Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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May 5th, 2021

@henrylim96 @slightlylate LOL, we totally should have! Or maybe everyone else got a treat, just not me? Maybe they all hate what I’m doing? What am I doing at all? Imposter thoughts… 🤔 (It’s a joke, I’m fine!)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to henrylim96

@RReverser @jaffathecake @Dieulot @blaine @slightlylate Very true. Side note: I love how the old GData APIs even supported JSON-P officially:

via Twitter for iPhone

@jaffathecake @RReverser @Dieulot @blaine @slightlylate Can we just go back to JSON-P? Those were wild days… But then, using a CORS proxy like isn’t much better either.

via Twitter Web App

@blaine @Dieulot @slightlylate @jaffathecake may know.
(Context: Anyone working on making a CORS-less `fetch()` happening?)

via Twitter for iPhone

@Dieulot @blaine @slightlylate Just to make it ultra-clear: my tweet was a joke. I’m _personally_ (others may be) not aware of an effort to make this happen. As a developer, I want this, but at the same time acknowledge that I’m not qualified to judge

via Twitter for iPhone

@henrylim96 @ChromiumDev @b1tr0t This definitely describes the issue. Star it, and if there’s a duplicate bug (which I still suspect), it will be merged into it, so you will be notified. 💍

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to henrylim96

@henrylim96 @Eminem …And all this on-device. My father is hard of hearing 🧏‍♂️ despite special hearing aids; I have high hopes in this technology to make his life better (and that of my mother who can either shout or not talk to him anymore).

via Twitter Web App in reply to henrylim96

Chrome’s new Live Caption feature ( quite accurately live-captioning @Eminem in the YouTube Music PWA ( was the most unexpected “living in the future” moment of the day, and it’s only 11:48AM here. 🤯 http

via Twitter Web App

Side note: This uses the Chrome Version History API, a probably little known gem 💎 that may come in handy for you, too:

via Echofon

I’ve created an feed of our Chrome origin trials 🧪 that may prove useful for staying up-to-date on what’s [XML]. It uses the origin trial’s start milestone’s release date as the publication date of the feed item

via Twitter Web App

@shadeed9 I so want to use them vegades they express semantically what I want, but support is a mixed bag with dark mode:

via Echofon

@henrylim96 @ChromiumDev I have a feeling that we had a bug for this feature request, but I fail to find it (maybe somewhere here: Or maybe @b1tr0t remembers?!

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Seeing this tweet by @adarosecannon and then Steve Jobs’ talk linked in @tanepiper’s tweet side by side in 2021 is an interesting emotional experience.

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RT @kirupa: Not all drop shadows need to be a solid and dull gray color. Learn how to create colorful shadows with just a handful of awesom…

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@AdaRoseCannon Looking at your LinkedIn profile, you left the FT in 2016. Do you recall what APIs or features the team were missing on iOS at that time? Just curious… This whole PWA thing was still relatively fresh back then on Android Chrome even.

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RT @ricmac: In my latest @webdevhistory post, I look back at #JavaScript development in 1997. @BillDortch was creating some innovative apps…

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@shadeed9 Small typo: Compact2021 should be Compat2021. Also the line clamp example shows 2 lines clamped when the code says 3.

Something frustrating I run into regularly in 2021 is CSS system colors like `canvastext` that don’t adapt for dark mode whe

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