context/Timing is the Key - - #PWA #webapp #we…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @jaffathecake: 🔝 Introducing Background Fetch.

➡️ Perform long-running fetches in the background.
➡️ Hear about the result in your serv…

via Echofon

RT @googlewmc: … and if you’re wondering about …. 💤 …. lazy-loaded images, we added some information about how to handle lazy-loading…

via Echofon

Looks like @RudyGiuliani is making a strong case for the .either top-level domain. I’m impatiently hovering over th…

via Echofon

@magbicaleman Yepp, especially as a crafter it initially hurts to accept this, but once you’re over it, it has its advantages as well.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to magbicaleman from Hamburg, Germany