Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 2021

techreview NEW: Behind the painstaking process of creating Chinese computer fonts

via Echobox (retweeted on 9:44 PM, May 31st, 2021 via Echofon)

RT @ChromiumDev: Thanks to the @excalidraw community for the great collaboration 🤝 on @tomayac’s and @lipis’ #GoogleIO talk! Here’s a cross…

via Twitter Web App

🔢The official announcement tweet for my #GoogleIO talk is out ⤵️. If you prefer reading over watching, I’ve created a write-up just for you: Or you just enjoy both, the video and the write-up.

via Twitter Web App

@addyosmani Seems like on iOS this is currently still blocked on Sad that devices with among the greatest horsepower can’t run this app.

via Twitter Web App

addyosmani Introducing AVPress: - compress & resize videos in the browser thanks to WebAssembly and FFMPEG.WASM.

Works in Firefox & Chrome (SharedArrayBuffer). Experimental for now :)

via Twitter Media Studio (retweeted on 4:23 PM, May 31st, 2021 via Echofon)

What I (i.e., @jjcollinsworth) Learned Building a Word Game App With Nuxt on Google Play: This great article featuring Bubblewrap can serve as a data point when you decide if you want to go the Trusted Web Activity way or not, or

via Twitter Web App

@RReverser Congratulations, Ingvar! Hope you have a good night’s sleep!

via Echofon in reply to RReverser

@jaffathecake Congratulations on actually finishing this. Incredible achievement! 💏

via Twitter Web App in reply to jaffathecake

RT @andrey_l1nd3n: Tons of goodies in #Chrome91
My 2 favourites:
- #FileSystemAccess API can set default directories. Let met know if see m…

via Twitter Web App

@ebidel @jeffposnick @ChromiumDev @b1tr0t @petele @fractorious Just linked the two bugs. The bugs you can’t see are partner bugs, that is, bugs on behalf of partners who depend on the feature to be implemented. As such, this information is usually not p

via Echofon in reply to ebidel

@b1tr0t Very helpful, thanks for putting this together! 🏳️‍⚧️

via Echofon in reply to b1tr0t

RT @ChromiumDev: ⭐️ Spectre significantly changed the way we look at web security.

Watch and learn in this #GoogleIO session:

💉 How to ke…

via Echofon

Quick introductions to #WebHID, #WebNFC, and #WebUSB in this article:

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @leszekswirski: I’m very proud to be announcing Sparkplug, our new mid-tier, non-optimising compiler; there’s a lot of beauty in its sim…

via Echofon

Remember my tweet on the MDN content popularity stats? Mr. Data Studio @rick_viscomi has built a dashboard that makes this data even more sliceable and diceable. ⤵️

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: Learn how to prepare for a more private web 🔐

🍪 3P cookie phase-out
🔧 Helpful tools
🔲 New APIs

… and more !

Watch t…

via Echofon

@jeffposnick @ebidel @ChromiumDev @b1tr0t @petele Also CC: @fractorious. The tracking bug is still open, which implies the work isn’t done yet:

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: Watch this session to learn how to make the most of web platform features to successfully interact with built-in and third…

via Echofon

@sw12 @DasSurma I usually (but not always) start with a stray `button` or so and then eventually wrap it in a `form` once my app matures.

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@juberti @sw12 @Google @Clubhouse @pdavison @rohanseth Congratulations! 🎈 The “Web” in “WebRTC” stands for “Clubhouse for Web” I guess?

via Echofon in reply to juberti

RT @marcosc: Really proud of this rewrite. I trimmed the Geo spec by 4 pages and modernized everything.

If you’ve not looked at geolocati…

via Echofon

Today we took the small but important step of starting to migrate the User Preference Media Features Client Hints Headers proposal to the @wicg_: Feedback welcome. 😃

via Echofon

@adamdbradley How do you pronounce Vue.js? The official documentation says “Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view)” (, and I always feel like 🤐…

via Echofon

RT @quicksave2k: 😁 I’ve fixed the “Now Playing” macOS widget powered by Chrome 91. I can finally see the artwork set by the Media Session A…

via Echofon

@FredKSchott Awww, congratulations, Fred! 🎈

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Microsoft Edge: State of the platform: Great announcements and a well-made talk landing page with video link and slide and transcript download. 💏

via Echofon

RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: CSS Container Queries For Designers

I wrote about how CSS container queries will change the way web designer…

via Echofon

RT @seaotta: Happy 1st Day of Build! My talk gives an introduction on #webdevelopment for Dual Screen Devices! #MSBuild2021…

via Echofon

@denladeside @gdgratoma I’m still in the early stages of understanding how it works. If you play with it, bytes 2 and 3 seem interesting if I recall correctly. There seems to be some normalization based on the environment, as if it recalibrated the min

via Twitter Web App

@NOVALISTIC @leoaee @ChromiumDev Since all vanity schemes (`chrome://`, `edge://`, `brave://`,…) use the slashes and the slashes work for `about://`, too, the added consistency seems to outweigh the added length, which is why it was decided that way.

via Twitter Web App in reply to NOVALISTIC

Gave a tutorial on the #WebHID API at @gdgratoma yesterday in the context of #GoogleIO Extended. Here’s an early-stage stab at reverse-engineering the Ambient Light Sensor in an Apple MacBook Pro: For some more mature stuff, che

via Twitter Web App

@leoaee @ChromiumDev Either works. The only exception I have found so far is about:blank (about://blank doesn’t work).

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to leoaee

RT @ChromiumDev: “We are in this Web thing together, and this is `about://` all of us!”—@tomayac

To make our documentation more inclusive…

via Twitter Web App

25 Years of CSS: The fascinating journey of @meyerweb into the world of CSS.

via Echofon

RT @MSEdgeDev: Today is the day!🥳 #MSBuild 2021 is finally here and a lot has changed with Microsoft Edge since last year. Highlights inclu…

via Echofon

RT @stackblitz: To open code from GitHub, just add “blitz” to the domain name (`…. becomes `â…

via Echofon

RT @stefanjudis: I just learned that entering `about://flags` in the URL bar of Chromium browsers is rewritten to `chrome://flags`, `edge:/…

via Echofon

@chaphasilor @ChromiumDev Oh, I see. It should work in theory. Could you comment (maybe with a quick screencast) on and we can take it from there? Thanks!

via Twitter Web App

@chaphasilor @ChromiumDev For the time being it’s implemented behind a special flag for local testing: Also note that the origin trial ( is initially limited to Chrome OS, running from Chrome OS 91—94.

via Twitter Web App

@samthor If it’s added it would still need to go through a prompt. Else each random website could secretly steal your contact data.

via Twitter Web App in reply to samthor

@samthor Just filed in response to this post. 😃

via Twitter Web App

@Re16d5 Have you seen I try to make the data from the accelerometer and gyroscope available as higher-level alpha/beta/gamma angles, similar to Device Orientation (

via Twitter Web App

RT @TensorFlow: Movement + AI + Fluid Simulation = 🤯

Real-time pose estimation and rendering, all in the browser, powered by #MoveNet an…

via Echofon

RT @Vincent_Scheib: #WebHID getting data from Nintendo Ring Fit controller

via Echofon

RT @RonAmadeo: Google’s “I/O Adventure” was almost as good as being there

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RT @mxbck: ✏️ New Post: Container Queries in Web Components

A Behind-the-Scenes of my first experiment with CSS Container Queries and the…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @CSSWeekly: Christian Liebel (@christianliebel) and Thomas Steiner (@tomayac) explain how to recognize users’ handwriting as it happens…

via Twitter Web App

The developer community doing @discord’s work and implementing an amazing PWA with #WindowControlsOverlay support. Read more about this Project Fugu 🐡 feature here:

via Twitter for iPhone

@LinkofHyrule89 🤯 What? That’s super cool! I love how the developer community fills in gaps the companies leave. I wish they would get an offer to get hired and continue their work officially.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to LinkofHyrule89

@jsalsman @LaurenGoode @GoogleARCore Happy you could make good use of the debugging time… 😂 Excruciating indeed.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jsalsman

RT @somebitsLinks: Android 12 and app stores: New release of the phone OS will explicitly support alternate app stores. Major change for co…

via Echofon

RT @WebReflection: TIL: no way to fetch huge (2GB+) files, and XHR on readyState 3 is hopeless too (it keeps incrementing responseText even…

via Echofon

@Snugug @AnaestheticsApp I’ve added the label to the two bugs. Let’s see if they show up upon the next deployment.

via Echofon in reply to Snugug

RT @gdgratoma: 🔢 @gdgratoma présente #GoogleIO Extended Conakry 2021

✅ Date: Mardi 25 Mai 2021
🕚 Heure: 11h00 à 13h00
✅ Lieu: En ligne…

via Twitter Web App

@sulco @johnste_ @JesperBylund @brave Ah, thanks for clarifying! Some recent bugs for this feature:

via Twitter for iPhone

@hako584 Maybe @quicksave2k can help you find the answer to this question.

via Twitter Web App

RT @excalidraw: Did you miss @tomayac’s and @lipis#GoogleIO talk featuring Excalidraw and Project Fugu 🐡?

Watch it in our new blog post,…

via Twitter for iPhone

@johnste_ @JesperBylund I wonder what’s missing. I tried faking my UA in Safari and it failed in mysterious ways… Maybe @sulco knows more? It doesn’t use the File System Access API (not supported by @Brave).

via Twitter Web App

.@quicksave2k has landed an implementation 💏 of Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme in Chrome Canary ≥92.0.4514.0. We’ve put a demo online that showcases the use case we want to enable. The explainer includes screenshots of its output:

via Twitter Web App

@ZMYaro I just found it online, not sure where it came from. But it illustrated what I wanted to get across really well… Thanks for your questions during the meetup, greatly appreciate the contributions! <3

via Twitter Web App in reply to ZMYaro

@AnaestheticsApp Technically WebUSB and WebBluetooth pre-date the Project Fugu 🐡 proces@Snuguggug, if we labeled the old bugs for both with “proj-fugu”, would your tracker pick them up?

via Echofon in reply to AnaestheticsApp

@TheRealNooshu “Only once the surgeon is 100% happy that said part of the brain is safe to remove, will it actually be removed.” I’m incredibly fascinated by the implications of this. Nature is a wonder. 🧠

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RT @ChromiumDev: ☝️ Missed an I/O session?
🤩 No problem!

You can watch and rewatch all the web #GoogleIO sessions to catch up on all the l…

via Echofon

RT @TensorFlow: 🌉 TF.js is bridging the gap between mobile and web ML!

With WebAssembly, announced at #GoogleIO, you can easily deploy a c…

via Echofon

RT @calinoracation: At Airbnb we’ve been working on making a faster web experience with the postTask scheduler. Today we get to share the r…

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RT @stackblitz: Today we’re excited to bring Node.js back to its roots - the browser!

Together with @googlechrome and @vercel, we’re enabl…

via Echofon

@Una Yes, `currentColor` is super useful for dark mode: Adding `currentBackgroundColor` would make a lot of sense. 🤩

via Echofon

RT @maudnals: Third-party cookies 🍪 will be phased out.
How can you prepare your site for this?
💉 Summary: in this one image ⤵️ (ALT text…

via Echofon

@anssik Wow, I wasn’t aware Intel is in the light show drones business. That’s interesting.

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@edent AMP does have dynamic parts, for example, `<amp-list>` ( or `<amp-autocomplete>` ( It’s also an apps markup framework, not just a content markup framework.

via Echofon

The “Project Fugu 🐡 and You” meetup at #GoogleIO is happening in roughly 45min from sending this tweet. Join @fractorious, @Vincent_Scheib, and me and hear what an Engineer, a Product Manager, and a Developer Advocate want to _

via Twitter Web App

@jamest_lu @ChromiumDev Oh, that’s a way to visualize the Web API landscape that I haven’t seen before. Thanks for sharing!

via Twitter Web App in reply to jamest_lu

@jeffposnick @mhartington Yes, if this actually should become declarative sugar on top of imperative service worker registration, it needs to be clearly specified when the registration happens (and probably even be configurable via attributes). Not sure i

via Twitter Web App in reply to jeffposnick

@mhartington In the end for a PWA you need a Web App Manifest anyway. But I can see how decoupling them may be useful for apps that purely use a service worker for performance reasons, but have no intention of becoming installable.

via Twitter Web App in reply to mhartington

@ttatsuoki @YouTube Tungsten is a really nice PWA. Well done! 💏

via Twitter Web App

@SCRWD @LinkofHyrule89 @ChromiumDev Yepp. Just like Fugu fish. Always cut it right.

via Twitter Web App in reply to SCRWD

@ChromiumDev If you joined in live, you saw me have “fun” with service workers 💷, if not, here’s the recording: The codelab link is here: I’m happy to answer questions on Project Fugu 🐡 or anything e

via Twitter Web App

@LinkofHyrule89 Thanks for baring with me… The finished product ifugu-greetings.glitch.meDO.

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🔢 In less than 1h from sending this (10:30AM—11:15AM CEST) you can join me for my #GoogleIO workshop on A Whirlwind Tour Through Project Fugu 🐡 APIs: Registration is optional, but when you do, you get to ask questions (see

via Twitter Web App

@mhartington Or maybe what you actually want is the `”serviceworker”` memeber back in Web App Manifest?

via Echofon

@AltReptile @mgiuca All it does is determine how links should be opened (for example, in a new or in an already open window of the PWA).

via Twitter Web App in reply to AltReptile

RT @ChromiumDev: 😍 Introducing #GoogleIO Adventure, built for the web!

Discover demos, codelabs, videos and more in a whole new virtual wo…

via Echofon

@addyosmani @bitandbang @cramforce @b1tr0t *Cough*, isn’t this (mostly) just `<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”posts.xml” title=”My awesome site”>`? Feed interchanges could be facilitated through Br

via Twitter Web App in reply to addyosmani

@Kostas7000 @Lipis I’d certainly be honored and proud to be on stage with @lipis.

via Twitter Web App

excalidraw Hi !

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:13 PM, May 19th, 2021 via Echofon)

RT @Wattenberger: not to play favorites, but this is 💯% my favorite part of the new Flat Data workflow. And one that can be used all on its…

via Echofon

RT @tomayac: Declarative Link Capturing 🔗 is a proposal for a web app manifest property called `”capture_links”` that lets developers deter…

via Echofon

RT @petele: Have you watched my #IO21 video yet? 5 tips for your PWA?

Check it out at then come to the Group Chat…

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RT @jeffposnick: Join us for a virtual discussion of all things Fugu and PWA inside the #GoogleIO Adventure game!

Starting in ~20 minutes…

via Twitter for iPhone

@nanot1m @excalidraw @Lipis Thanks 😊. Happy you like it!

via Twitter Web App

@Lipis She can be more than proud. 😃 Thanks for the great collaboration again!

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@aakansha1216 @excalidraw @Lipis Thanks! 😊 Happy it finally got released!

via Twitter Web App

@node_monk @excalidraw @Lipis Thanks again for the Web Share and Web Share Target API implementations! I hope you spotted them in the video… 😆

via Twitter Web App

Declarative Link Capturing 🔗 is a proposal for a web app manifest property called `”capture_links”` that lets developers determine declaratively what should happen when the browser navigates to a URL that is within the application’s navigation scope: h

via Twitter Web App

What this means for you in practice is brilliantly documented in @rowan_m’s article:

via Twitter Web App

Update on User-Agent String Reduction in Chrome: As a side effect of this, Critical Client Hints (`Critical-CH` header) is shipping! 💏

via Twitter Web App

@schweinepriestr Yeah, they had to axe support in the last minute due to an iOS compatibility issue with one of the App Engine headers…
Hope you can join on desktop?!

via Twitter Web App in reply to schweinepriestr

Some Project Fugu 🐡 and PWA peeps are currently hanging out in #GoogleIO Adventure. Come find us:

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RT @ragingwind: Web at Google I/O 2021 Playlist

via Echofon

RT @maudnals: How to prepare for third-party cookie phase-out? 🍪
Our #GoogleIO session “Preparing for a more private web” is now available…

via Echofon

RT @tomayac: The Project Fugu 🐡 codelab I’ve built for #GoogleIO just went live earlier today: If self study isn’t…

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RT @ChromiumDev: ⭐ Want to level up your web styling expertise?

This course breaks down the fundamentals of CSS into digestible, easy to u…

via Echofon

RT @backlon: Google Workspace turns to “smart chips” to weave Docs, Tasks, and Meet together. It’s a huge update and portends further chang…

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RT @dalmaer: So exciting to see the innovation in IDEs, many of which online. We just mentioned how @StackBlitz integrated with file system…

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@firt It’s not great 😔. But hey, the advantage is that should the release date slip you can always say you meant the other hemisphere’s season 😬.

via Echofon in reply to firt

RT @annevk: Terrific overview of process isolating sites in Firefox by @annygakh:

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RT @tomayac: 🔢 My #GoogleIO talk “@Excalidraw and Fugu: Improving Core User Journeys” is available now!

🔺 Watch the recording: https://t.c…

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RT @tropicadri: We’ve seen a lot of interest in #PWA and #projectfugu in #GoogleIO @b1tr0t @petele @andreban and I are hosting an Ask Me An…

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🔢 My #GoogleIO talk “@Excalidraw and Fugu: Improving Core User Journeys” is available now!

🔺 Watch the recording:
🧒‍💻 Read the write-up:
🙋 Ask questions:

(Huge prop

via Twitter Web App

The Project Fugu 🐡 codelab I’ve built for #GoogleIO just went live earlier today: If self study isn’t your thing, there will be an instructor-led run-through of the codelab on Day 3: Happy hacking! 🧒

via Twitter Web App

@msbutah @feedly Same here. It’s super frustrating.

via Twitter Web App in reply to msbutah

@firt Maybe @henrylim96 can help. He was admitted in the same batch.

via Twitter Web App in reply to firt

@firt Wow. That’s a tiny checkbox. Personally, I am not super happy with the tool, but the I/O team wants us to use it. Hope you can still sign up.

via Twitter Web App in reply to firt

🔢 PSA: If you couldn’t make it to the Meetup on Project Fugu 🐡 and you because it was full, try again! I have just opened some additional spots: #GoogleIO

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The 🗂 Content Indexing API has been in Chrome for a while now… Here’s a writeup by Antonina Listopadova from @lentaruofficial on their experience using it: #ContentIndexingAPI

via Twitter Web App

#GoogleIO is almost here! Shameless plug for the things I’m involved in:
🐡 Workshop on Project Fugu APIs:
💥 Meetup on Project Fugu and you:
🎥 Talk on @Excalidraw and Fugu:

via Twitter Web App

RT @JoshWComeau: One of the most confusing parts of Flexbox is the difference between “items” and “content”. Why is it “justify-content” an…

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔯 Introducing Google I/O Adventure!

Interact with the community and Googlers to discover content including demos, codelab…

via Echofon

RT @dazabani: i’ve been implementing the new CSS spelling and grammar features in chromium! wanna know how deep the rabbit hole goes?


via Echofon

RT @jeffposnick: Interested in using ES modules as an alternative to importScripts() in a service worker?

There are still some gotchas, bu…

via Echofon

@diekus @hober Documented in by the way. The developer signals are documented in

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@henrylim96 @Paul_Kinlan My instinct was to wipe my screen, too. Fell for the same trap. 😂

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@ChromiumDev @quicksave2k has now sent our Intent to Prototype: It’s happening! 😆

via Twitter Web App

Muller’s Ratchet: 🧬

via Twitter Web App

RT @thinktecture: In part 4 of the series about his #PWA-/#ProjectFugu remake of Microsoft’s Paint, @christianliebel shows how to save draw…

via Twitter Web App

@thijstriemstra @ChromiumDev @christianliebel It should actually be possible to integrate this with #InsertableStreams if you trace the strokes:

via Twitter Web App

@MonkeyGuenter @ChromiumDev @christianliebel “The conversion takes place directly on the user’s device, works even in offline mode, all without adding any third-party libraries or services.”— #HandwritingRecognition

via Twitter Web App

The Handwriting Recognition API ✍️ is amazing. @christianliebel has even built a web component that makes using it super straight-forward. See the article for the details. All props to Chris! ⤵️ #HandwritingRecognition

via Twitter Web App

Did you know that @MozDevNet publishes content popularity stats? I’ve worked on a small Web app that allows you to slice and dice it. For example, here’s all Learn 🧒‍💻 content in Spanish 🌎: The default view is all Web ð

via Twitter Web App

@nathankurtyka @ChromiumDev @firt The origin trial helps us find answers to these questions and others. 💍

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to nathankurtyka

@DenisTRUFFAUT @petelepage It should be separate, yes. They will have separate Chrome profiles even.

via Twitter Web App

Web-based gaming based on the Gamepad API is on the rise ⤵️. In case you’re looking for an introductory article, look no further: 🎮

via Echofon

@dhawanirahul @ashokawardhan @googlechrome @petele You can read everything about this feature in @Mustafa_x’s article:

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@TheRealNooshu I don’t really know you apart from Twitter, but feeling strongly with you and wishing you all the best! Can’t imagine what you’re going through. Virtual hug!

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The power of Matt to write these lines is incredible. Wishing him strength for everything that’s ahead. 💪

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RT @kennethrohde: Lots of #blinkon 14 slides available already, as well as recordings!

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@kilianvalkhof Let me open a formal GitHub issue. One sec.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to kilianvalkhof

@kilianvalkhof It’s one of the open Issues, see

via Twitter Web App

RT @kilianvalkhof: This is exciting! Sending user preference media queries as Client Hints means you can send for example *just* dark or li…

via Twitter Web App

RT @WalterStephanie: #PWA
Ho, this is going to be a nice feature for desktop PWAs, the ability to customize the window control overlay, the…

via Twitter for iPhone

@DanShappir @vzaidman Be safe, folks! ☮️

via Echofon

@ChromiumDev Interested folks might want to follow the @w3ctag review ( and learn @mozilla’s and @webkit’s positions on this (linked here:

via Twitter Web App

@ChromiumDev This was also the perfect excuse to use @chriscoyier’s ingenious acronym FART 💨 (“Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme”, coined in in a spec draft:

via Twitter Web App

@ChromiumDev ⭐️ Star to keep getting updated about @quicksave2k’s implementation work for the first client hint header, `Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme`.

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 We’re working on `Sec-CH-*` Client Hint headers modeled after User Preference Media Features ( a…

via Twitter for iPhone

@stijnhommes Psst, I have an undercover activity going that is about making platform-specific apps feel more like web apps. I advocate for Android and iOS developers to make their UI bounce around unpredictably as content loads and random popups to appear

via Echofon in reply to stijnhommes

RT @slightlylate: BlinkOn 14 is starting now, and goodness gracious, we’ve been busy!

via Twitter Web App

RT @jdecked: we’ve successfully yeeted the new Twitter Lite app rewrite to prod! it’s very cool because it’s built using Trusted Web Activi…

via Twitter for iPhone

@LinkofHyrule89 Sorry, I’m blanking on the context. Could you send the link?

via Twitter Web App in reply to LinkofHyrule89

RT @daisuke: “Using ruby for footnotes 🔗” #ルピ #footnotes / “<ruby> HTML footnotes”

via Twitter Web App

@mischmerz @ChromiumDev There is some discussion going on about this question in (CC: @beverloo)

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 Let installed PWAs handle links 🔗 that use a specific protocol (like `bitcoin://` or `web+coffee://`) for a more integr…

via Twitter for iPhone

@KevinKelchen @ChromiumDev @Una @Paul_Kinlan @_developit It looks like you could pile onto, which talks about a similar issue.

via Twitter Web App

RT @excalidraw: Implementation of @steveruizok’s perfect-freehand has landed in Excalidraw! Thanks Steve! ❤️

You can now make your handwri…

via Echofon

RT @frdblnch: Excellent ! « Accessing hid Devices on the Web With the Web hid api » (by @tomayac et al).
[cc @oliviernocent @AaBnssr @Sylv…

via Twitter Web App

@DenisTRUFFAUT @petele You could propose the rough idea on the WICG Discourse:

via Twitter Web App

@DenisTRUFFAUT @petele Permissions are certainly still in flux with this API: Everyone is welcome to join the discussion!

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@paperlemonade @Twitter Limit search to tweets I have seen in my timeline.

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@adamdbradley @vuejs Not an expert, but for @vite_js I got it working like so in vite.config.js:

import dynamicImportVars from ‘@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars’;
export default {
plugins: [
include: ‘./src/foo/*’,

via Echofon

Yay, `crypto.randomUUID()` got 3 LGTMs to ship in a secure context (! 🎉 That’s one worry less in Chromium browsers. @Apple have been asked ( but radio silence so far, and @Mozilla are actively discussing

via Twitter Web App

@LinkofHyrule89 @Justinwillis96 @kennethrohde Else, give @browserstack a try. They have an open-source program where you can get extended access. Not sure you can set browser flags, but you can definitely use it with origin trial features.

via Twitter for iPhone

@henrylim96 @Justinwillis96 I personally dislike demos where you have to comb through lines and lines of unrelated code to get to the interesting bits.

via Echofon in reply to henrylim96

@LinkofHyrule89 @Justinwillis96 @kennethrohde It’s supposed to eventually land in Linux, Windows, Chrome, and Mac. Looking at the activity on, right now they’re working on macOS support.

via Echofon

@henrylim96 @Justinwillis96 I’m really not a designer and try to strip it down to the absolute minimum to convey the concept. In my opinion too much polish (and thus code) distracts from what the demo wants to teach. But you can remix it and if you donâ

via Echofon in reply to henrylim96

@glass_it @xeenon I got it working, but to be honest no longer remember how. You can check out my extension’s source code, though: It has a popup.html that loads a popup.js, so maybe it helps. See the package.json for the “saf

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@Justinwillis96 @AaronGustafson Thanks! Just realized it’s likewise on GitHub, so just opened

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RT @bramusblog: CSS Full-Bleed Scroll-Snapping Carousel with visible Overflow


🏷 #carousel #css #overflow #scrol…

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RT @denladeside: Hopefully, we will get browser choice on iOS at some point - maybe something for @vestager to help with?…

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@LinkofHyrule89 @Justinwillis96 @kennethrohde In my article ( I could successfully use a background image (linear gradient) for its demo. You can remix the code and play with the colors.

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@Justinwillis96 Awesome docs 💏, just opened a PR to link to the article: Seeing that you backlink to articles on our site in other sections, could I ask for a backlink to, too?

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RT @ChromiumDev: 💀 A new video in celebration of International Mother Language Day 🌎

In Spanish, @tropicadri explains what a PWA is, and t…

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RT @andreban: #GoogleIO is almost here! Here’s a handy link to all the web related content:

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RT @christianliebel: Happy to be a teeny-tiny part of the upcoming Google I/O. Don’t miss @tomayac’s workshop on Project Fugu and take the…

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@blaine @justinschuh @jaffathecake @Dieulot @slightlylate This summarizes the status quo so perfectly well.

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RT @blaine: @justinschuh @jaffathecake @tomayac @Dieulot @slightlylate The fundamental problem with CORS in my mind isn’t a technical one (…

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