Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 2014

TomDeNies @RubenVerborgh defending his PhD at the aula in Ghent. The crown on 3,5 years of research! Congrats!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:49 PM, Feb 28th, 2014 via Echofon)

@void_0 Great! While my MacBook Pro had forgotten my screen setup immediately after the update, it worked fine ever since, incl. reboots.

via Echofon in reply to void_0

RT @RubenVerborgh: My PhD “Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia” is now available online!

via Echofon

~RT @RubenVerborgh: Glad that I crossed paths w/ @tomayac & @sethvanhooland […] Couldn’t agree more, friends+research

via Echofon

Started incorporating @JSHint commit hooks into my Git workflow, following a best practice of @RubenVerborgh #JSHint

via Echofon

Addendum to my prev. tweet 2/28—PhD defense day!—also happens to be @RubenVerborgh’s birthday! Gelukkige verjaardag!

via Echofon

Today’s the day of @RubenVerborgh’s #PhD defense! Wishing you all the best, cand. Ph.D. Verborgh! (req. FB login)

via Echofon

@HeidiTworek Hi Heidi, happened to catch your tweet… Apparently things’re going well for you in Harvard Congrats! Tom

via Echofon

@void_0 Same here. Thought someone had messed with my marked screen cables, but it’s indeed a bug in 10.9.2.

via Echofon in reply to void_0

Today’s #xkcd is truly genius: Make sure to bookmark this URL, it always points to the correctly rotated version.

via Echofon

RT @Newsweek: Half of all edits to Wikipedia are made by bots — and that’s a good thing

via Echofon

seen via obviously dominates Twitter w/ 10.9.2 & 7.0.6 finally released.

via Echofon

RT @brucel: “Nothing terrifies me more than an app … in desperate pursuit of revenue w. full access to everything on my phone”…

via Echofon

The ! program makes interesting datasets for non-commercial use available:

via Echofon

RT @somebitsLinks: Apple’s SSL bug: Simple typo; bad thing is no code review nor testing caught it // if (cond) {…}

via Echofon

My wife has launched her own @Dawanda_de shop Also check out her blog

via Echofon

‘use strict’;—Improve #JavaScript by enforcing strict rules. One of the better articles on the subject:

via Echofon

RT @WikiLiveMon: #BreakingNews Candidate: [Edits: 13, Editors: 8, Langs: 5, Stories:, https:…

via Echofon

The bot @mediagalleries is back—it posts media galleries auto-generated fo@WikiLiveMonows candidates. It was down due to a bug…

via Echofon

Hijacked plane #ET702 story. Twitter custom timeline via @chabotc Media gallery via #TomsPhD

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RT @RubenVerborgh: In #Java, you don’t just do.
You always try, then catch—knowing you’ll never catch anything.

via Echofon

#LDOW2014—Get Accepted or Die Tryin’… Weaving the Web(VTT) of Data // CC: @hfmuehleisen, @RubenVerborgh, @pchampin, @benoit_encelle, @yprie

via Echofon

RT @hfmuehleisen: Breaking news picture galleries based on #Wikipedia edits as @twitter feed: @mediagalleries by @tomayac! #FF

via Echofon

From of @CommonCrawl: “We strive to be transparent in all of our operations.”—Any info on the crawl strategy? Vague…

via Echofon

@rtroncy @silviapfeiffer Not a single one… We’re working on a paper at the moment.

via Echofon

@silviapfeiffer .srt: 390; & dynamic stuff that may be (/includes/assets/vtt/?f=/2013/CLIP_JBU_LR/) or not (/videos/1095/captions).

via Echofon in reply to silviapfeiffer

Of the 1,456 <track> (, distrib. of src attrib: matches /.(web)?vtt$/i: 66, other: 1390. @silviapfeiffer #WebVTT

via Echofon

Of the 1,456 <track> (, distrib. of kind: captions: 915, subtitles: 525, chapters: 2, (rest invalid). @silviapfeiffer

via Echofon

Stats from @hfmuehleisen’s & my recent @CommonCrawl analysis on the Winter 2013 dataset: <video>: 2,963,766; out of which w/ <track>: 1,456.

via Echofon

techreview The Shadowy World Of Wikipedia’s Editing Bots

via (retweeted on 5:20 PM, Feb 13th, 2014 via Echofon)

RT @GeppettoAvatars: Wikidata’s editing bots are now not just editing but also authoring. Watch it happening here: h…

via Echofon

Bugs that bite—#MacOSX Finder lets you create file names with a ‘/’ Still banging my head… #BasedOnATrueStory !#UNIX

via Echofon

An interesting photo gallery layout algorithm used over at @YahooTech described in detail here: (CC: @Vjeux)

via Echofon

#JavaScript #RegExp support is incredibly bad: a character’s more than a-zA-Z in the age of #Unicode. to the rescue.

via Echofon

WxAnalyst Wikipedia Live Monitor going too fast for me to keep up; it’s as if there’s some major sporting event happening or something.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 3:49 PM, Feb 12th, 2014 via Echofon)

@seenco Merci! Just realized that maybe the app isn’t UTF8-enabled?! Tried ¡Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸2014, but searches for #2014 instead.

via Echofon

RT @mstrohm: Social Curation in Pinterest: Specialization, Homophily, and Gender:

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RT @TwitterData: ¡Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸2014: Оцените самые популярные олимпийские фотографии в Твиттере

via Echofon

Watching the #Sochi #Olympics on a (still) private @WikiLiveMon build, like, literally :-)

via Echofon

RT @sw12: Search 400+ Chrome developer videos — now with clickable, human-readable transcripts:

via Echofon

@StuartJRitchie @JohnRentoul Already exists:, then add a rule to replace “Which books have you read” :-) De rien.

via Echofon in reply to StuartJRitchie

RT @JohnRentoul: Joy. My “Whom to follow” Chrome extension works on the new Twitter design Thx @tomayac…

via Echofon

changing their logo apparently is social media news-worthy :-) (via )

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@mstrohm @ph_singer Great paper (RT’ed y’day already)! For arXiv, you should add the DOI (PDF in email “IW3C2 Copyright Release Form […]”).

via Echofon in reply to mstrohm

cramforce Not so subtle Google Doodle

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:57 PM, Feb 7th, 2014 via Echofon)

sklaporte @ReaderMeter Introducing the Wikimedia Data Grants Program: Congratulations, you are accepted, here you go:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:45 PM, Feb 7th, 2014 via Echofon)

@rtroncy Right in the link—“GitHub warns you when you push a file larger than 50MB. We’ll reject pushes containing files larger than 100MB.”

via Echofon

#Git tip: had committed a file too large for @GitHub some local commits ago. Mess :-( BFG Repo-Cleaner to the rescue

via Echofon

RT @ph_singer: Preprint of our #www2014 #websci #reddit paper about Reddit’s evolution (out- vs. self-reference) is online:…

via Echofon

@seenco Use the pushState API to switch between All/Photos/Tweets on Seen pages. Let me link to each section. Merci!

via Echofon

@seenco Small typo on “When relevant and treDNing topics are detected”

via Echofon

RT @wsREST: We’ve just sent out notification for #wsREST2014 Congrats, looking forward to seeing you all! @WWW2014_K…

via Echofon

wsREST We’re collecting last reviews & hope to be sending out notifications on Feb. 5. Thanks to all reviewers for their detailed reviews!

via Echofon (retweeted on 9:30 PM, Feb 4th, 2014 via Echofon)

RT @abursuc: Insider advice for getting a job at Google for PhD students

via Echofon

@LeonDerczynski Thx. Tweets work fine for months now, only permanent archiving in a Google Group didn’t find the placet of G’s abuse filter…

via Echofon in reply to LeonDerczynski

Amazing to what extent is dominated by 2nd-screens, here depicted by for “Auf ewig Dein”. @Tatort

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My Track poster “Bots vs. Wikipedians, Anons vs. Logged-Ins” pre-published on arXiv: @WikiResearch

via Echofon

somebitsLinks Yahoo building search?: Rumors of early projects

via (retweeted on 6:53 PM, Feb 1st, 2014 via Echofon)

@hfmuehleisen 113386938. Online :-)

via Echofon

@tkurz Thanks for your #MediaFragments URI parser! Great :-) Tiny remark: s/regional/spatial/i because @rtroncy

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