@afterglowlee Yepp :-) Aware of your (great!) use case. Thanks! Know of others? Usage in the wild?
Quick heads-up of what #MediaFragments (the browser-implemented part) is: lets you link _into_ #HTML5 video like so: dancing.webm#t=10,20
#MediaFragments URI 1.0 (basic) is a #W3C Recommendation dlvr.it/2DStGR // Know of real-world use cases? Tweet’em. Thanks (via @w3c)
RT @dajobe: A Conversation With Randall Munroe, the Creator of XKCD (via @hackernodeapp) http://t.co/b1f8xIZT
@dret Sure, whereas the point here seems to be more that “the browser’s CSS processor is written in [native] C++” vs interpreted JavaScript.
Speed/memory usage comparison of #CSS3 (spoiler alert: winner) vs #jQuery animations http://t.co/akHVfkMM (via Opera’s @brucel)
A presentation on the manyfold applications of #mathematics at #Google: bit.ly/Rpp1wH (via @abursuc)
Just co-presented the #ISEARCH project at the #SearchComputing workshop in Brussels. The live demo is here: bit.ly/UU91Id
Don’t care about the diff btw real apostrophes & “’â€? Stop reading now: http://t.co/SloCJKkn // If you do: http://t.co/5OZpOWOu via @timbray
@cyberandy Well, it’s all documented here: bit.ly/OqshMJ
@lysander07 Thanks for the clarification on your GKG usage. (Watched the slides from my cell phone, overlooked the small-print paper refs.)
@lysander07 You might have also heard of our #OpenKnowledgeGraph effort: openknowledgegraph.org, now inactive: bit.ly/OqshMJ
@lysander07 Do you already have a citable/shareable publication w/ the GKG ground truth? Was thinking of a similar approach. Interesting!
Google #KnowledgeGraph used as ground truth for Game w/ a Purpose-based #LinkedData facts ranking by @lysander07: bit.ly/Usyohx
JavaScript DOM news: append() prepend() before() after() replace() coming. remove() works in #WebKit https://t.co/MxQTCADA (via @paul_irish)
@danbri Congratulations. Happy it all worked out :-)
RT @nicolastorzec: New Blog post: The Short Life of the Open Knowledge Graph, and how it relates to Google Knowledge Graph http://t.co/ …
Final version of the #OpenKnowledgeGraph paper is in the already published #KECSM2012 proceedings bit.ly/UKtFcY #ISWC2012
The preprint of our #ISWC2012 demo paper “Adding Realtime Coverage to
the Google #KnowledgeGraph” is now avail. bit.ly/UKtaj0
juansequeda Workshop on Search and Exploration of X-Rated Information (SEXI 2013). This is for real! sexi2013.org #fb
#Facebook’s #W3C AC Rep @tobie puts that Zuckerberg #HTML5 quote in much-needed context bit.ly/OfL9ZX (via @BrendanEich)
@mahemoff Kinda sad, but I’ve developed a habit to check all G+ links that I post in a private tab pre-posting… Visibility rules complexity.
@mahemoff Hmmm, the G+ link 404s badly…
Paper by @jrweave et al. about #Facebook’s #LinkedData accepted for publication in the #SemanticWeb Journal (congrats): http://t.co/3xgnHawM
manusporny What’s the current status of HTML5+RDFa 1.1? Answer: ow.ly/dDpUS #html5 #rdfa
@hfmuehleisen Did you get #SimpleTeX4ht to run? The main issue seems to be that you have to inline the references as .bbl. Found a solution?
@mostafagalal Hope you like it.
Pedantically yours,
What’s Wrong w/ #Twitter? by @timbray: http://t.co/uPNFiTtG. Good thoughts & great 1st comment by @nelson. (via @dret)
@mamund @restfest Do you guys consider live-streaming it? Hang-out on Air or related technology? Might join virtually, time permitting.
Google Boldly go where no man has gone before w/ today’s interactive Star Trek doodle. More info: goo.gl/ETLJL pic.twitter.com/SS2jTk7N
Following an invitation from @sethvanhooland, I’ll give a talk at the Université Libre de Bruxelles on 9/25:bit.ly/NYpc1lb@MaSTICulbb
Pinged on Twitter OAuth requ., @al3x: “I care bout it in the way u might care bout a cousin who’s an alcoholic & just keeps doing dumb shit”
mattcutts Read about “Ground Truth” (a codename for part of Google Maps) and how much work we’ve put into maps: goo.gl/9hZro
Looking ahead after the #OpenKnowledgeGraph shutdown: here’s the #KnowledgeGraph Socializer Chrome extension: bit.ly/OYHqRa #ISWC2012
RT @SemanticWeb: So Long, and Thanks for All The Triples — #OKG Shuts Down http://t.co/d9cuRuZf #openknowledgegraph #google #knowledgegraph
@hfmuehleisen I used #SimpleTeX4ht for #MacOSX, which required some minor manual fixes (UTF-8, \thanks{}, inline .bbl): http://t.co/PwuN6BIQ
Shutting down the #OpenKnowledgeGraph: bit.ly/OqshMJ
In the #Chrome Developer Tools, $_ now refers to the last #JavaScript console result. This might come in handy. (via @ChromiumDev)
nicolastorzec So far, SEKI@Home has scraped and stored 2.5M Google Knowledge Graph facts into its publicly accessible triple store: openknowledgegraph.org/sparql
Wicked Good #XPath, a Google-authored pure #JavaScript implementation of the DOM Level 3 XPath spec: http://t.co/dsNny4a4
@tommyh @rtroncy Was saying that for the hotel standard, the #ISWC2012 negotiated rate’s fair comp’ed to 3rd party deals. Unlike #ISWC2011.
.@tenCate Yepp :-( Here’s our #Hamburg World War II #bombs story: bit.ly/Q3mKZj [German]
Police patrolling streets round our central #Hamburg home asking people to stay inside b/o 2 discovered unexploded World War II #bombs. #WTF
RT @anjeve: As of today I joined @wikidata & I’m totally excited to see and help it happen. // +1. Congratulations! Full-time? From Berlin?
@aygul Congratulations! Time to move on ;-)
The #OpenKnowledgeGraph team will have an official statement ready soon regarding that @SemanticWeb piece: bit.ly/Ok5xu7.
RT @SemanticWeb: #OpenKnowledgeGraph — Growing Quickly and Where To From Here? http://t.co/MwtFzg32
@agebhard Ironically enough, @BASE delivers #3G consistently throughout the whole flat, where @deutschetelekom & @vodafone_de give <= #EDGE.
Switched carriers from @deutschetelekom to @vodafone_de & went from [E] #EDGE to [â—#GPRSPRS in our centr#Hamburgurg fla#FirstWorldProblemsems
@timbray Respectfully disagree & I do care, e.g., in paper reviews: it should be “website” as in Wikipedia, but “the Web” & “the Internet”.