@rtroncy Thanks for CC’ing me. Will check out potential consequences when back from vacation. Cheers!
@konterkariert Might be broken b/o the #newnewtwitter… Will check when back from vacation & given some idle hours. Cheers.
@JohnRentoul On vacation, but will fix the extension once I’m back & have a couple of free hours… Cheers!
@bsletten @ivan_herman @roessler I guess it does. Contact the vendor, tho. Also some features are still missing, but they promised an update
@bsletten @ivan_herman @roessler Consider #Texpad from the App Store. Got some feature reqs open w/ them, but the single window UI is a +.
@zozoped I have update plans for Whom to follow, no worry. Still trying to find the time for realizing them. Watch this space…
@kojote Danke, Nils!
#Grooveshark may be doomed, it’s still the most complete streaming service _model_. Legalize it! rww.to/vqzAUE (via @BarryNorton)
RT @RubenVerborgh: Gave the #RESTdesc website some love, explaining the basics in a comprehensible way â€restdesc.org/about/concept0y // Well done!
RT @RubenVerborgh: Extremely good & creative adaptive use of browser space at Google Zeitgeigooglezeitgeist.com28dZ // +1 for interactivity
Finally got #NewNewTwitter. Wondering how much human guidance those stories (bit.ly/vo2cKG) need. Also “Whom̶ to followâ€s all over.
RT @LAPIS_2012: The #LAPIS2012 #ESWC2012 workshop wants your paper on APIs/services! — More at http://t.co/xnGjnPk0 // #REST #LinkedServices
+1 to the optional permissions API design in #Chrome extensions: start basic, ask for more if needed goo.gl/n57f2 (via @ChromiumDev)
How to make a Web standards proposal (according to the #Chromium team): ow.ly/7Zd04 (via @manusporny)
RT @RubenVerborgh: #JavaScript EYE client released. Now do some Semantic Web reasoning right in your browser ;) http://t.co/lSgwTSv5 #EY …
Some photos from my visit at #CERN in Geneva, Switzerland: bit.ly/sSxYxK #LHC #Physics #Geek
cramforce OH “Chrome Death Channel”
RubenVerborgh Presented #RESTdesc for multimedia APIs to a widely diverse audience at #AFMS2011. Read more at restdesc.org/about/concept.
Submitted to the European track bit.ly/sD5BZc at #WWW2012 w/ our EU FP7 project #ISEARCH. Screencast: bit.ly/u6YOfy
.@citizen_sane @JohnRentoul @EddyCanforDumas I’ll work on a Twitter Whom to follow User Script for Safari, Firefox, Chrome. #newnewtwitter
.@citizen_sane @JohnRentoul I hear you :-) Give me a couple of days, the weekend is occupied. Will fix Twitter Whom to follow #newnewtwitter
Ducks & covers afraid of the <del>shit</del> storm that the RT@mikekelly85ly85’s tweet from minutes ago might cause#RESTREST purists.
RT @mikekelly85: Please stop creating custom media types for your Web APIs. You don’t extend HTML to build a Web app, why do it with an API?
manusporny RDFa Lite 1.1 Draft Published; RDFa 1.1 Primer Updated: ow.ly/7ToBN #w3c #rdfa #html5
~RT @mathias: #MacOSX & #iOS open http://t.co/o9SxQTQQ upon WiFi connect to test for captive portals. // http://t.co/UFdIKkCe to the rescue.
@SlexAxton Can we “View Source” please? Sorry for the confusion.
Created an #ifttt recipe that emails you whenever s.th. gets posted to the #W3C public-html mailing list: ifttt.com/recipes/10652 #HTML5
RT @RubenVerborgh: Our #ESWC2012 workshop for Linked APIs for the #SemanticWeb (#LAPIS2012) has been accepted. Yay! Expect a CfP soon. // +1
@SlexAxton Do you have a pointer to the structured metadata that you published in those formats?
@beverloo Get an “illegal invocation†error on Canary, crash on WebKit Nightly. It’s early days I guess… Using mbit.ly/w05uXAoTP1Kui4
@beverloo Ah, now it’s there. Can’t get it to do anything, though. Seems to be a stub at the moment. Thanks for the pointers!
@beverloo Trying this demo bit.ly/w05uXA, which works w/ Opera Labs. What am I doing wrong w/ WebKit & Chrome Canary? Ideas? Thanks!
@beverloo Same for Chrome Canary: >$ open /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app —args —enable-media-stream —enable-media-source
@beverloo Thanks. Can’t seem to get this to work, tho: >$ open /Applications/WebKit.app —args —enable-media-stream —enable-media-source
Some pics from the new #Google #Hamburg office space: bit.ly/unnRfq. Speak no German? Nächstes Bild = next image. (via@cramforcee)
@RubenVerborgh Looking forward to the slide deck. Good luck! // #RESTdesc
@grindcrank Bingo: bit.ly/ryRS25
@grindcrank Ich auch. Fieberhaft. Super produktiv so was… Aber wichtig.
@grindcrank Schlimmer noch. USB, der einzige Stecker, der zweimal nicht passt, und dann beim dritten mal plötzlich doch. (Via unknown Tweet)
__DavidFlanagan Its becoming clearer and clearer that Dart competes with Java, not with JavaScript.
Subscribed to the #WHATWG mailing list: http://t.co/6mgySdmx. Mainly interested in navigator.getUserMedia() & #WebIntents // #HTML5
Is there an ETA when navigator.getUserMedia() support will land in #Chromium / #Chrome? @beverloo maybe? It’s not in 17.0.963.0 canary yet.
Created a gist for testing navigator.getUserMedia() support: bit.ly/suYzPV Currently only works in the Opera Labs browser.
Created a video of the latest GUI of the I-SEARCH multimodal search engine: youtu.be/-chzjEDcMXU // #ISEARCH CC: @kojomisch @arnaudbrousseau
~OH “Tried Google+ Hangout for team meeting today. Worked well once we’d gotten past the moustache stage†// (@ldoddsod#GooglePlusPlus :-{)
RT @conikeec: A cool online book “Natural Language Processing for the Working Programmer” nlpwp.org/book/ // (via @gklyne) #NLProc
I found this tutorial for installing #Wine on #MacOSX really useful: http://t.co/R1teHFBE. Need to run just that one #Windows program…
RT @josderoo: Excellent online course #SemanticWeb #Reasoning With EYE n3.restdesc.org Authored by @RubenVerborgh // Wow. Excellent!
@cramforce Ouch…
@rtroncy That’s why I don’t want to be in the server business.
The I-SEARCH GUI running on 5 different mobile devices: bit.ly/tsOH2q // CC: @kojomisch @arnaudbrousseau #iSEARCH
RT @phae: i visited http://t.co/JFWDsEmO and all i got was this ranty blog post: http://t.co/L6o2sauo
RT @w3c: W3C Invites Implementations of Media Fragments URI 1.0 ow.ly/1fVYnE // Yay! #MediaFragments
~RT @RubenVerborgh: […] I hope to see #hypermediaia example of ql.io soo@sallamarar#RESTS#qlioio // +1. Thanks!
@RubenVerborgh In an interview over at InfoQ, @sallamar says that #hypermedia support is possible today: bit.ly/uwSNIY #qlio #REST
.@ImYoric On the #Android emulator, you already have powerful #JavaScript debugging via “adb logcatbit.ly/rQUVkNYEyt
Just learnt that the stock #Android browser has powerful #JavaScript on-device (not just emulator) debugging support: bit.ly/vKFFKk
vambenepe I’m approaching the age where changing job means leaving behind your last full-hair badge photo. Makes you think twice.
RT @cramforce: JavaScript client API for G+ (and other APIs) released as alpha version: http://t.co/LZ1lRq2H