RT @mathias: “Only sacrifice readability for performance if you really need those precious microseconds†— http://t.co/CWyJMvr4
@JeffreyATW @bigbigtruck A pleasure to serve the like-minded :-) Pedantically yours, Tom
A quick update on the #OpenKnowledgeGraph and #SEKIatHome: bit.ly/NFY07g. Hint: be quick if you <3 data.
~RT @BVatant: “Can we reach 1,000,000 #RDF triples by 8/31?” > Done - Kudos to the #OpenKnowledgeGraph scrobblers :) // bit.ly/OqshMJ
RT @ebidel: #CSS position:sticky in Canary and WebKit nightly: http://t.co/MsSy6lCo // Sounds too good to be unspec’ed. +1.
RWW Grooveshark Makes Up With #Google - Is It Too Little Too Late? by @johnpaul rww.to/N1pVTN
Short paper by @stmirea & me titled #SEKIatHome, or #Crowdsourcing an #OpenKnowledgeGraph API got accepted at #KECSM2012 at #ISWC2012 :-D
Can we reach 1,000,000 #RDF triples by August 31(!) in the #OpenKnowledgeGraph? Help wanted w/ #SEKIatHome: bit.ly/P9Mt5w
Read between the lines. [#OpenKnowledgeGraph]
Top-trending #SPARQL queries for the #OpenKnowledgeGraph: “SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o.} LIMIT 512 OFFSET (n * 512 + 1)”. #RDF triples: 485,338
@rtroncy Yes, I stay at the conference hotel. $199/night is a fair deal for what you get. Use the code “MIT”. Checked 3rd-party offers, too.
@juansequeda @ozelin_playence @rtroncy I fancy an #MIT tour for an extra 5 bucks. Getting funding is APITA. Next conf. in a cheaper country!
Made trip arrangements for #ISWC2012 today. Flight (HAM—BOS): €592, hotel: $1,367, conf. _student_ fee: $800(!) // CC: @juansequeda @rtroncy
RT @rtroncy: Thanks! RT @afterglowlee: Want to know what applications are widely used on the #web in #china? The Chinese Copy of Web htt …
The Library of Congress archives #Twitter. @edsu, involved in the effort, shared some details: http://t.co/zhsd3PjI (via @jindrichmynarz)
Great blog post by @echen: Tweets vs. Likes: What gets shared on Twitter vs. Facebook? bit.ly/GBB8BX (via @gatemezing)
RT @mattcutts: Matt Cutts Meme Monday goo.gl/h3JF7 Can’t decide if I should feel bad for laughing // I wouldn’t worry too much! #SEO
300,000 #RDF triples in the #OpenKnowledgeGraph: bit.ly/OqshMJ
#ISWC2012: #KnowledgeGraph Socializer https://t.co/yn3zLUO7 paper accepted at #ISWC2012PD, #NiteOutMag paper accepted as demo at #DeRiVE2012
~RT @arnaudbrousseau: Many good thoughts […] in this (#Mozilla) article on Google’s new #JavaScript benchmark #Octane: https://t.co/oYgvwFuD
RT @nathansmith: “Getting Productive with Sublime Text 2†— http://t.co/9jOv3Mgn
dvdeurse Joint demo of @MMLab_UGent ‘s SemWeb team is accepted for #iswc2012. Congrats guys! Screencast: youtu.be/FawygFT5Brs #linkeddata
RT @LewesPedantsSoc: Just spotted Chrome app which corrects Twitter’s “who to follow” to “whom to follow”. Honorary Pedants’ Society Lif …
~RT @somebitsLinks: #Facebook for #iOS: Details on an HTML to native app conversion dlvr.it/22nm0n // Behind a Facebook login wall.
@RubenVerborgh @mamund Yeah, this blog post (rant even) is one of @fielding’s more accessible pieces ;-) Me, too, I keep citing it.
@rtroncy That’s the plan. But it will be a different paper (attempt), & we don’t have the resources yet. Maybe along the lines of Prefix.cc.
@rtroncy Easy to come up w/ a couple of RegExps for type guesses, but it can awfully go wrong… The prob. is: we don’t know what’s out there.
@rtroncy As I wrote, work in progress :-) We need a proper ontology landing page & term landing pages. Maybe crowdsource the type curation.
@rtroncy Having proper types would require a proper ontology, which given the 2nd part of http://t.co/ZETuVOlk is hard. Work in progress.
@rtroncy The namespaces come from #ARC2. Probably there’s a way to pre-map them, but, hey… For types: all string literals for now.
We’ve reached 200K+ #RDF triples in the #OpenKnowledgeGraph thru #crowdsourcing via #SEKIatHome. Oh, & here’s #Arnie: bit.ly/NiBqYg
@rtroncy Added a text/turtle data example: http://t.co/qUbUBlfM. Thanks, @stmirea.
RT @RubenVerborgh: Yay! Paper on #RESTdesc composition got accepted at #SSN2012 workshop at #ISWC2012. […] http://t.co/GHOGRKdO // Congrats!
@rtroncy @stmirea, do you use SPARQL DESCRIBE internally for /data/$ID? If not, maybe this is an option.
@rtroncy @stmirea Darn bitly… Correct #ChuckNorris link: http://t.co/X2bDrqyw
@rtroncy @stmirea, can we get a text/turtle representation of #ChuckNorris (http://t.co/xmNKfVXF out of #ARC2? Is the &format param broken?!
#xkcd hits the nail on the head again: bit.ly/PvVftA. I rate this bad ass-comic ☆☆☆☆☆.bit.ly/xkcd37o/5OZpOWOu.
@rtroncy Done: http://t.co/8TJGDKjR. Preview is broken (my bad?), but the Download button works.
Created a #CKAN record for the #OpenKnowledgeGraph: bit.ly/O36d9u. Hoping it fulfills the #LODcloud min. requ.-s bit.ly/O36eKF
Underwhelmed by #MacOSX #MountainLion. First thing: google for “new features”. Shouldn’t they be more obvious? Notification Center? Really?
@tcurdt Current status: upgrading to 10.8 :-) from 10.5 at purchase (I believe). Still very much usable. #MacOSX #MountainLion
@jaymyers Congratulations! Looking forward to hopefully hearing about it in person. #ReviewsPendingâ€#ISWC201212
.@aemkei at its best at today’s #HHjs meetup presenting jsfuck.com. I love this community! (Thanks IBM for hosting us.)
We’ve hit 100K #RDF triples in the #OpenKnowledgeGraph today thru #CrowdSourcing: bit.ly/OqshMJ Still #SmallData, but getting there…
@juansequeda @rtroncy +1 for South America. Or Eastern Europe. #ISWC2012
@bengee This is a question for Mr. @alexmilowski :-)
@juansequeda Ouch indeed. Was it that high in previous years as well? Can’t remember. // #ISWC2012
Done w/ #DeRiVE2012, #KECSM2012, #WoLE2012 reviews (#ISWC2012 workshops). Good agreement w/ other reviewers so far. One #IEEE journal to go.
@bengee Not RDF/XML, but @antoniogarrote’s #RDF Store for #nodeJS might be a good (and maintained!) starting point: bit.ly/QIwfvE
Summarized the latest developments in the #OpenKnowledgeGraph & #SEKIatHome world: bit.ly/Ns6Qqv #LinkedData #SemanticWeb
Interpreting some of #Twitter’s API changes: http://t.co/79BYb2rN Ouch, that’s bad upcoming news for dev.-s. (via @rtroncy > @RubenVerborgh)
Replying to myself > Re: #nodeJS hosting options: http://t.co/U8Kv8XYj curated by @ryah himself. Anyone experiences w/ #Heroku?
Now that the #Joyent no.de service gets retired for good, what are my free #nodeJS hosting options out there? TIA, #LazyTwitter.
@arnaudbrousseau Yepp, also hit by this :-( Your subdomain was awesome indeed…
Now on adding data to the #OpenKnowledgeGraph via the SEKI@home ext. bit.ly/SEKIatHome, watch it live at #SPARQL endpoint & pop-up page.
.@stmirea who’s behind most of the #OpenKnowledgeGraph technical infrastructure has added live #RDF triple stats to bit.ly/OqshMJ
@RubenVerborgh In direct competition to #MacOSX Spotlight (did you know that?) & the JavaScript debug console. The Google one parses Pi etc.
RT @datachick: RT @joelhousman: Here it is: http://t.co/n9AyYvxZ
Go to that link on an iPhone or iPad. Open in Safari.
Be amazed.
RT @SemanticWeb: Get In On #CrowdSourcing An Open #Knowledge Graph API bit.ly/NypT4Z #Google #semantic @LinkedData by @Jenz514 // :D
@julienplu @stmirea See bit.ly/PTFoke // #FairUse
#ChuckNorrisFacts from the #OpenKnowledgeGraph (bit.ly/OqsfVc) SPARQL endpoint: bit.ly/OqshMJ (run the example) Thx, @stmirea!
I don’t often tweet about TechCrunch stories, but this one is great: tcrn.ch/OlGgUh How Google+ Punk’d the #Oatmeal // #GooglePlus
RT @cygri: http://t.co/7T5HC0iw terms described in RDFa, now in an official version directly from the source http://t.co/M4mJk4UQ (thank …
Building an Open Knowledge Graph openknowledgegraph.org via SEKI@home together w/ @stmirea. #OpenKnowledgeGraph #OKG #SEKIatHome
RT @mamund: You keep using that word: #REST - Inigo Montoya: pic.twitter.com/uq1tUhop // #LOL #RESTmemes
Fun #EasterEgg in the #KnowledgeGraph data for #ChuckNorris: it displays a different fact upon each refresh: bit.ly/ONzQcn #Google
RT @figshare: Wow - Google Scholar “Updates” a big step forward in sifting through the scientific literature: http://t.co/5PxHl3O6 by @p …
~RT @nicolastorzec: The IBM Journal of Research & Devel. has an entire issue on @IBMWatson: http://t.co/tUDyQmH6 #NLProc // #FutureReading
@arnaudbrousseau This was a fast interview thenâ€#LOLOL
@AronGahagan @RScottClark A pleasure to serve the like-minded ;-) Enjoy the extension. Cheers, Tom
More bad English, please bit.ly/OFoiI9 (orig. source ostatic.com’s down ATM). Occasion: #GDG Germany default lang discussion
Fun fact just noted by @BarryNorton: while #Wikipedia is down, #DBpedia is up. Bitter-sweet irony ;-) dbpedia.org
Just released: the brand-new #DBpedia v3.8. Congratulations and thanks to the team. dbpedia.org/Downloads38 #LinkedData
Learnt from @rtroncy that our Socially-Aware Multimedia (#SAM2012 workshop at #ACMMM2012) submission got accepted: http://t.co/uNCKOQ7g Yay!