Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 8th, 2020

RT @ChromiumDev: 🧹 All eyes on #ChromeDevSummit 🧹

We’ve revamped, your central source for all things Chrome. We’re…

via Echofon

RT @steeevg: Not in the Christmas spirit yet? Well, my new @CodePen might help! Use the Christmas Cannon to fill a room with festive fun!…

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🌙 The @GitHub dark theme is gorgeous: You’re welcome!

via Twitter for iPhone

Building UI components in @ChromeDevTools with Custom Elements: Well-written guidance for any custom element developer!

via Twitter Web App

@Rumyra @html5test Really looking forward to seeing this land! 🤩

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Rumyra

@html5test It’s a pretty popular feature request, see the 💍 on Good that it’s finally being worked on.

via Twitter for iPhone

@html5test Please track (star) for this feature request.

via Twitter for iPhone

@marcenglund @AppleSupport Oh, a native app? Really surprised it made it through Apple’s app review process. This is a complete no-go according to the Apple Design Guidelines. The bar is IMHO needed for multitasking and going back to the home screen, so

via Echofon in reply to marcenglund

@marcenglund @AppleSupport It’s the site that is wrong, not the phone maker. This started as, but is now standardized as, also see

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