Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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May 7th, 2020

Super detailed post by @simonhearne on racing the browser cache against the network:

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: Flexbox gap!

Need some background, want to know timing of when it hits Chrome stable, or to just ramp up in general!? CS…

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@Anoesj Yes, this should be it for now. There’re probably going to be more changes in the future:

via Twitter for iPhone

@Anoesj You can transparently switch from v1 to v2 simply by removing the v1 token, but again be aware of the code changes (hence the pointer to browser-nativefs).
Your app sounds really interesting, hope to learn more :-)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Anoesj

@Anoesj There’s a new origin trial going on for v2 of the API with some minor changes: If you use the browser-nativefs library (, these changes are taken care of. Good luck with your project. Is it public

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @ChromiumDev: A couple of the Project Fugu 🐡 folk (virtually) presented a demo paper at The Web Conference (@TheWebConf) in April:

🔄 Pa…

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@AutomatedTester @cwiiis In the case of the Play Store, it’s in my opinion not about _prioritizing_ PWAs over native apps, but about positioning them _equally_. It’s a journey with the occasional bump, but it has started:

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RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: Everything I Learned About min(), max(), clamp() In CSS

I tried to learn CSS comparison functions and went f…

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