Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 26th, 2020

@stefanjudis Maybe try porting it to `shx`: I learned about it through @RReverser and I use it in all my projects now.

via Echofon in reply to stefanjudis

RT @rowan_m: I had to figure out how this worked, so
💉 💈
You can switch direction, pause, change speed, toggle smoo…

via Echofon

Pro gaming just got a little better on the Web: disable mouse acceleration to provide a better FPS gaming experience, by François Beaufort: 🖱

via Twitter Web App

RT @nic_o_martin: Only a couple of days until #PWAdvent.
Make sure to subscribe via email, #PushNotifications or just add it to your #homes…

via Twitter Web App

@benschwarz I built so many websites back then, but as a kid didn’t have the money (nor the knowledge) to put them online. None of them survived. It was my localhost Geocity.

via Twitter Web App in reply to benschwarz

🤩 FrontPage: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, b@InvisibleUpbleUp⁩. Super nostalgic walk down memory lane on the traces of a Windows app that helped people create webpages. I “learned” the basics of HTML by editing in it and then looking at

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