Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 2018

Well-researched article by @webmaxru on the latest Background Fetch API. 💏

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Gave another guest lecture at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg ( today. This time the stu…

via Twitter for iPhone from Winsen (Luhe), Deutschland

@paul_irish @gauntface @james2doyle @GoogleChromeDev Could this behavior be changed? While I knew about the hack, i…

via Echofon

@iandevlin Hey you know what: I frequently get back to those good old HTML5 Doctor articles. Keep writing! There always is an audience!

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RT @__treo: 🔥 A collection of metrics to make a fast website with a focus on a user experience.

⏱️ Is it happening? (Visual)
- First Conte…

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RT @KaiOStech: Ever wonder how an app like @Twitter gets redesigned and optimized for the smart feature phones powered by KaiOS? Get an ins…

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@rowan_m @sw12 @DasSurma LOL, this looks more like a keming issue, though.

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@mikewest @yoavweiss @yoavweiss How do you envision things like user agent freezing ( or ly…

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It was a pleasure and an honor to be on @rick_viscomi’s “State of the Web” show. Thanks for the great questions and…

via Twitter for iPhone from Mannheim, Germany

@JoubranJad @derSchepp @kennethrohde Yepp, it’s a bit hidden. Nice accent color choice, by the way. Goes really well with dark mode. 💍

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@RubenVerborgh I dared to touch the pencils during two shots, and we had to super carefully reposition them so they…

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RT @littlekope0903: I wrote a post on both my blog and @ThePracticalDev about creating custom yet accessible checkboxes!



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RT @CloudFour: New Chrome Developer Tool Illuminates Opaque Responses

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RT @ChromiumDev: Active, passive, hidden, frozen, discarded. As well as being rejected names for the seven dwarves, they’re part of the Pag…

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@iandevlin You should start live-tweeting your meals.

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I have based my recent variable fonts experiments on the quoted (excellent!) article by @glyphe and thought 💭 how a…

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RT @zachleat: Such a nice touch that by @PixelAmbacht lets you play with variable font axes right on the character…

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@derSchepp @JoubranJad @kennethrohde It’s actually already landed in Safari Technology Preview:

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Designing Headers for HTTP Compression: HTTP/2 header compression explained by @mnot. 🗜💥

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Responsive images on the Apple Watch: Responsive design pushed to the limits. ⌚️

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Emerging JavaScript pattern: multiple return values. Interesting and in-depth article that discusses this pattern a…

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🎉 In collaboration with Microsoft, Google is making a free e-🔖 available on Progressive Web Apps, the future of the…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@tobmaster @trivago @pistenprinz The demo app 🐈 Affilicats is definitely inspired by a true…

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RT @rowan_m: Easily adaptable pattern for ensuring that if you’re sending users to external sites you can ensure that load is reliable rega…

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RT @Paul_Kinlan: Wrote up a tiny explainer on my contribution to - the file-drop-element

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More fine-grained information in `….? Yes, please (actually, yes, please, and shut…

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@henrylim96 @Markus306 I’m working on a PWA at the moment where my objective is to make it run seamlessly all the w…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @zachleat: Or, the things I’ve learned from managing an open source side project (@eleven_ty) for a year in my limited spare time:


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@Markus306 Progressive. That’s what the ‘P’ in PWA stands for… It’s just a web app after all—like an escalator with…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Uncomfortably excited to launch this baby… ⤵️ 🐈

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@samthor realDonaldTrump: Conspiracy theory confirmed: wind turbines CAUSE hurricanes. I TOLD YOU SO! Thank you, LEGOâ„¢.

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RT @dalmaer: Always a lot to enjoy (and learn) from a Steve Yegge ramble!

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RT @devquinlan: Want to keep a site static, avoiding bloated CMS platforms, but at the same time need to make minor content updates frequen…

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@VolcomV @nhoizey @simevidas @KaiOStech Oh, interesting, thanks. There’s now some forum post about the update as we…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Interesting deep dive into WebSockets, including historical background how we got there: 💻↔️🖥️

via Twitter Lite

@simevidas @KaiOStech First thing I did 🤣. The answer is: 💎.

via Twitter Lite

Oh, exciting. @KaiOStech just landed on my Nokia 8110 4G 🍌. Didn’t detect any changes so far. Also sear…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @akosma: Introducing my latest short, fun, personal book: “Tales Of Editors & Keyboards: A Personal Introduction To Vim & Emacs”


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@datao Hmm, OK. This fixes the symptoms, but doesn’t cure the cause quite yet. Probably in the longer term try upgr…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @FrontendDaily: Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries: (The downloads do occur at th…

via Twitter for iPhone

@datao Great it’s working now! Is there a diff of the changes?

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RT @ChromiumDev: On next week’s State of the Web, @tomayac will be chatting with @Rick_Viscomi about progressive web apps (PWAs)!

Tune in…

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@jeffposnick @aerotwist @eleven_ty Have you considered PHP with a MySQL back-end? Publishing is as easy as phpMyAdm…

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@datao Just copy and paste my reply there, no attribution needed.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to datao

Good introductory tutorial by ⁦@LoukilAymen⁩ on building custom ⁦@____lighthouse⁩ audits.

via Twitter for iPhone

Adapting to Users with Client Hints:

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@datao I am, and might actually be able to help. Just send me an email and I will have a look tomorrow.

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@JoubranJad @nekrtemplar +1, and the minibar should only appear once. It’s only temporary, but has been received wi…

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“Scrolling the main document is better for performance, accessibility, and usability”— Some…

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RT @katiehempenius: Fantastic @httparchive feature:

You can view the SQL query used to generate any of the HTTP Archive graphs by clicking…

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RT @sw12: Website prelaunch checklist: simple techniques to find and fix glitches.

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RT @FxSiteCompat: #WebP image support is coming to #Firefox 65 🎉 It will be enabled by default in @FirefoxNightly today. If you’re serving…

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@rowan_m @British_Airways Yeah, you should really iIIustrate the difference better!

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RT @css: Why Browsers Download Stylesheets with Non-Matching Media Queries

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You might have read about Project Fugu 🐡, the code name for improved device capabilities. Here’s the formal writeup…

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The Writable Files API: Simplifying local file access :

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Find all the demos we shared at the #ChromeDevSummit variable fonts booth in this doc: 🔡

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RT @ChromiumDev: 💩‍🔬Check out <model-viewer>

It’s a EXPERIMENTAL🚨web component that makes rendering interactive 3D models easy, on as many…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔖Portals

It’s a proposal for enabling seamless navigations between sites🦋(It’s kinda like iframe but different)

It enabl…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔖Task Worklet
What we’ve learned from other platforms about threading, we want to bring it to the web!

It’s a new proposa…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 💨‍🔬<virtual-scroller>
It’s a potential future web platform feature.

Check our roof-of-concept on the repo✨
💻Code: https:…

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This is a really clever approach to making inlined resources cacheable! 🤯 @scottjehl just blew my mind!

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RT @DasSurma: ICYMI: Our talk about at #ChromeDevSummit is now available to watch:


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RT @AndyDavies: WebPageTest filmstrips FTW!

The thing I really love about them is they communicate performance without needing someone to…

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🔇 Contact Picker API proposal by @beverloo: One of the missing features where PWAs still f…

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Want maps web apps give turn-by-turn directions even in the background while driving 🚗, or web ToDo apps remind you…

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RT @anssik: ✨🗺 Next-gen Geolocation Sensor API use cases landed including geofencing, continuous & one-off backgrou…

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RT @samthor: Remember folks, the #ChromeDevSummit website works on all sorts of devices.

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RT @codeinarocket: VisBug extension for Google Chrome.
Chrome Web Store:

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RT @robertnyman: At #ChromeDevSummit? Come talk to our browser vendor friends in the Forum space! @Lady_Ada_King from Samsung, @jonathandav…

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The PageSpeed Insights tool is now powered by Lighthouse: We’re finally simplifying our speed tools offers.💨 🧰

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RT @jtteag: Web Packaging and Portals are two brilliant technologies designed to take progressive web applications to the next level.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @juarezpaf: Make sure to checkout âš¡

Learn Service Workers inside and out with the new PWA Mastery Game #Chr…

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RT @abrax5: Meet us at the Variable Fonts and Web Typography booth at #ChromeDevSummit! (Forum space, desk 2) Thanks for the support, @toma…

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Our new developer learning platform launches today at #ChromeDevSummit 💩‍💻💨‍💻 With code lab…

via Twitter for iPhone from San Francisco, CA 🗜️ 🖼️Impressive Web app for image compression based on WromeDevSummit

via Twitter for iPhone from San Francisco, CA

Our commitment to a more capable Web: We’re working on making Web apps as capable as nativ…

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Now that the naming discussion has settled on HTTP/3 ( good to recap what’s behind it:

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RT @poshaughnessy: Morning all 💋 In case any of you missed this post I published over the weekend and wanna take a read:…

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RT @codepo8: Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries

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RT @webmaxru: Running #PWA feature detector on #KaiOS-driven phone. @tomayac is on the stage of @GoogleDevExpert Summit. Try it on your dev…

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Slides from my #GDEsummit talk on all of us being Web plumbers 🔧 that need Progressive Web App patterns, privileged…

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RT @zachleat: One of the best things you can do for your development workflow is to add a $100 mobile device and a $200—300 laptop to your…

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RT @firefox: Today is our 14th birthday! 🎉

A million thanks to all of you who have been with us since the very beginning, the folks who ha…

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RT @dalmaer: “The only reason this was possible at all is the open-source nature of V8, and it’s standing as perhaps the most well security…

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@DotProto @_developit @googlechrome @ChromiumDev Congratulations and welcome to the team! 🎉 Since…

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RT @denar90_: My first PR related to interactive metrics renaming to @HTTPArchive was landed 🎉

Really friendly and helpful folks. Take a l…

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Server Timing in the Wild by the BBC iPlayer Engineering team. Good article, they’ve also released a useful npm mod…

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The product in question is @Cloudflare Workers: (no endorsement, just saving you a web sear…

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RT @csswizardry: 🔖 What are best network performance practices when it comes to loading CSS? How can we get to Start Render most quickly? I…

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Memorable quote that—while coming from an Android context—also holds for the web: “We often find that products desi…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @RyanTownsend: HTTP/2 doesn’t have cross-resource compression — this is why bundling is still hugely beneficial, despite the lack of ove…

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RT @matijagrcic: When doing performance profiling most people don’t tend to use a separate clean user profile that ensures that Chrome runs…

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@katiehempenius For measuring this, did you use `NetworkInformation.effectiveType` and `NetworkInformation.downlink…

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@hodl_squirrel @ChromiumDev 😂 For a friendlier Twitter for all of us, let’s just call it an “organically grown webs…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @mathias: 🔥 New: JSBI, a pure-JavaScript BigInt implementation 🔥
JSBI makes it possible to use spec-compliant BigInt functionality *to…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🤔 Did you ever wonder why browsers would still download stylesheets with non-matching media queries like so:

`<link href=…

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@DasSurma Yepp, also pointed out by @tabatkins in I would never use this hack myself, just found it interesting.

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @andrey_l1nd3n: Have you tried turning your #AMP off and on again?! 🤪
A/B testing could be hilarious! Who knew!? Apparently @MartinSchie…

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RT @akent99: *Designing* a progressive web app? (UX.) This blog might stimulate some interesting thoughts.

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@alexbilbie Eight years after the question, here’s the answer:

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Also cross-posted to @ThePracticalDev, if you fancy the platform: 💻

via Twitter Web Client

New blog post! 🔢 Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries
Read here →…

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Really great article on using ⁦@ChromeUXReport⁩ data to better understand your site’s performance as experienced by…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @Souders: Slides of my talk “Make JavaScript Faster” from @perfnowconf:

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RT @MSEdgeUpdates: The status of WebP image format was changed from “In Development” to “Shipped”

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Wow, never heard of this: when animating element opacity from 0 to 1, a paint happens when it reaches 1. The hack n…

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feiss I’ve just learnt about @photopeacom (a web clone of Photoshop) and I’m in awe. I can’t believe how well done is.. Great great job man..

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:08 AM, Nov 8th, 2018 via Echofon)

Wait, did really no one at @TC39 think about the Oxford comma? 🧐

let lf = new ListFormat(“…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @AdamRackis: Waiting for your users to close any open tabs before your service worker can update to latest content sucks. So why not sho…

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This @HTTPArchive analysis by @Souders on where CPU time is being spent is quite interesting. Maybe someone from th…

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@aerotwist SFTP deploys FTW! A folder per sample, as you do anyway?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to aerotwist

Quick shoutout for @aerotwist’s recent amazeballs YouTube video spree: They’re super fun t…

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RT @aerotwist: 🎥 Time to make a circular mask reveal the performant way!

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Google has started to create a directory of agencies building Progressive Web Apps: 🗂
If yo…

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RT @ebidel: Created a Puppeteer 🤹🏻‍♂️ script to verify Google Search can “see” your lazy loaded images 🖼.

Part of…

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RT @dalmaer: “If you don’t have performance budgets setup to watch your site’s use of third party JS, you should do that now” (still think…

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#TIL about the `hover` media query: Super useful if combined with negation 🚫🖱:

`@media (n…

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RT @addyosmani: A Netflix web performance case study:

âš¡ 50% faster Time-to-Interactive (logged-out homepage)
- ✂️…

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RT @igrigorik: wondering how to implement lazy / deferred loading optimizations in a Google Search friendly way? Good news, fresh docs hot…

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@kennethrohde @Paul_Kinlan Worked fine for me on desktop. Didn’t test mobile yet.

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Clever hack by ⁦@Paul_Kinlan⁩ to create a boomerang-like video effect with pure client-side JavaScript (only tested…

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Now that desktop PWAs are finally about to become reality on several platforms, some apps that currently rely on El…

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@nhoizey KaiOS is a fork of Firefox OS. Apps are essentially just webpages that follow a couple of rules—mostly aro…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@nhoizey Nah, but allow one to activate adb debugging and side-load apps.

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@SimmerVigor @Cloudflare Oh, I indeed missed this. Congratulations 🎊. Great fit!

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RT @rick_viscomi: 🔺 The video of my @_welovespeed presentation on @ChromeUXReport is available.

Lots of examples of how to extract insight…

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@firt This is the reply I got from the support team.

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Pwnd! Nokia 8110 4G, you’re mineâ€omnijb.831337.xyzNW Finally got Developer Mode on my KaiOS

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Incredibly(!) clever #xkcd: “Use your mouse or fingers to pan + zoom. To edit the map, sub…

via Twitter Web Client

The cookie dialog of the @twitter app can’t be closed on @kaiostech. I hope this is a known issue, @kaihelps!? The…

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RT @ChromiumDev: An introduction to “Signed Exchanges” which helps to enable publishers to safely make their content portable by @kinu


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Exploratory post by @hsunw on overscroll effects and how they could possibly improve the user experience on smart f…

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How we made Carousell’s mobile web experience 3x faster: Well documented path to a perform…

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Screenreader support for text-level semantics: Interesting article by @brucel on the way s…

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