Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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February 21st, 2020

RT @simevidas: @tomayac @WebPlatformNews One day, we may have vertical-align: cap-middle 🤞

via Twitter for iPhone

@NOtherDev Yeah, it was completely clear from the context, just a nit review comment :-)

via Twitter Web App in reply to NOtherDev

@NOtherDev You write “the previous Service Worker that potentially contained different versions of the assets”, but the assets are not in the service worker but in the Cache.

Instead: “the previous Service Worker that potentially contained different meta

via Twitter Web App in reply to NOtherDev

“Handling Service Worker updates—How to keep the app updated and stay sane,” great article by @NOtherDev: 💏

Interesting to compare to @DeanoHume’s and @workboxjs’s

via Twitter Web App

@NOtherDev @webmaxru @mayeedwin1 @poshaughnessy @AaronGustafson @Paul_Kinlan “Hard-refresh (Control+Shift+R-kind) is sufficient”: Probably add a note that this bypasses the service worker.

“potentially contained different versions of the assets”: Assumpt

via Twitter Web App

@canofsleep @ChromiumDev You’ll be able to store serialized file handles soon. Follow for updates. Origin Trials typically cover about three versions of Chrome, anything longer would be against the idea ( T

via Twitter Web App

@pes10k @johnwilander The illustration is just bonkers.

via Echofon in reply to pes10k

@pes10k @johnwilander “Conforming UAs may choose not to scroll automatically on navigation. Such UAs may, instead, provide UI to initiate the scroll (“click to scroll”) or none at all.”—

(Not trolling you by using a regular e

via Echofon

@jaffathecake @dfabu That’s a very fair point. I guess in a production app one would add some sort of loading indicator to the disabled button.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jaffathecake

sebdedeyne `font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums` is one of my favorite CSS properties. It sets numbers as monospace, so they’re prettily aligned in tables.

Another use case I came across is this little character counter. Notice how much smoother it becomes with tabular nums.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:53 AM, Feb 21st, 2020 via Echofon)

If you’re licensing your images you can now make this information available via Google Image Search by specifying `aquireLicensePage` structured metadata. ⤵️ Coming soon to

via Echofon

@jaffathecake @dfabu Ah, thanks; seeing it only now (my main Twitter client Echofon isn’t great at thread handling). For anyone following along:

via Twitter for iPhone

@jaffathecake @dfabu (I don’t have a client render, though.)

via Echofon in reply to tomayac

@jaffathecake @dfabu How about disabling the button until the JS has loaded? I do that in

via Echofon in reply to jaffathecake

@WebPlatformNews I had a bug report for this exact behavior:

via Echofon

@TheGreenGreek Thanks 😊. The switching happens by changing the `media` attribute of the `<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”foo.css” media=”(prefers-color-scheme: dark)”>`, see It also emits an event (search the code for “COLOR_SCH

via Twitter for iPhone