Finally worked on the software side of the word clock. It’s a present for my wife, so it’s in Catalan: ÉS UN QUART MENYS CINC DE VUIT (It’s a quarter minus five of eight, i.e., 19:40.) github.com/tomayac/think_wordclock-catalan/blob/main/wordclock_catalan/wordclock_catalan.ino
Sorry, 19:10 of course. Quarters-based time management is 🤯: 7:00 → 7 7:05 → 7 + 5 7:10 → 1 ¼ - 5 of 8 7:15 → 1 ¼ of 8 7:20 → 1 ¼ + 5 of 8 7:25 → 2 ¼ - 5 of 8 7:30 → 2 ¼ of 8 7:35 → 2 ¼ + 5 of 8 7:40 → 3 ¼ - 5 of 8 7:45 → 3 ¼ of 8 7:50 → 3 ¼ + 5 of 8 7:55 → 8 - 5