Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

June 18th, 2019

RT @sw12: I made a custom element to select multiple items from an <input> using a <datalist>.

Super easy to add to a web page, and it fal…

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RT @rem: I’ve been playing with webmentions for a short while, and found the outgoing webmention notifications needing some help.


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@nhoizey @zachleat @unlocomqx I was about to say this risks to become a caching anti pattern, but basing the glyphh…

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@ericlaw YouTube. The ‘T’ is uppercase. Rating it one star for this faux pas alone.

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How to Section Your HTML: Extensive list of best practices around semantically structuring one’s HTML. 💍

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