I’ll host a breakout session on “Increasing Project Fugu 🐡 API adoption” later today (17:30 CEST, 8:30am PT) at #BlinkOn16. Register quickly and hop on: app.hopin.com/events/blinkon-16/sessions/4da33476-a1e2-4a17-85e8-5d39f7fc16d5.
You can find the slides from the #BlinkOn16 breakout session on “Increasing Project Fugu 🐡 API adoption” at goo.gle/blinkon16-fugu. The recording of the session is already up, too: youtube.com/watch?v=eqvO3xGBLtU.
I wanted to proactively apologize to Mozilla (M) as parts of the talk could be interpreted as Chromium (C) criticizing M’s vision. My intention was rather: what can C do better to make sure folks understand Fugu isn’t just Google and strengthen our arguments for Fugu’s vision. 🙏