Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 11th, 2018

RT @Souders: On the @SpeedCurve blog: JavaScript growth and third parties. The size of 3rd party JS since 2011 has octupled!…

via Echofon

RT @aleyda: PWAs SEO: Developing Optimized PWAs and How to Validate them - My latest post 🔲 💥🙌 

via Echofon

RT @DebugBear: Wrote a blog post about the performance impact of Chrome extensions

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RT @devongovett: Really excited about the work we are doing on code splitting in Parcel 2! ✂️

Here is an example of a bundle with async de…

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Badging for app icons by ⁦@petele⁩: We’re specifically looking for API and use cases feedback.

via Twitter for iPhone

@boleroo @ChromiumDev Thanks for the feedback. I’m not a native speaker of English, but doing my best and hoping to…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@AngularChicago @ChromiumDev
> Great example app thanks!
Thanks for the nice feedback!

Re: 1) What we can say publ…

via Twitter Web Client

@samthor Yes, you fixed it. They’re not flags anymore on iOS. 💍

via Echofon

Measuring Wikipedia page load times: “When working on a service used by millions, we focus on the 99th percentile a…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @cramforce: Intent to ship for stale-white-revalidate in Chrome! This has been specified in HTTP for ages, but no browser implemented it…

via Echofon

RT @DasSurma: 10 bucks says this string constant was defined by either a JavaDeveloper or a German.


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RT @ChromeDevTools: A handy tip from “The Art of Debugging with Chrome DevTools” by @PrashantPalikhe:

Log objects instead of variables. De…

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