Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

January 2019

@rob_dodson How can I unsubscribe from this mailing list? 😂

via Echofon in reply to rob_dodson

As @othermaciej says, “me too”-s don’t help on @WebKit bugs .

For being notified of changes: the “starring” (⭐️…

via Twitter Web App

A look at CSS hyphenation in 2019 by ⁦@justmarkup⁩: Summary: It works OK, but br-
owser (p…

via Twitter for iPhone

Marking scrollable elements is something I would love to see in @ChromeDevTools as well. Great idea. 💌

via Echofon

RT @_developit: I’m so happy to see these clear timing markers come to the @ChromeDevTools performance timeline!

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@mhartington @jeffposnick has written about this here: (follow the reference link, then see the source code).

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RT @umaar: Dev Tips: DevTools - Instant performance suggestions with Console Violations ⚡️ - Useful as you don’t n…

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RT @naicuoctavian: So Safari Technology Preview 73 brought a 1st working version of MediaStream Recorder API which means it will eventuall…

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@aaranged JSON-LD as the general data model that gets converted server-side into HTML (and, after initial render, c…

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RT @_richtr: It’s official: Apple will cut vital sensor (deviceorientation and devicemotion) APIs in Safari from iOS 12.2+. WebVR is dead.…

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@rob_dodson If this would allow for accessible tool tips, that’d be reason enough for championing it for me!

via Echofon in reply to rob_dodson

@argyleink Congratulations! 🎈 See you at the next TPAC then.

via Echofon in reply to argyleink

RT @codepo8: HTML is and always was a compilation target - can we deal with that?

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RT @umaar: Node Tip 🔥 You can run `node —experimental-repl-await` to use top level await in the Node.js repl. Works in version 10 and abov…

via Echofon

Holding git wrong. 😂

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The Legacy of Firefox OS by @BFrancis: 🦊

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@AhsanEjazA @webkit Comment on and tell Apple why you (or your company) want it!

via Twitter Web App

No one had filed a @webkit bug for  to add `BeforeInstallPromptEvent` support for A2HS. This just changed:…

via Twitter Web App

@firt Let’s see what the F⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ks of this world have to say about the feature and its ability to break out o…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

From @firt’s great take on the iOS 12.2 beta 1 changes in the quoted tweet: the major things I hadn’t noticed were…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@firt @simevidas This is extremely weird, yes, and I was occasionally trapped with non-reactive UI. Indeed killing…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @ChromiumDev: @tomayac @webkit The most important part is the 🔢 Call to Action at the end of the article:

🗣️ C…

via Twitter Web App

@chris_dumez @HenrikJoreteg Hey Chris! I have embedded the above tweet in my latest post:,…

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: Turns out, iOS 12.2 beta 1 (build 16E5181f) is “one heck of a release for Progressive Web Apps.” 🎉

💉 Read @tomayac’s late…

via Twitter Web App

Opening external links from PWAs added to home screen on iOS 12.2 Beta 1:
They now open in what looks like a custom…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@firt @simevidas What so far consistently worked was opening external links, they would open in a fullscreen view (…

via Echofon

@firt @simevidas Twitter seems to work well, I suspect they do a lot of state-keeping independently anyway and stor…

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Future JavaScript: what is still missing? Some interesting thoughts by @rauschma.

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@trukrs @mhartington @samthor The exact flow isn’t specified: (it could be triggered throug…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @peterc: If you’re on macOS and have Homebrew installed, run `brew cask install quicklook-json` and Quick Look will let you look into JS…

via Echofon

RT @karanperi: ⚡Published a new essay: The truth about Mobile Web #product #prodmgmt #web #mobile #progressivewebap…

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@sujju321 This is a question for Apple, not me…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to sujju321 from Lisbon, Portugal

@mhartington Yepp, bugs are not visible from the outside. It’s all rdar:// land :-)

via Echofon in reply to mhartington

@layon_overwhale It used to be “research,” but since now we’re an AI first company the subdomain got changed to “ai”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to layon_overwhale from Elizabeth, NJ

If this bug (reported at but closed as it wasn’t within WebKit’s scope) was fixed, that’d b…

via Twitter for iPhone from Newark, NJ

RT @mhartington: 3) A hell of a lot more experimental features! Web Auth, Web Animations, WebMetal(?), pointer events, intersection observe…

via Twitter for iPhone

@mhartington @samthor Confirming, no manifest updates. I have a little test app, and it’s still the same:

via Twitter for iPhone from Newark, NJ

Look at that, iOS 12.2 Beta 1 adds one more ’✅’ to the PWA Feature Detector ( Safari now s…

via Twitter for iPhone from Newark, NJ

@jeffposnick @rowan_m There’s a German word for that: Pizzarandresteübriglasser.

via Echofon in reply to jeffposnick

RT @henrylim96: 🌚 Dark mode is now available on Chrome Canary 73.0.3683.3 (MacOS)! 🎉

via Echofon

RT @HenrikJoreteg: Holy crap! iOS is getting support for the `download` attribute! Remember this whole thread and my ranting? Well, the bug…

via Echofon

Chrome University 2018 and BlinkOn: selected talks from Google’s internal training for new Chrome developers:…

via Twitter for iPhone from Manhattan, NY

RT @addyosmani: Lighthouse CI: automate performance testing pull requests! ⚡️

Also supports perf budgets (threshol…

via Echofon

RT @sw12: Get median scores for multiple URLs for multiple Lighthouse runs:

It’s really easy to use: list URLs i…

via Echofon

A couple of months ago, we tweeted about the “double back button” problem (see quoted tweet). Now there’s a proposa…

via Twitter for iPhone from Manhattan, NY

RT @webkit: Release notes are now available for Safari Technology Preview Release 74, which includes abortable Fetch, Web Authentication up…

via Echofon

RT @slightlylate: Was digging into this data last week, and it turns out there isn’t much overlap.

10+% of all pageloads in Chrome are use…

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Bringing high-quality imaging to the web platform: nice blog post by ⁦@intel⁩’s Open Source team member ⁦⁦…

via Twitter for iPhone

Very excited about this Intent to Ship 🚢: IntersectionObserver V2, here’s the Explainer

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RT @guardian: Don’t trust Daily Mail website, Microsoft browser warns users

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Ten Things you didn’t know about by ⁦@DeanoHume⁩. Clickbaity title but well worth a read.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @Wikimedia: We’re excited to announce that @Google and Wikimedia are working together to increase knowledge equity online. Here’s what t…

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@daviddalbusco @googledevs There’s code referencing this bug ID: ✅

via Twitter for iPhone from Manhattan, NY

What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 73) Great treasure trove of developer improvements. 💌

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@addyosmani @westonruter @_JayGeorge Isn’t the request order a naturally good heuristic of fetch importance for the…

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`<link rel=preload as=… importance=low>` “to allow developers to down-prioritize certain preloads which may contend…

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RT @css: <img intrinsicsize> fights jank

It’s worth checking out the two videos linked up here to see how much nicer the loading experienc…

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RT @anssik: Remember <marquee> and <blink>? Annoying? How about animating URLs with JS and emojis: 🕺

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Another puzzle piece to help make Progressive Web Apps equal-level players on the field: you can now share files wh…

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RT @umaar: Dev Tips - DevTools: A new and improved Inspect Element Tooltip which surfaces useful CSS properties 🎯 -…

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Oh, interesting: CSS Shadow Parts (::part) is shipping! Here’s an Explainer of what it does and why it’s useful:…

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.@Wikidata has tons of details about programming languages, @yaph has put it all together in…

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RT @mxbck: For anyone interested in last week’s post: I made a starter template for @eleven_ty with basic support for webmentions: 🚀https:/…

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RT @benmorss: I made a thing called Speed Demon. It lets you check your webpage speed weekly using WebPageTest without writing any code!…

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RT @keithjgrant: Fantastic set of CSS questions from @bradwestfall. These are not questions to trick you: each one illustrates an essential…

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TIL about an interesting CSS property called `color-adjust` for adjusting potential user agent optimizations when p…

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RT @googlewmc: 🎊 Yay! A new feature is now available in Search Console! 🎊

You can now see the HTTP response, page resources, JS logs and…

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RT @kennethrohde: There is reason to be very excited about Microsoft adopting Chromium! 🎉🎊🕺

Intent to implement HTML modules!…

via Twitter for iPhone

@nhoizey @Mamboleoo Hehe, your article definitely came up when I researched this in the past and also today. Nice w…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @derSchepp: Here are the slides of my talk at today’s @WebMeetupCgn on what I learned on imagery on the web:

via Twitter Web Client

You’d think `body: { height: 100vh; }` ( and you’re good? Turns out, oftentimes the answer…

via Twitter Web Client

Feature usage data via @HTTPArchive data on, all queries openly revealed at page bottom! 💏…

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And just as we talk about Shape Detection APIs ( nice face landmark use case realized by L…

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RT @dougsillars: New Blog Post: State of the Web Animated GIFs.

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RT @jaffathecake: The next major version of my idb-but-with-promises library is starting to take shape.

➡️ Size halved using modern JS (no…

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@DenisTRUFFAUT This is where you would need additional tools and/or training data.

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

Wowza—My first ever Web Fundamentals post just went live, and I snuck in an incredibly smart title </self-irony> 🥳:…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @HenrikJoreteg: Like tiny apps but need smooth scrolling? Selectively load this smooth scroll polyfill and use built-in support if prese…

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RT @ebidel: New perf APIs coming to Blink…

⏱Element Timing API

Know when hero images are first displayed -


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Correlating Performance Metrics to Page Characteristics: exciting performance analysis by ⁦@paulcalvano⁩ based on ⁦…

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RT @heydonworks: ✏️ The Flexbox Holy Albatross

I found a way to make Flexbox switch directly between multiple and single column layouts. N…

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@nhoizey @Paul_Kinlan Try for a realistic example, it should work fine there.

via Twitter Web Client

💪 The power of Web Components: @Paul_Kinlan shows how easily he added a simple yet powerful `<pinch-zoom>` element…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @kennethrohde: I don’t know who made this nice Mahjong game but it’s a quite nice and fast PWA! 💾🎉😍 https://t.c…

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The great @rachelandrew on how and when to use multi-column layout with CSS `column-width` and `column-count`:…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@derSchepp The problem is that it’s an empty element: But yeah, the pattern would be somewhat logical at least.

via Echofon

jeffposnick @domenic Yeah, good idea. That gives me what I want once expanded.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:43 PM, Jan 11th, 2019 via Echofon)

@jeffposnick I have a similar question for exception logging. Try logging a “FaceDetector not implemented” error in…

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RT @regocas: I’ve been working on css-contain lately, this is a blog post introducing the spec and the status of things around it: https://…

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@derSchepp “`html
<link rel=”preload” as=”image”>
<source src=”ex.jpg” type=”image/jpeg”>
<source src=”ex.webp…

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RT @estark37: I checked in the guidelines that we use when building new URL displays in Chrome (a surprisingly tricky and common task!): ht…

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RT @potch: an underrated CSS selector is the adjacency `+` operator.

`a + b` targets b, only when it’s right after a.

e.g. want borders…

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RT @css: You don’t have to expand each DOM node individually in DevTools… option click > expand recursively

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Hooray for more video write-ups 💏! Here’s @rick_viscomi’s State of the Web interview ( of…

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How Google’s own in-house SEOs do SEO for Google’s own web content: We have to go deeper.

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@rob_dodson Probably still GitHub labels 🏷: (can bookmark a filtered view that excludes “cluttering” ones.

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RT @TheHackersNews: Google Public DNS Service ( Now Supports DNS-over-TLS #Security Feature

It not just h…

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Program Manager @codepo8 reflects on his now four years at Microsoft (mostly in the broader @MSEdgeDev team I think…

via Twitter Web Client

@rowan_m 🤣 Nice.
The two books I have ever read are 🔗 “What They Teach You at Harvard Business School” by Philip De…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @natfriedman: Shipping today — set a status on your GitHub profile to let your friends and colleagues know what you’re up to, and set ex…

via Echofon

RT @Una: I wrote a blog post about CSS Houdini and the Paint API! 🎇

Complete with some #devdoodles 😎

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RT @intenttoship: Blink: Intent to Implement and Ship: CSS prefers-reduced-motion media query

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RT @rowan_m: Finally at a shareable stage, it’s my Web A Skeb PWA!
🔄 Twist the knobs to draw
💋 Shake to erase
🌈 Toggle through 3 effects

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RT @argyleink: Added Revenge.css to VisBug’s beta plugin set and it’s already helped me find 8 errors! Here’s a gif of it running in a desk…

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meganmarie610 Just found out about

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:56 AM, Jan 9th, 2019 via Echofon)

RT @samccone: @_developit @trysmudford and to support IE11 + Edge high contrast mode you can do 💡

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RT @davidbaron: Congratulations to @hober @sangwhanmoon & @sundress for being elected to the W3C TAG.

It’s been great working with @slight…

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RT @smashingmag: ⚡Let’s make 2019… fast!
Meet the annual front-end performance checklist for 2019.

🏎💨 Front-End Performance Checklist 201…

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RT @DasSurma: I wanted to experiment with Discrete Cosine Transforms, so I built a toy:

➡ Calculates the DCT of a 128x128 region (instead…

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A declarative router for service workers: Spinning up a service worker can be costly and m…

via Twitter Web Client

@medleyj64119 @DasSurma @DotProto @medleyjp Maybe add the accounts’ focuses to the particular bio and cross-reference them?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to medleyj64119

RT @PixelProspector: “How Cameras in 2D Games work (especially platformers)”
>6 min video by @ansimuz:
>52 min talk…

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@westonruter @Twitter @lanegreene Funny how this troll still makes the rounds even eighth years later: 😂

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RT @SpiderMonkeyJS: We implemented dynamic import() support in @FirefoxNightly, but it still requires the about:config preference javascrip…

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RT @anildash: If you want to know why we’re so proud of @Glitch, and I’m so excited about the team & the community that I get to work with,…

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RT @DasSurma: 🗜Maybe unintuitive to some: Even though WebAssembly files are binary, they still compress _really_ well.

In my most recent p…

via Echofon has become one of my favorite tools on the Web; we also use it intensely for the…

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@rowan_m @johnrh @DasSurma Meanwhile at my parents in law in Spain someone built your PWA in real life. #Impact

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @Fyrd: Fun fact: “Can I use…” turns 10 years old today! 🎉

For anyone curious about how the site started, here’s the original blog pos…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @justmarkup: Your new year resolution is to spend less time on social media?

Great, there is a thing called RSS and I launched an app f…

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RT @smashingmag: ✏️ You don’t need to memorize every CSS property and value, but there are some fundamental things which will make CSS much…

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“Things I’ve been wrong about, things I’ve been right about,” by Nolan Lawson. Love this retrospective (and self-cr…

via Twitter for iPhone

This promises to be exciting (as in my definition of exciting): 365 IETF RFCs, one summarized each day:…

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RT @akent99: Nice little article on building Accessible web components - component developers need to do this, it cannot all be added later…

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