Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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November 3rd, 2020

@nill It seems like this affects only the iframe embed. I have opened that prunes the `allow` values to just the needed ones, since the browser was complaining about an unknown value of `”vr”`. Let’s see if this fixes the issue onc

via Twitter Web App

RT @MozDevNet: As of November 2, 2020, The Yari beta is open. 🎉🤝

Find out how you can get involved, what kind of feedback we’re looking fo…

via Echofon

@AndyDavies @tomtaylor @TheRealNooshu Oh, wow. That’s a surprisingly small share. Thanks for, well, sharing!

via Echofon in reply to AndyDavies

@argyleink Firefox should be easy, it’s Safari that requires special treatment. I still roll each update submission manually. Not ideal, but workable for now. Would love to learn about best practices in that area.

via Echofon

@argyleink I’m trying to deal with the different builds of my Chrome/Firefox/Safari extensions in separate branches, too (like your Firefox branch: I’m not sure if that’s the best way. uBlock Origin has a different system (

via Echofon

The `local()` function for CSS font face declarations ( will soon be disabled ⤵️.
For actual local fonts access, consider giving the Local Font Access API a try:

via Echofon