Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 14th, 2020

RT @xnimorz: Just added save, open, and export for
You can try it by clicking the menu button on a board or by pres…

via Twitter for iPhone

@hdv I don’t know, hence my question. 😃

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hdv

@passle_ @webwewantfyi @seaotta I’m not personally involved; my background is from reading the page and from one or two conference talks.

via Twitter for iPhone

@hdv Nice! XSLT on the server or the client? I feel like whenever I wanted to use XSLT (in 2007/2008) the juicy functions were spec’ed, but not implemented in the browsers I needed to support.

via Echofon in reply to hdv

@pes10k @thezedwards @robinberjon There’s an update with an FAQ in the post now: “This has nothing to do with analytics. It seems this is part of Apple’s anti-malware (and perhaps anti-piracy) efforts, and happens on all macs running the affected ve

via Echofon

The @webwewantfyi initiative has moved its discussions over to GitHub: For a status update, see @seaotta’s post in the quoted tweet ⤵️.

via Echofon

RT @dhh: “This means that Apple knows when you’re at home. When you’re at work. What apps you open there, and how often. They know when you…

via Echofon