Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 2020

RT @bramusblog: Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS thanks to `aspect-ratio`


🏷 #AspectRatio #css #layout

🖼 https:…

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RT @CharlieCroom: If you use with a screenreader and/or j+k keyboard shortcuts. I’d love to hear about your experie…

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Life Before the Pandemic: 😷 #xkcd

via Twitter for iPhone

@insonorizate Pots instal.lar la extensiò: Parla català. 😃

via Twitter for iPhone

Accudio I was thinking of the things I’ve learnt this year, and I honestly think the most useful thing is that I can now remember the arguments I need for tar.
All thanks to an old http 203 where @DasSurma mentioned “extract ze files” (-xzf), and “compress ze files” (-czf)

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:43 PM, Nov 28th, 2020 via Echofon)

@kennethrohde @anssik Oh, boy. The simple alpha fixed it! Thanks so much for the help!

via Twitter for iPhone

@kennethrohde @anssik It’s below in Example 4.

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Do you have an idea what I’m doing wrong? Sorry for the nerd snipe on a weekend… It’s not urgent. Thanks in advance for any pointer or help.

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

@kennethrohde @anssik I’m playing with Accelerometer and Gyroscope and a complementary filter following this code, but fail to get useful data for alpha.

(Red: Gyro/Accl, Blue: DeviceOrientation)


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@aemkei @HolyJSconf @hhjs Looking forward to seeing what you’ll build with these APIs! Happy to help out in case of doubts/questions. Other recent preso:

(Side remark: I hope we can meet again some time in the not too distant f

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @tomayac: Just finished my @HolyJSconf talk on “The wonderful world of new Web APIs”, i.e., a rundown of recent Project Fugu 🐡 APIs and…

via Twitter for iPhone

Just finished my @HolyJSconf talk on “The wonderful world of new Web APIs”, i.e., a rundown of recent Project Fugu 🐡 APIs and where they come from. Here are the,большое спасибо!

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@rowan_m @heycam Confirming that it works in Safari indeed. Now unwash my brain, please.

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@stefanjudis Maybe try porting it to `shx`: I learned about it through @RReverser and I use it in all my projects now.

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RT @rowan_m: I had to figure out how this worked, so
💉 💈
You can switch direction, pause, change speed, toggle smoo…

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Pro gaming just got a little better on the Web: disable mouse acceleration to provide a better FPS gaming experience, by François Beaufort: 🖱

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RT @nic_o_martin: Only a couple of days until #PWAdvent.
Make sure to subscribe via email, #PushNotifications or just add it to your #homes…

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@benschwarz I built so many websites back then, but as a kid didn’t have the money (nor the knowledge) to put them online. None of them survived. It was my localhost Geocity.

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🤩 FrontPage: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, b@InvisibleUpbleUp⁩. Super nostalgic walk down memory lane on the traces of a Windows app that helped people create webpages. I “learned” the basics of HTML by editing in it and then looking at

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @argyleink: 🆕 Show 🆕
GUI Challenges 🤘💀

Episode #1 - Thinking on ways to solve Stories

✅ #CSS
✅ #JS

Get inspired and challenge…

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RT @littledan: @devongovett @threepointone @buildsghost @thomasankcorn I just presented on the topic of bundling and JavaScript, with the t…

via Echofon

RT @slightlylate: .@rick_viscomi’s essential post from ’17 on CrUX deserves to make the rounds again:

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RT @nomsternom: A new post in the @Wikimedia tech blog!

I’ve analyzed the MediaWiki popups for #webperf, to see what the web platform can…

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@bascule Since folks keep asking, this is a real product (prototype):

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RT @sarah_edo: I’m thoroughly convinced that learning how to use SVG to create UI components opens a ton of doors for interaction on the we…

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Wow, what an amazingly interactive way to learn about d3’s d3-force API. The format even works brilliantly on mobile. Ace work, @Wattenberger! 💏

via Echofon

@wanderview That’s brilliant! Congratulations! 🎈

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RT @WebPlatformNews: If you apply CSS white-space: pre-line to a heading element, you’ll be able to control where the heading breaks into m…

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RT @webkit: The MediaRecorder API is available in Safari Technology Preview and Safari for iOS 14.3 beta, along with getUserMedia now avail…

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🎄 It’s almost that period of the year again… This time, I’m subscribed to by @nic_o_martin who has promised me an advent full of PWA and Project Fugu 🐡 surprises! Can’t wait…

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RT @SaraSoueidan: 🆕 “Yes or No” — One checkbox vs two radio buttons.

A quick and short post in which I collected…

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@rowan_m @RReverser Make it a live photo, though, so that those “WTF”s come across properly.

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RT @slightlylate: The Blink Launch Process is both more open and more rigorous than folks assume. If you’re curious about the caution and e…

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CNET Google’s letting outside companies have more say in the future of Chromium, and that could change the future of the web

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 11:13 AM, Nov 21st, 2020 via Echofon)

RT @ChromiumDev: Dreaming of #ChromeDevSummit ☁️💤

🌅 Set your alarms for 9:30am PT on December 9th & 10th. Soon you’ll be waking up for the…

via Echofon

The results of @igalia’s Open Prioritization experiment are in: `focus-visible` ( in @webkit made the race. In the quoted tweet some more reflections by @briankardell on the way things went: ⤵️

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@chrmod “To use private ad-free search, please
Sign In or Create an Account.” 🤔

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@agektmr Isn’t it an affiliate link? Does it have &tag= in the URL?

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@FilipStanis @alexcwilliams @AMPhtml Could data URLs work, so no external request needs to be made? Not that it would be beautiful…

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✍️ There’s a proposal for a Handwriting Recognition API that takes temporal ink stroke information into account (differentiating it from Optical Character Recognition): Here’s Chrome’s Intent to Prototype:

via Twitter Web App

@alexcwilliams I don’t know the answer, but maybe @AMPhtml can help. @FilipStanis used to be on the team, so maybe he can help, too, or point you to someone else who can.

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RT @RickByers: BlinkOn, the chromium web platform contributors conference, just wrapped up. All the videos are, amazingly, already posted h…

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RT @HTTPArchive: 🎂 To help us celebrate HTTP Archive’s 10th anniversary, we reconnected with @Souders to talk about the project’s inception…

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RT @n8Schloss: Chrome 87 includes the full release of isInputPending. It’s FB’s first time taking an API from incubation to standards propo…

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@kennethrohde @perjerz34 Email Joshua Bell, he’s the owner.

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@perjerz34 @kennethrohde It might not be accessible universally or be behind a login wall, but this is the link:

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The #BlinkOn 13 breakout session on “Project Fugu 🐡 in the wild” is happening in 5 minutes. Here are the slides if you want to follow along:

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@kennethrohde Don’t spoil my surprises. 😂

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🔢 I’ll host a breakout session at #BlinkOn 13 (more about the conference: later today on the topic of…

Project Fugu 🐡 in the wild!

VC link: Starts at 7:30pm UTC (in your time zone:

via Twitter Web App

@Nyr0 You can just call the API directly yourself after a user gesture like a click (`navigator.fonts.query()`).

One other thing to try could be to manually allow font access in Chrome site settings, so the permission prompt would be skipped.

via Twitter for iPhone

@Nyr0 Sounds good. Maybe a screenshot of the “Font Book” app focused on the “All Fonts” section so we can understand if the crash might be due to an “excess” (by whatever definition) number of fonts (I have 332 fonts installed for example).

via Twitter for iPhone

@Nyr0 Perfect, thank you!

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Productivity PWAs at desktop level thanks to the File System Access and File Handling APIs, by @christianliebel: The original article is in German, but the English translation works well enough (solve the ca

via Twitter Web App

@Nyr0 Thanks. In this case, please file a Chromium bug via If you could maybe send a video recording of your screen actions, this would help people understand what’s going on. Post the bug URL here, I can help triaging.

via Twitter for iPhone

@Nyr0 Could you try once more in a guest profile without any extensions, please?

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🤩 Wowza, iOS 14.3 (18C5054c) beta makes the camera available in `WKWebView`-based browsers like Chrome for iOS. Could it be that finally got fixed? 🔷

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#TIL about `grid-auto-flow` for making a CSS grid fill its cells columns first:

via Twitter for iPhone

@mikeal @FredKSchott Small typo alert: “That project is called IPLD (Interplantery Linked Data)”


And here I was asking myself if I had misremembered the name and heard it wrong all those years and then what the heck t

via Echofon in reply to mikeal

@chrmod I see. Since both are apparently based on Firefox, I was wondering. Thanks for clarifying!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chrmod

Standardizing <select> and beyond: the past, present and future of native HTML form controls, by ⁦@seaotta⁩.
💡 “[Open UI] isn’t to standardize how a form control looks, but to standardize form control names, their parts, states, and behaviorsâ€

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@mathias @rowan_m Another playlist contribution: Wünsch dir was! 🤘 Sit through the first minute, it gets 90ies punk after that!

✅ Here’s hoping!
✅ Make a wish!

via Echofon in reply to mathias

@chrmod Congratulations! 🎈

Quick question: What is the core differentiator between this new Ghostery Browser and the previous Cliqz Browser (

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RT @ChromeDevTools: Chrome 87 is here! 🎉

Try inspect CSS Grid with our new debugging tools! 🔐

On top of that, with just 1 click, DevTools…

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@rowan_m I waited all day to let you know that _now_ is the time to warm up the Glühwein. 🔥🍷 Hope you’re having a great time!

via Echofon in reply to rowan_m

@rowan_m Oh, wow! Congratulations, Rowan 🎂! My playlist contribution is
✅ _Un_ambiguously depressing, especially in 2020.
✅ You will think of me for the rest of the day.

You now may wear the “Lieber 40 und würzig, als 2

via Echofon

RT @DasSurma: Today I champion’d my first JavaScript proposal at TC39 and it’s now stage 1! 🎉

“JS Module Blocks” aka. “Surma *really* want…

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@elrond25 You can see crashes at chrome://crashes/. I just tried the demo on Chrome 89 and it worked fine. If you continue to see this behavior, please file a bug at and add as much information as possible,

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RT @jordaust: Thank you to the busy folks working on project Fugu 🐡 APIs. Look at this progress! Thank you 🙌:

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@JonasKuske I just tweeted an article that answers this and other questions people may have:

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All the details about Chrome’s back/forward cache implementation are covered in@philwaltonlton⁩’s excellent

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Tab throttling and more performance improvements like the back-forward cache in Chrome M87.

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@AgentZeroNine @dannymoerkerke I tend to have content attribute reflection as part of my custom element (example: More background:

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RT @ChromiumDev: Chrome 87 is rolling out today! You can now control pan, tilt, and zoom on webcams, range requests and service workers don…

via Echofon

RT @dannymoerkerke: How can you style a Web Component when its internal state changes?

There is a smart and easy way.

Read about it in my…

via Echofon

Ten Years: This is so beautiful and a much needed sign of hope in these tough times. But still: fuck cancer.

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RT @GoogleDevExpert: The digital #holyjs Moscow Conference for JavaScript developers on Nov 25-28! Congrats to organizer GDE @bunopus and s…

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RT @ericerway: Capabilities drive experiences. The “Capabilities Project”(Project Fugu) bridges the web and native experience gap beyond #P…

via Twitter Web App

Does Apple really log every app you run? Good follow-up on last week’s OCSP issues at Apple.

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RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()

I wrote about CSS grid minmax() and how it works, with a detailed visual…

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@simevidas @rustybrick It hasn’t been approved for shipping because no one has asked for it to be shipped yet. It’s currently only at Step 2 (Intent to Prototype) of the process:

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The official German corona ad: “our couch 🛋 was the front, and our patience our weapon”.

🇩🇪 Official announcement:
Quoted tweet contains a subtitled and translated version: ⤵️

Whatever you do, don’t spread thi

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @xnimorz: Just added save, open, and export for
You can try it by clicking the menu button on a board or by pres…

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@hdv I don’t know, hence my question. 😃

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@passle_ @webwewantfyi @seaotta I’m not personally involved; my background is from reading the page and from one or two conference talks.

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@hdv Nice! XSLT on the server or the client? I feel like whenever I wanted to use XSLT (in 2007/2008) the juicy functions were spec’ed, but not implemented in the browsers I needed to support.

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@pes10k @thezedwards @robinberjon There’s an update with an FAQ in the post now: “This has nothing to do with analytics. It seems this is part of Apple’s anti-malware (and perhaps anti-piracy) efforts, and happens on all macs running the affected ve

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The @webwewantfyi initiative has moved its discussions over to GitHub: For a status update, see @seaotta’s post in the quoted tweet ⤵️.

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RT @dhh: “This means that Apple knows when you’re at home. When you’re at work. What apps you open there, and how often. They know when you…

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addyosmani Use CSS gradients or transform: rotate()? @ChromeDevTools now supports better angle debugging tools!

via Twitter Media Studio (retweeted on 11:10 AM, Nov 13th, 2020 via Echofon)

@marcosc @briankardell @tobie I made this error on an office-wide misc mailing list. Molestar in Catalan is the same false friend. 🤦

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lapcatsoftware Hey Apple users:

If you’re now experiencing hangs launching apps on the Mac, I figured out the problem using Little Snitch.

It’s trustd connecting to

Denying that connection fixes it, because OCSP is a soft failure.

(Disconnect internet also fixes.)

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 7:51 AM, Nov 13th, 2020 via Echofon)

Puppetaria: accessibility-first Puppeteer scripts. This release introduces a new kind of selectors called “ARIA selectors” that support querying for the computed accessible name and role of the accessibility tree.

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What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 88) My favorite addition: Open Network panel from the Service Workers pane. 💍

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RT @johnwilander: The latest update to Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention is here: “CNAME Cloaking and Bounce Tracking Defense” https…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🤩 This year’s virtual #ChromeDevSummit lineup is action packed!

✅ Watch keynotes by @bgalbs and @dalmaer
✅ Get major upd…

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@JRSim_UIX @MasterDevwi Hmmm, interesting. If there isn’t one already (you mentioned others’ comments), could you please creatnew.crbug.comcKtD? If you ping me the bug URL, I can help triage to the right folks. Thanks!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to JRSim_UIX

@JRSim_UIX Are you trying with installed PWAs on Chrome? On the latest Edge, according to a post by @MasterDevwi, it now should also work without installation there:

via Twitter Web App

dannymoerkerke I created an audio-recorder Web Component that captures audio through the microphone of the user’s device (both desktop and mobile).

It can record and save the audio, display it as a waveform and provides real-time frequency analysis.

Check out the demo:

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:34 PM, Nov 12th, 2020 via Echofon)

@ricmac @hdjirdeh @rauchg @vercel @dalmaer @noel Massive props for standing up and saying “I was wrong, sorry!” in public. Happy the misunderstandings could be resolved.

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RT @kennethrohde: If you are contributing to any specs - and especially if you are a spec editor - this document is a great resource and es…

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@anssik @photopeacom This, and the developer of the app, Ivan Kuckir, has recently added File System Access API support. 😎

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The Raven Technique: One Step Closer to Container Queries: This is pretty neat CSS foo by @batch_man on display here!

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@kennethrohde It might not be too late to add it in again. Who tells Raphael, though… 🤣

via Twitter Web App

Interesting—a proposal for making `AbortController` work with `addEventListener()`:

const ac = new AbortController();
let { signal } = ac;
const et = new EventTarget();

et.addEventListener(‘foo’, (e) => {
// …
}, { signal } );


via Twitter Web App

@dominickng @stefanvermaas @b1tr0t @andreban @jaffathecake This still is the current behavior on iOS. I have just confirmed on iOS 14.2 (18B92) with

via Twitter for iPhone

@dominickng @b1tr0t @andreban @stefanvermaas @jaffathecake The rationale is to allow for breaking out of the PWA and just letting the user continue their browsing in their default browser.

This is the _opposite_ of PWAs like feed readers that let you ope

via Twitter for iPhone

@dominickng @b1tr0t @andreban @stefanvermaas @jaffathecake Stefan has just added more context in The bug is about breaking out of the PWA to just launch Chrome with a link to a website or web app (that is not installed). Linking t

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @ChromiumDev: 🎥 Fading an element in, and back out again. Sounds simple right? Not quite!

@jaffathecake goes through the gotchas. Can y…

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@b1tr0t @andreban @stefanvermaas @jaffathecake I don’t disagree. The point was raised in, might be worth checking back with @dominickng if there are new arguments today that weren’t discussed back then.

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From the official Google Webmaster Central blog: Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search: “The change for non-AMP content to become eligible to appear in the mobile Top Stories feature in Search will also roll out in May 2021”. https://t.

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RT @HTTPArchive: 🎉 Chapter 3: Markup

Written by @j9t @catalinred and @iandevlin
Reviewed by @zcorpan @mmatuzo and…

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If you’re interested in Project Fugu 🐡, be sure to read @christianliebel’s (💏) chapter (in early access) of this year’s HTTP Archive. ⤵️
A lot of work went into it, and I’m super proud of the progress we’ve collectively achieved. https

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@andreban @b1tr0t @stefanvermaas @jaffathecake Manifest might be too inflexible. An attribute can be set dynamically per link and you even can let (power) users decide (open links: in app / in browser). I have seen such a setting in various Twitter or Mas

via Twitter for iPhone

@b1tr0t @stefanvermaas @jaffathecake To be quite honest, from my point of view, this sounds like something that should be controllable with a simple attribute (like a new `target=”_browser”` or something similar in the same vein).

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @tomayac: There is great information on converting existing Web Extensions to @webkit 🧭 Safari App Extensions or creating new Safari App…

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@stefanvermaas @jaffathecake It does. Just responded with next steps while you were tweeting. I’ll star the bug to be notified of changes myself.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to stefanvermaas

@stefanvermaas @jaffathecake I see, thanks for the background.
The only way to _not_ open in a CCT currently is to link to a URL consumed by a native app (like YouTube) or to another installed standalone/fullscreen PWA.
Might be worth outlining on this bu

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to stefanvermaas

@stefanvermaas @jaffathecake So, the current behavior to always open in CCT was implemented in This includes all known methods (and hacks) of opening links (test app: I was asking to better understand the

via Twitter Web App

@jaffathecake @stefanvermaas Would you have a link to the PWA in question and instructions how to navigate within this app to the link you want to open in a new window?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jaffathecake

There is great information on converting existing Web Extensions to @webkit 🧭 Safari App Extensions or creating new Safari App Extensions from scratch, but no guide on how to submit and distribute them via Xcode. Until now: Tha

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@diekus @yoavweiss The link (or is a reasonable template pre-filled based on your current browser. Use it whenever you want to submit a bug for something you’re experiencing right now.

via Echofon in reply to diekus

RT @mikewest: Thanks to @ericlaw, Chrome 88+ will match Safari and Firefox’s behavior of treating `target=_blank` links as `noopener` by de…

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RT @VanJones68: Today is a good day.
It’s easier to be a parent this morning.
Character MATTERS.
Being a good person MATTERS.
This is a bi…

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kentbrew Some really great BASIC programming lessons for the Commodore 64 right here:

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:02 AM, Nov 7th, 2020 via Echofon)

@david_bokan @Justinwillis96 @pwabuilder Here’s the relevant excerpt of a PR where I add file handling to @Excalidraw: Maybe this helps compare implementations. You did set the specific flag, did you?

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RT @briankardell: New post with an update on our container queries related switch proposal from earlier this year..
includes video of pro…

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@fm3ndoza Awesome, looking forward to it! Thanks!

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@dluzar @yoavweiss In this case workarounds like @philwalton’s require some effort.

via Twitter Web App

@yoavweiss Sure, before are a runtime flag or a regular chrome://flags. Not sure why this form is needed.

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@stubbornella @littledan Is this not going through the regular origin trial process?

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@fm3ndoza Really cool app, thanks. Installed 🔲! Few wishes:
- Increase contrast when dark mode is active ( and
- Use an apple-touch-icon (tip:
- Use the native share method when

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@shadeed9 As a watcher of the video I have a hard time figuring out which is the active one. Lacks a clear contrast color.

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@jyzg @DenisTRUFFAUT @petele @jaffathecake @DasSurma Not sure about concrete implementation plans in Chromium ( reveals nothing), but there’s an Issue for it:

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💀 Intent to Prototype—Container Queries:
This is the Chrome bug to star: ⭐️

🔏 Containers will be marked with `contain: size` and a new at-rule `@​container (min-width: 100px) {…}` specifie

via Twitter Web App

@marcosc @diekus @sid_vishnoi Wow, that simple? Why aren’t more specs using this?

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🔢 The #w3cTPAC folks have done an ace (💏) job and have put the resources from my TPAC breakout session “Learning from Mini Apps” online (and everyone else’s of course):

🔹 Talk:
🔄 Transcript:

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RT @tomayac: @ChromiumDev 🔢 I have a special treat on my personal blog where I show how you can play Chrome dino 🦖 on your Nintendo Switch:…

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RT @ChromiumDev: Play the Chrome dino 🦖 game with your gamepad 🎮!

In @tomayac’s latest article you will learn how…

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@ChromiumDev 🔢 I have a special treat on my personal blog where I show how you can play Chrome dino 🦖 on your Nintendo Switch:

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RT @jefbinomed: I’ve just finished a new article about #ProjectFugu and #ShapeDetectionAPI 😇: Francois Beaufort tol…

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RT @smashingmag: Internationalization and localization is more than just writing your content in multiple languages. You need a strategy to…

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@jasnell @dret Brilliant, thanks for the clarification!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jasnell

@dret Limited to DAV resources, though, no? My understanding is that the present proposal generalizes the method for general HTTP applications. I may well be wrong.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to dret

Oh, interesting: there is a proposal for a new HTTP method called `SEARCH`: Non-cacheable, and the query goes in the request body.

via Twitter Web App

@nill It seems like this affects only the iframe embed. I have opened that prunes the `allow` values to just the needed ones, since the browser was complaining about an unknown value of `”vr”`. Let’s see if this fixes the issue onc

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RT @MozDevNet: As of November 2, 2020, The Yari beta is open. 🎉🤝

Find out how you can get involved, what kind of feedback we’re looking fo…

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@AndyDavies @tomtaylor @TheRealNooshu Oh, wow. That’s a surprisingly small share. Thanks for, well, sharing!

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@argyleink Firefox should be easy, it’s Safari that requires special treatment. I still roll each update submission manually. Not ideal, but workable for now. Would love to learn about best practices in that area.

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@argyleink I’m trying to deal with the different builds of my Chrome/Firefox/Safari extensions in separate branches, too (like your Firefox branch: I’m not sure if that’s the best way. uBlock Origin has a different system (

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The `local()` function for CSS font face declarations ( will soon be disabled ⤵️.
For actual local fonts access, consider giving the Local Font Access API a try:

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@cwilso @briankardell Life hack: get a selfie stick 🤳 and remap “volume up” to “right arrow” key. You’re welcome!

I’m only half kidding. I have a tiny Bluetooth remote shutter that I use to advance slides based on the key remapping.

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This minimap @ChromeDevTools experimental feature could make my CSS flexbox alignment guessing so much less guessy. Love it! ⤵️

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@AndyDavies @tomtaylor @TheRealNooshu Just like in the original tweet I’d be curious to hear Chrome (macOS) numbers if you wouldn’t mind sharing them. Thanks.

via Twitter Web App in reply to AndyDavies

@TheRealNooshu What percentage is Chrome (macOS), please?

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RT @FlowBrowser: Rendering @keithclarkcouk’s CSS powered 3D environment in Flow. https:/…

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@slightlylate @microblocksfun Seems like no one at @microblocksfun picked this up so far. Opened; maybe someone can have a look there.

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@briankardell Search for “has:attachment larger:10MB” for quickly pruning some space.

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RT @DanShappir: Start November with a new post on the @WixEng blog: Rethinking the #JavaScript Pipeline Operator An…

via Echofon

@iandevlin Congratulations, Ian! Keep it real,-

via Echofon in reply to iandevlin