RT @dcabo: The menace of memes: how pictures can paint a thousand lies http://t.co/3RkCZIoQNH Validate your memes, people http://t.co/xslrn…
@datao If you work with @polymer, then https://t.co/Lhd1qQkeJV is an excellent starting point.
RT @codetalks14: Mit Realtime Streaming Data Naturkatastrophen verhindern! Thomas Steiner @tomayac von @Google zeigte es:http://t.co/C3CVRh…
RT @stewsnooze: @mahemoff no chance. Try https://t.co/8aFPW69fQU . I use that on trains. Not perfect
Created a simple live demo for my <polymer-ldf-client> @LDFragments @Polymer Web Component: http://t.co/nJUAgsnEel Thanks @pietercolpaert :D
This one for the iOS / OSX networking geek in you: https://t.co/qW8AmOpN0M. WiFried kills Bonjour over AWDL, by @mariociabarra.
From Facebook’s Data Science team: what we (Americans that is) are thankful for https://t.co/eSzw23v9zU No surprises, yet nice.
Extract #SchemaOrg data from pages w/ Google Tag Manager—Slice & dice i@googleanalyticscbit.ly/1Fpc6odqC (vi@aarangede@sayfsharifif)
RT @LDFragments: Querying Linked Data in HTML5 has never been easier: via a simple tag, you can query in a streaming or polling way https:/…
@RubenVerborgh Five reviews, five times “2 (accept)”. That’s a first :-)
RT @RubenVerborgh: Paper on disaster monitoring via Wikipedia and social media by @tomayac and me accepted for an AAAI Spring Symposium htt…
@apassant Yepp, make the genres linkable: 24.mdg.io/#jazz Cool app, besides, Germany’s GEMA :-( pic.twitter.com/bFgE2Gbl9V
~RT @apassant: New @TwitterMusic experience http://t.co/57NXJ5UwSL 24 genres/tracks/hours. | +1! Bonus—save state w/ https://t.co/JCLvFDoaBp
First usable version of my @Polymer @LDFragments Web Component: https://t.co/pNpV8cs5Up. Supports streaming & polling. (CC: @RubenVerborgh)
.@ynagar1 @WikiResearch Average edit length (delta) on Wikipedia per lang.—https://t.co/cks8JBNWP0 (paste uglified part in browser console).
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/m4EpCQ3Pld. Media gallery: http://t.co/jfeOBFZIEQ
RT @wsREST: Henry S. Thompson asks: “Has REST outlived its usefulness?” http://t.co/smwJvbXnKv Would love to see a paper version of the tal…
googlewmc Check if pages on your site pass the #mobilefriendly test at g.co/mobilefriendly. pic.twitter.com/qb0j7qeqd4
@ynagar1 @WikiResearch Can easily calculate it w/ http://t.co/jxYRvCNxqg. See http://t.co/JzpCxVBMUi for how to use Server-Sent Events API.
TimHarford The XKCD Guide to the fourth, fifth etc. dimensions. Superbly done. dlvr.it/7byx3Z
RT @IAugenstein: Nice demo and #visualisation: train neural networks in your browser http://t.co/H2J6pNTDQN #ConvNetJS @karpathy #DeepLearn…
@RubenVerborgh Made some progress… https://t.co/pNpV8cs5Up. responseFormat=”streaming” fully works, “polling” still needs some love :-)
@gklyne @wsREST Maybe you get inspired once you see our CfP :-) We can’t do much about the travel budget, besides maybe VC you in…
@IgorBrigadir Guess why our paper is called “MJ no more…”arxiv.org/abs/1303.4702aD). Full text search for “shoulders” :-@milesosbornene
RT @mafintosh: My slides for my talk are available here, https://t.co/f2c9og967l - the torrent-docker stuff starts here, https://t.co/rzEYf…
@edsu Right. For the time being, one can <del>at best</del><ins>simply</ins> roll ones own instance of Wikipedia Live Monitor ;-)
@IgorBrigadir @edsu Fair enough, but no history (no std. deviation) for “just now” created breaking news articles… But works for many cases.
@IgorBrigadir @karpathy @edsu LOL, mostly this. Initially required >1 languages, but now ≥1. Also had ≥2 concurrent editors, now ≥3.
RT @IgorBrigadir: RT @karpathy “We set α = 0.1 because that’s the only number we had time to try and it seemed to work okay #honestpapers” …
@edsu For text-only: https://t.co/FiewfKYFTc. For media galleries: https://t.co/RssL1LfBmj. Hi callback hell ;-)
@edsu Fully agree. Human in the loop makes total sense, also common “stop hashtags”, like stop words now. Internationally for all languages.
@edsu (In no way saying current settings’re perfect.) Long-term, article analysis needed & better understanding of article creation process.
@edsu Getting these thresholds “right” is incredibly hard. Also very much a matter of taste and how “breaking” you require the news to be.
@edsu Yes. Also surprised, but breaking news conditions (see paper or settings in app) weren’t fulfilled. Mostly ≥3 concurrent editors one.
RT @apassant: Sharing @YouTube #music on @Twitter: Analytics using @fbase + #BigQuery
http://t.co/B9V3Ela8Zh /cc @felipehoffa @akowal @wjar…
@netlabsorg @RubenVerborgh Ironing out some issues later today w/ Ruben, but watch this space for updates ;-)
@edsu Probably a lot of noise, think of hashtags like #RIP. Worth playing around w/, though, interesting idea! Looking forward to code :-)
@remagio I can offer http://t.co/u19tbu96L3 and http://t.co/H0md0UvUaD. Somewhat related http://t.co/Ko1acRvJQc. Cheers.
@edsu Possible: let @WikiLiveMon detect breaking news, extract hashtags from rel. microposts (based on article titles), follow $TWTR stream.
@lbjay @edsu People who like @WikiLiveMon also tend to like @mediagalleries ;-) First described here arxiv.org/abs/1403.4289.
@remagio @edsu Sure, you can simply adapt https://t.co/nhj2oivo11 to make @WikiLiveMon cover only part of the Wikiverse.
@edsu @lbjay You could adapt the “email” function (link last tweet) & extract hashtags from found microposts; then archive to DB (or email).
@lbjay @edsu Not sure I fully follow, but @WikiLiveMon already lets you archive posts related to detected events: https://t.co/VWsixnH6dD
RT @IAugenstein: New journal paper by @LeonDerczynski et al. “Analysis of named entity recognition and linking for tweets” http://t.co/W1FC…
Spent the night working on a <polymer-ldf-client> element—Linked Data Fragments client as a Web Component. (CC@RubenVerborghgh)
@RubenVerborgh Commenter 1 (not reviewer 3 (-; ) captures the situation quite adequately: http://t.co/XS7G1uWjpd
RT @aemkei: Releasing “M4TR1X 雨” at @jsconfasia: http://t.co/LjBdRuFKzu — Animated JS source code using Asian chars only. #1K http://t.co/a…
@dret Thanks! Exciting times ahead :-)
Yahoo and Mozilla announce a five year search deal that makes Y! the default search engine in Firefox: https://t.co/DinZjEeTUz
Turns out we (@RubenVerborgh, @cpedrinaci, I) will organize the ’15 edition of @wsREST—the now 6th Int. Workshop on RESTful Design#WWW201515
@MarkusLanthaler Well plaid ;-) Not sure I will find the time to dive into the source code, though…
wsREST The #WSREST2015 workshop has been accepted for the #WWW2015 conference. Website and CfP following shortly. See you all there! #REST #APIs
@MarkusLanthaler @cygri Perfect :D That’s what I was hoping for. Great work both! Maybe worth adding as an option to json-ld.org/playground/.
@derSteve Tell me if you can compile it; I’m not entirely sure of the .gitignore (ignored common Eclipse & GWT files, hopefully correctly).
@derSteve Finished the migration to GitHub: https://t.co/AeGBK3XIT5. Last compiled w/ gwt-mac-1.4.10/gwt-user.jar (http://t.co/X3SzoBQXGG).
@derSteve GitHub wasn’t around yet in 2007 ;-) Happy to move; tonight, though, as I’m on the road now…
@derSteve The code generation snippets in com·google·code·apis·rest·client·CodeGeneration·* is the best I can offer then. Sorry.
If you’re using local-reverse-geocoder (https://t.co/akxojb5pwE), please update to v0.0.7 that uses a better distance formula.
@derSteve I see. I have only worked on a GUI version for PHP, Ruby, etc. For a Java CLI, there is http://t.co/Skd4P6dVZy.
@derSteve The app is unchanged—but working—since ’07, deployed here http://t.co/fN4McwKZIU. Alex https://t.co/S2J1wvoowQ was working on C#.
@cygri @MarkusLanthaler This is the most useful addition to JSON-LD ever ;-) Thanks! Any commitment regarding its update frequency?
cygri A JSON-LD context that declares all namespace prefixes known to prefix.cc: prefix.cc/context (implemented by @MarkusLanthaler)
@RubenVerborgh @KKjernsmo “I am _a_ Semantic Web developer”—No! You are _the_ Semantic Web developer of the year :-)
@WikiResearch Has anyone ever examined which of the examined disease articles had a Google HTTP refer(r)er, i.e., came from disease queries?
RT @stilkov: Comet 67P pictures: https://t.co/MzNJZt12tD
@ReaderMeter @Wiktionary Happy to jump on a VC to talk you through some of our webmaster recommendations (tomac AT google DOT com).
@magrawala You’re bundling way too much files. Check the manifest.json for the necessary files. Great work nevertheless.
@magrawala Version I have (d3-deconstructor.crx) contains an extension (decon-plugin.crx) in an extension (decon-plugin.crx) in an extension
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/jqoBNKlMO3. Media gallery: http://t.co/pSMDOplfjk
@magrawala Why is the bundled extension so huge?
German Scrabble http://t.co/83kXA2BHQs (by @lmanul) Typo: Lebensabschnitt_s_partner ;D Bonus: Lebensabschnittsgefährte (1 more, more common)
Interestingly @magrawala et al. make a Chrome extension available that allows for testing the D3.js “deconstruction” https://t.co/N2cZQYtHxA
Cool paper explaining how to go from a D3.js visualization back to the underlying data: http://t.co/P5Mjjk6UDB (via @magrawala > @bkeegan)
pietercolpaert “Only use open standards”, I was told in a “.doc” document. Attached a tar with txt file containing base64 encoding of “OK” and hit “send”.
@datao @ubilabs Let me work on it a bit more… My idea is to allow for a dynamic data provider strategy, so that you can select whichever.
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/4kG1ZCnRvv. Media gallery: http://t.co/jDVSfj7xJ2
@datao @ubilabs Don’t know. GeoNames say their dataset contains all cities w/ 1000+ inhabitants. Maybe allow for data provider to be chosen.
Olivier_Grenet Fantastic work by @__ted__ : advanced typesetting for the web: txtjs.com , a canvas text engine in TypeScript
For local-reverse-geocoder (https://t.co/NWRw36vJCG), I was inspired by @webscraping’s Python code: http://t.co/E7aR2rdVPN. Open source FTW!
local-reverse-geocoder https://t.co/NWRw36vJCG stands on the shoulders of @Ubilabs’ k-d tree & GeoNames dumps http://t.co/EwzQwE2NeY Thanks!
@pietercolpaert Merci :D I needed a local batch geocoder and there was none, so I made one ;-) All props to the GeoNames folks for the data!
I’ve made an Apache 2.0 licensed, dependency-free local reverse geocoder for Node.js based on GeoNames—https://t.co/NWRw36vJCG
@RubenVerborgh Yeah, aware of this “audialization”. Loving it!
RT @cpojer: For the first time in many years I have publicly posted a blog post: “Breaking the web with JavaScript”
.@jteevan on Related Work, the least favorite section of authors & the favorite section of reviewers: http://t.co/EelVMwvpHv
Thanking @Ubilabs for their k-d tree implementation: https://t.co/dYUhlOtQFK.
RT @joernhees: How to setup a local #linked_data #endpoint with 3.5 billion triples (#Freebase & #DBpedia 2014) with #Virtuoso 7 https://t.…
Walked around aimlessly on the streets of San Francisco just to bump into my former intern @arnaudbrousseau… Beers are going to be had.
RT @einsamorales: El meu petit paÃs és tant gran que ja no cap dins l’actual Estat espanyol. http://t.co/OqfRHDe337
Seems like #Catalonia is indeed having a referendum today, despite all adversities. #9N #9N2014 #OmplimLesUrnes pic.twitter.com/FmzrQ7q2tO
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/msEkrkcgn3. Media gallery: http://t.co/6nZKfTMAem
newsycombinator What’s Going on in Catalonia? interactius.ara.cat/9n/en
Infodisiac 1 minute Wikipedia pageviews (480,000 avg) / Twitter tweets (320,000 9am EST) = 1.5. In other words curiosity beats vanity 3:2
.@Infodisiac Twitter streaming API—realtime. Wikipedia edits APIwikipedia-edits.herokuapp.com/sse24)—realtime. Wikipedia views—hourly (+1). Realtime?
philarcher1 Nice to see @RubenVerborgh quoted at #semwebpro (if you want intelligent clients, stop building intelligent servers)
RT @velofemme: Hashtag standards for use in emergencies: @UNOCHA report: https://t.co/fqdaYNWoa2
Every Apple product ever made: https://t.co/HGDdZ5iorc
RT @digitalmisa: Semantic Hypervideos & Web Components http://t.co/7Ph9GIN5NO Demo http://t.co/UP6BpxnvNy #ISWC2014 http://t.co/KlVUU5dLyUâ…
@nelson Works most of the time, but occasionally doesn’t. Experienced this as well.
RT @kerfors: New blog post: My #ISWC2014 Trip report http://t.co/Q7TgUtQXBa also with links to reports from @tomayac @pgroth @RubenVerborgh
@netlabsorg One of the few things I missed from Windows Explorer now finally on Mac :-) Power to the right click!
Default Folder X http://t.co/xebA0jzho4 by @stclairsoft—truly one of the apps I can’t live without http://t.co/IShxnb404b. Fixes OSX Finder.
After all those years (http://t.co/BE364lgZf7) and triggered by a user report, managed to fix my blog’s Atom feed: http://t.co/240vkcXP5F.
Unethical uses for public Twitter data - Adrian Short - https://t.co/Bo2Lm9J297 (link from @bkeegan’s post http://t.co/NWihuiBTOb)