Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 6th, 2020

@gregwhitworth I only really kinda sorta know you from Twitter, but reading this update just made me cry. This is so unfair! No one should have to go through this. Wishing you and her a lot of strength!

via Echofon in reply to gregwhitworth

@marvinhagemeist @phihag Sausage. Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. End-to-End. You’re welcome. 🌭

via Echofon

“[W]e continue to work on the “patch gap”, where security bug fixes are posted in our open-source code repository but then take some time before they are released as a Chrome stable update. We now make regular refresh releases every two weeks.”—

via Echofon

In May 2018 I’ve reported a bug on `getUserMedia()` not working in iOS home screen apps ( I’m happy to confirm that this works fine (again) as of iOS 13.4 beta 1 (Build 17E5223h) after having regressed in iOS 13.2 beta 2. This

via Twitter for iPhone

@aaronpeters This article was just referenced from @css again (
The current hardcoded eager-loading values can be seen in the code: (via @addyosmani’s

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @petele: Just published the New in Chrome (80) updates post at Lots of super cool new Fugu stuff in origin tria…

via Echofon

RT @christianliebel: It’s finally happening! We are thrilled to announce the first-ever @PWAConf on April 19 in London, curated by @thisisl…

via Echofon

RT @destroytoday: Today I learned you can move a screenshot area by holding the spacebar. 🤯

via Echofon

Another Project Fugu 🐡 API has received its 3rd LGTM of shipping approval—the Badging API:

It’s been in @Paul_Kinlan’s 🔢 for a while, but if you wanna use it for good not evil, here’s @petele

via Twitter for iPhone