Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 27th, 2020

@AnaestheticsApp Interesting. It doesn’t reproduce on iOS Safari. Could you file and post the bug URL here? Thanks!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AnaestheticsApp

@yoavweiss @DanShappir @sil @briankardell It would obviously get rejected, but it could still be distributed in code form for people to build themselves (or even the built IPA so folks can side-load it). I’m just curious if someone ever attempted it.

via Echofon

@AnaestheticsApp It seems I need an account to navigate to this particular page in the app, so I couldn’t test. Did you set a dark background on the `html` element, too, apart from the `body`?

via Echofon in reply to AnaestheticsApp

RT @pikapkg: Snowpack 2.0 - A build system for the modern web.

â—† Starts up in <50ms.
â—† O(1) file builds.
â—† Simplified tooling.
◆ Built-in…

via Echofon

@johnwilander I like the cool one for its more neon-ish look.

via Echofon in reply to johnwilander

Watching your Web Vitals ( is now as easy as opening the Search Console ⤵️. If you care for your users, have an eye on your numbers and fix them. #SEO for reach. 😉

via Echofon

@yoavweiss @DanShappir @sil @briankardell Did someone ever try to build real Chromium for iOS? Did someone ever succeed even?

via Echofon

@fantasai @frivoal @csswg Gotcha, thanks! In theory at least on a page it could be dark for `dark`, light for `light`, and, for example, red for `no-preference`. I have seen no one use that. Probably for the reason you wrote.

via Twitter for iPad in reply to fantasai

@fantasai @frivoal @csswg Do you have an example of a site that meaningfully deals with all three values?

via Twitter for iPad in reply to fantasai

@premnath321 I can’t provide individual SEO consulting here, sorry. Be sure to subscribe to

via Twitter for iPhone

The `prefers-color-scheme` media query used to support three values:

`dark` 🌒,
`light` ☀️,
`no-preference` 🤷‍♀️

Since almost everyone, me included, treats `no-preference` as `light`, the @csswg has just decided to remove `no-preference`

via Twitter Web App

The use case for keeping the screen on is _absolutely_ valid (see, which is why on the Project Fugu 🐡 team we have developed a native Web platform way to achieve this.

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

🔢 In Chrome, we plan on no longer taking wake locks for invisible videos (see

This was used as a “hack” to keep the screen on, which you can do natively now with the Screen Wake Lock API:

(@_richtr F

via Twitter Web App

@rauschma Excellent blog post on Records and Tuples! Thank you. I noticed a tiny typo: s/an compound/a compound/. (Would have DM’ed it, but your DMs aren’t open.)

via Echofon

The most concise overview of the Records and Tuples JavaScript proposal that I’ve read so far. 💏 Thanks, @rauschma!

via Echofon