RT @phae: i visited http://t.co/JFWDsEmO and all i got was this ranty blog post: http://t.co/L6o2sauo
RT @w3c: W3C Invites Implementations of Media Fragments URI 1.0 ow.ly/1fVYnE // Yay! #MediaFragments
~RT @RubenVerborgh: […] I hope to see #hypermediaia example of ql.io soo@sallamarar#RESTS#qlioio // +1. Thanks!
@RubenVerborgh In an interview over at InfoQ, @sallamar says that #hypermedia support is possible today: bit.ly/uwSNIY #qlio #REST
.@ImYoric On the #Android emulator, you already have powerful #JavaScript debugging via “adb logcatbit.ly/rQUVkNYEyt
Just learnt that the stock #Android browser has powerful #JavaScript on-device (not just emulator) debugging support: bit.ly/vKFFKk
vambenepe I’m approaching the age where changing job means leaving behind your last full-hair badge photo. Makes you think twice.