Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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December 17th, 2020

@monteslu @slightlylate It was on my list for a long time to give this site a mention. The present article was the perfect occasion! Thanks for maintaining the site!

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @slightlylate: PWAs getting capable enough to help teams avoid becoming incidental browser vendors?


via @t…

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@henrylearn2rock @GoogleStadia It seems like they always force-push you to the app based on user-agent sniffing. Sorry… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to henrylearn2rock

@fernap3 @excalidraw Have you tried it? Did you notice the careful UI considerations for the notch phones? The advanced features are progressive enhancements and we _do_ want browser vendors—including Apple—to support more features, but we don’t wan

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to fernap3

@tomhermans This is a known issue that was fixed in later versions. The underlying bug was Thanks for reporting nevertheless.

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It’s a pleasure to see Project Fugu 🐡 help unlock deprecations like this. The best is yet to come… So many exciting features in our pipeline, looking forward to bringing them to @Excalidraw. Meanwhile, happy ✍️ Excalidrawing everyone! https://t.c

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RT @excalidraw: Why we’re deprecating Excalidraw for Desktop.

A great post by @tomayac 💕

via Twitter Web App

@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia This can bite actually. Android Chrome suggested to install the PWA, but the PWA is useless on Android due to its UA sniffing. It should `prefer_related_applications`. Bug filed :-)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to nhoizey

@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia PS4 should work. For gaming, it needs to be network-connected of course, but I agree, a simple offline fallback page wouldn’t have hurt. It’s one of the bugs I have filed internally.

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@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia You get best latency with the official Stadia controller, since it connects directly to the cloud and doesn’t go through the device like regular gamepads.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tomayac

@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia At the moment it’s a semi iOS-optimized web app without service worker, but with a web app manifest. Gaming works well, though (limited with touch controls, but well with a controller, which doesn’t have to be the

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to nhoizey

@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia The workaround would be to create gaming personal account.

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@nhoizey @firt @GoogleStadia Stadia should have launched in France, but is not supported on “G Suite, Google for Education, and certain other[?] managed Google accounts”.

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@firt @GoogleStadia Filed a couple of bugs. The splash screen, by the way, is defined, but to a set of solid color images (e.g.,

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@henrylearn2rock @GoogleStadia Looks like user-agent sniffing. Are you logged in to your Google account? Do you have a paired controller?

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RT @ianbicking: I wrote a new blog post with my thoughts about Mozilla, Firefox, focus and product and revenue: “Firefox Was Always Enough”…

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@firt @GoogleStadia I’ll have a look tomorrow on my devices and see how it plays out in a supported country. Thanks for the report already!

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@firt @GoogleStadia It only shows that when you’re logged out. Once you log in, you end up on the regular Stadia home screen with your games ready to be played.

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Stadia comes to iPhone and iPad with new iOS beta. ⁦@GoogleStadia⁩ is now a PWA: Test it on the free tier! 🎮

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RT @Vincent_Scheib: Intent to Ship WebNFC! Learn about the API:

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RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: Handling Short And Long Content In CSS

I wrote about handing varying content lengths in CSS. I started with…

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