Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 2018

If you still (need to) care for browsers capable of decoding JPEG XR and are tempted to use the format—despite the…

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RT @RyanTownsend: @derSchepp @JoubranJad @Souders @csswizardry We haven’t officially launched this… but what you’re looking for is: https…

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Listing things you don’t know. ♥️ Love the concept.
High up on my 🔝 list: React & Redux. I get the general concepts…

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Gradient Image Placeholders: new tool “gip” by ⁦@stoyanstefanov⁩ for yet another placeholder technique.

via Twitter for iPhone

@argyleink Not a great analogy: there’s neither —quiet nor —fix.

via Echofon in reply to argyleink

RT @littledan: If you want to process binary or numerical data efficiently in JavaScript, consider TypedArrays. You can learn how from this…

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Common CSS Issues For Front-End Projects: Grab bag of tips that you might find useful.

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addyosmani DevTools Tip: $_ in the Console returns the value of the last expression evaluated.

via Twitter Ads Composer (retweeted on 10:35 AM, Dec 28th, 2018 via Echofon)

RT @DasSurma: Mini function of the day: `nextEvent()`.

Gives you a promise for the next event of a certain type. Really nice in conjuncti…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @zachleat: Don’t Stop Learning

A response to the feedback from a tweet from long, long ago (okay, it’s been ten…

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Creating and filling Arrays of arbitrary lengths in JavaScript by ⁦@rauschma.⁩

“[…] I wouldn’t worry too much abou…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @ebidel: 🔯The 12 Days of Puppeteer 🤹🏻‍♂️🎁

“¸ Make your next screencast a breeze 💨. Launch 🚀2 or more pages side-by-side, visually compa…

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RT @rauchg: Node.js HTTP fundamentals without frameworks. Great read:

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Server Timing as used by ⁦@Akamai⁩ today (and potential future use cases)—Neat advanced article including beginner-…

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RT @ireaderinokun: New on bitsofcode! 💃🏿

“Understanding the Virtual DOM”

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Wielding the power of web transparency by ⁦@rick_viscomi⁩

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RT @HenrikJoreteg: Whenever I talk about “using indexedDB.” What I’m actually referring to using it as an async, versioned, key-value store…

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Performance Calendar » Is AVIF the future of images on the web?

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@argyleink @chromecanary 😂 The first time I did this I felt like the coolest hax0r in town, until I realized: “wait…

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RT @CharlieCroom: If you’re using the Twitter PWA on Android, you can now “Share…” stories to a tweet in the web app with the new Chrome…

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RT @yoavweiss: I wrote some words summing up the recent @webperfwg face-to-face meeting at the @w3c TPAC

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It doesn’t happen that often that the 🇩🇪 German IT press writes about the stuff I’m working on, but yesterday it ha…

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@simevidas Not in the current implementation state, but permission prompt or wake lock indication are definitely so…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @torch2424: Just released my deep dive article / medium post into #webassembly vs. #javascript performance. Using different compiled cor…

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Great approach for resolution-independent fallback or placeholder (SVG) images:

via Twitter Web Client

Dull Old Web Fart @brucel on the practical value of semantic HTML. ❤️

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RT @ireaderinokun: New on bitsofcode! 💃🏿

“Handling broken images with the service worker”

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@mischmerz @ChromiumDev @petele @Wikipedia Silent (or as you call it “hidden”) push notifications were something we…

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@myfrom13th It’s been like this “forever”, simply the notches now make the separation clearer.

via Twitter Lite in reply to myfrom13th

@aerotwist Happy birthday, mate! 🎂 I didn’t know we were that close date-wise: mine was yesterday. Off by one. Classic.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to aerotwist from Hamburg, Germany

RT @marcushellberg: New 5-part text & video tutorial on building an app with #LitElement, covering:
🔥 #lithtml templating
⚛️ state manageme…

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@marcushellberg @kennethrohde This is a really good tutorial! (Seems like the repo is private:…

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RT @ChromiumDev: ⏰Need to keep the screen or the device awake?

Most devices quickly go to sleep when left idle to save battery🔋, but did…

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@simevidas Seems like you might be interested in the minutes of the @w3c workshop on permissions:

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@justinribeiro @alexey_rodionov That’s a seriously cool app! You should chime in on (GitHub…

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A speedometer PWA that uses the Wake Lock API to request a `screen`-type wake lock to keep the screen on. 💌

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RT @wesbos: 🔥 Intersection Observer is handy for when you need to disable a UI until something has been shown on screen. In this case we ca…

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RT @katiehempenius: How to see all response headers used by a site (in Chrome):

- Type “has-response-header:”
- Dropdown of all headers ap…

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RT @firt: BLE Beacons is coming to the Web!
Today WebBT is available only to connect to a well-known service, but it can’t be used to list…

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RT @notwaldorf: Happy Monday! Here’s a ✨magical doodling app✨ I just built!

It uses Magenta’s SketchRNN model to complete a doodle you st…

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RT @HelenSchrader19: “A step by step guide to monitoring the competition with the Chrome UX Report” by @rick_viscomi #DEVcommunity https://…

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RT @rachelandrew: Next time you think “CSS is terrible, why can’t I just … ” why not find out why the property behaves like that? If noth…

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RT @ireaderinokun: Loving all the responses from people who’ve found genuinely good use cases for pointer-events. I’m collecting them to ad…

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@jonathandavis and @webkit might be interested in this thread by @HenrikJoreteg. The bug is here:…

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For the impatient, the Wake Lock demos are:
1) 💬 Talking Wikipedia screensaver:
2) 💟 Run tr…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @ChromiumDev: In response to @petele’s article on Wake Locks ☕🔒 (, @tomayac has been experimenting and created t…

via Twitter Web Client

For geeks like me who care about Oxford commas, watch 🤔 regarding the new `Intl.ListFormat`…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @ChromiumDev: Badging for App Icons? Yes please🙌
The Badging API is a new API that lets installed web apps to set an application-wide ba…

via Twitter for iPhone

@rowan_m I challenge you to MacGyver-ise (look how I en-GB’ed this for you!) the ultimate Feuerzange:

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@kennethrohde I don’t think this was a design objective, but wasn’t involved at all. Probably best to reach out to…

via Twitter Web Client

@nekrtemplar @Paul_Kinlan IIRC the status bar had changes reg. dark mode in Oreo, but not sure. The spec is vague o…

via Twitter Web Client

Design document for Chrome extensions with the future manifest v3: Some exciting changes i…

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RT @argyleink: Slick update to desktop #PWA’s on Mac if you’re using @chromecanary! Closer to the Linux and Chrome OS UI’s 😎 Look at Messag…

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RT @slightlylate: Interesting; someone found my prototype:

via Twitter for iPhone

Even if you don’t use yall.js (yet another lazy loading library), the words of wisdom in the README are gold. ⤵️

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@fernap3 @v8js @ChromiumDev @bmeurer’s blog post has more background information on this.

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@feedly Thank you very much on behalf of all xkcd fans! 😃

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@feedly Could we get the alt text back in the new Feedly app, please? xkcd is nothing without alt text.

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @rowan_m: Practical advice thread from Starbucks on avoiding out of date Service Workers.

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RT @ireaderinokun: New on bitsofcode! 💃🏿

“Using aria-live”

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I’m uncomfortably excited & strangely fascinated by this development. The Big Mac Index says a 🍔 is $2.19 in Indone…

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RT @jennylg: Web Developer Advocate at Google Tom Steiner @tomayac has a new series on @YouTube. ⚡️”Why build Progressive Web Apps?” ⚡️Chec…

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🤔 “What happens when [@npmjs] packages go bad?” wonders @jaffathecake and provides some answers:

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All there is to know about prefetching: Great overview by @katiehempenius! 💏

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔥 Class fields are coming to JavaScript!

Public class fields ship in @v8js v7.2 and Chrome 72, and work is underway to su…

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RT @addyosmani: @puf It’s really nice. @igrigorik and @malchata have a write-up on the Save-Data header and .saveData over in…

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@zachleat @rick_viscomi @leaverou had a great article on that recently-ish:

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@umaar Thanks for this and all other videos! On this one: Are there known “other tools” out there yet?

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RT @HenrikJoreteg: I have it on good authority (from several folks, actually) that if you want something addressed in Safari, complaining a…

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RT @zachleat: @stoyanstefanov @dougsillars Great post @dougsillars!

Since you linked to one of the blog posts I’ve written maybe it’s okay…

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Nice ⁦@HTTPArchive⁩ study by ⁦@dougsillars⁩ on the “Base64-encode all the things for the sake of making less HTTP r…

via Twitter for iPhone

Good article by @hdv on the `Element.scrollIntoView()` API ( that has some experimental tri…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @addyosmani: 🔢 Announcing… quicklink! <1KB library to..
âš¡ Automatically prefetch links in the viewport during idle time
⏳ Attempt to mak…

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RT @andrey_l1nd3n: The only thing easier than getting #PushNotification subscription right is… getting it wrong. So, you, know… don’t.…

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RT @stubbornella: What do you think of this proposal for an http header that expresses the viewport? Feedback welcome! What would you build…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🎥 @DasSurma and @jaffathecake look how the web platform has improved by comparing old code to new code.…

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RT @codepo8: Dynamically adjusting resources based on browser, network connection and device memory

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RT @andrey_l1nd3n: The #A2HS mini infobar in #Chrome is there for a (temporary) reason, but it certainly shouldn’t stop you using this one…

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RT @Souders: On the @SpeedCurve blog: JavaScript growth and third parties. The size of 3rd party JS since 2011 has octupled!…

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RT @aleyda: PWAs SEO: Developing Optimized PWAs and How to Validate them - My latest post 🔲 💥🙌 

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RT @DebugBear: Wrote a blog post about the performance impact of Chrome extensions

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RT @devongovett: Really excited about the work we are doing on code splitting in Parcel 2! ✂️

Here is an example of a bundle with async de…

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Badging for app icons by ⁦@petele⁩: We’re specifically looking for API and use cases feedback.

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@boleroo @ChromiumDev Thanks for the feedback. I’m not a native speaker of English, but doing my best and hoping to…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@AngularChicago @ChromiumDev
> Great example app thanks!
Thanks for the nice feedback!

Re: 1) What we can say publ…

via Twitter Web Client

@samthor Yes, you fixed it. They’re not flags anymore on iOS. 💍

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Measuring Wikipedia page load times: “When working on a service used by millions, we focus on the 99th percentile a…

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RT @cramforce: Intent to ship for stale-white-revalidate in Chrome! This has been specified in HTTP for ages, but no browser implemented it…

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RT @DasSurma: 10 bucks says this string constant was defined by either a JavaDeveloper or a German.


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RT @ChromeDevTools: A handy tip from “The Art of Debugging with Chrome DevTools” by @PrashantPalikhe:

Log objects instead of variables. De…

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@jipfr @ChromiumDev @googlechrome 🤣Welcome to the German art of nested subordinate clauses translated to, erm, Engl…

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RT @ChromiumDev: @tomayac ⚠️ Note that in @googlechrome currently there’s a temporary mini-infobar ( that you can’t…

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The third episode of “Why Build Progressive Web Apps” was the most fun to film, especially because we managed to fi…

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@DasSurma 😂 This looks exactly like the version some of us found on a USB pen that had fallen off a truck back when…

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Wow, @TomAnthonySEO has written a brilliant introduction to HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 that uses trucks as an anal…

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@meabed @addyosmani @cramforce @sebmarkbage @luke_wagner Yepp, sure, but they’re out of scope based on my rough def…

via Twitter Web Client

@addyosmani @cramforce @sebmarkbage @luke_wagner So if it’s indeed that simple, why can’t we have nice things? Comi…

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Great post by @TimVereecke on (holistically) honoring the `Save-Data` HTTP header: 💍

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Regarding @HenrikJoreteg’s tweet quoted below, I wrote a 💉 paper about Service Worker APIs and Progressive Web App…

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@pbakaus I fully agree on your overall point, though: if this is the first time you encounter the issue of state ma…

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@pbakaus s/I couple/A couple/
s/your asking/you’re asking/

I like the article, and yes, AMP state management is fa…

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RT @WolfieChristl: Facebook adds 5 divs, 9 spans and 30 css classes to every single post in the timeline to make it more difficult to ident…

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@rick_viscomi Wow 😲. Hope some are left when we all gather in NYC in January.

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@zachleat @eleven_ty Love how flexible it is: no lock-in with any template language, I can just choose dynamically…

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@zachleat Thanks a lot for building @eleven_ty! Impressed with the build speed. Hope to get more familiar with the platform in the future…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tomayac

@mathias Thanks for open-sourcing! This is and was extremely helpful! Biggest pain point so…

via Twitter Web Client

Following @v8js’ example (, I’ve finally started migrating to @zachleat’s @eleven_ty, away…

via Twitter Web Client

Contributing to WebKit for a more predictable web platform: Good overview of what ⁦@igalia…

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The Official AMP Plugin for WordPress

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Your actual mileage may vary, but there’re definitely baseline performance costs of JavaScript frameworks that you…

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RT @argyleink: Fresh immutably deployed VisBug learning site ready for your tinkering and destruction!
It’s a ‘try…

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@argyleink Nice URL you have there. 💍

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Nice writeup of new tricks of the HAR comparison tool by @soulislove:…

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RT @umaar: Dev Tips - DevTools: 💡 How to use the new Logpoint feature - - Useful for quicker JavaScript debugging h…

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RT @mhartington: Adding to the CSS Variables and Safari Dark-mode hype…Third part apps (like f.lux) can toggle macOS Dark mode at sunset.…

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RT @jennylg: At Google’s #Conversions conference in #Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪 last month we talked about “Progressive Web Apps, Payment Experienc…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔣Announcing Puppeteer for Firefox 🤹🏻‍♂️💕🦊

An experimental project for controlling Firefox using Puppeteer’s API. Still mi…

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RT @v8js: 🔥 V8 v7.2 / Chrome 72 greatly improves the performance of spread elements of the form […x] or […x, y, z]. Here’s how we did i…

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RT @feross: Good summary of JSON hijacking, if you’re not familiar.

Why Facebook’s API starts with a for loop http…

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After all the rumors now @Microsoft’s official announcement: “Microsoft Edge: Making the web better through more op…

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zachleat Somewhere along the line jsdom became very powerful, wow.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:43 AM, Dec 6th, 2018 via Echofon)

Registering as a Share Target with the Web Share Target API, by @petele:

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If your site includes video livestreams, you can now use structured markup and the Indexing…

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@magbicaleman You asked for a source: “Apple’s ARKit, Google’s Visual Core chip, native graphics APIs”—

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

The biggest news in the Safari Technology Preview 71 announcement post in my opinion is that `IntersectionObserver`…

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@magbicaleman Agreed, the border gets pushed further and further. High-end gaming probably, but even this area is getting within reach.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to magbicaleman from Hamburg, Germany

RT @TobiasDelorme: Using Push Notifications in Progressive Web Apps: Context/Timing is the Key - - #PWA #webapp #we…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @jaffathecake: 🔝 Introducing Background Fetch.

➡️ Perform long-running fetches in the background.
➡️ Hear about the result in your serv…

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RT @googlewmc: … and if you’re wondering about …. 💤 …. lazy-loaded images, we added some information about how to handle lazy-loading…

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Looks like @RudyGiuliani is making a strong case for the .either top-level domain. I’m impatiently hovering over th…

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@magbicaleman Yepp, especially as a crafter it initially hurts to accept this, but once you’re over it, it has its advantages as well.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to magbicaleman from Hamburg, Germany

An Introduction to CSS Shapes: Very instructional article with a convincing demo: 🔺🔶🔵⬛

via Echofon for Android PRO

RT @KaiOStech: The Kai team is at #GoogleForIndonesia in Jakarta where Google just announced the new US$7 (!!) WizPhone that runs on KaiOS.…

via Echofon for Android PRO

RT @ChromiumDev: ➡️relative time format (like “5 minutes ago”) is now supported natively
➡️CSS `text-underline-position` is added for verti…

via Echofon for Android PRO

@JoubranJad With one gotcha: you can’t use it together with the `cursor` CSS property: A f…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

🔝 The video write-up of the 2nd episode of “Why Build Progressive Web Apps” on Push Notifications is out:


via Twitter Web Client

RT @JoubranJad: I loved the intro of this video by @tomayac
💯 accurate!

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @dalmaer: As someone who has worked with someone else for a long time. This sure does resonate.

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RT @quasi: How fast are domains in Germany? We analyzed 300 Domains for loading speed with @ChromeUXReport data and published the leaderboa…

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Hacking the perceived performance of websites: Great slide deck by @Mustafa_x! ⤵️

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@gregwhitworth @_zouhir @css @mgiuca Maybe something like `env(—has-back-button)` in the context of

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@gregwhitworth @_zouhir @css “Shut up and take my money” feature… 💶

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 The second episode of “Why Build Progressive Web Apps” is out! Today, @tomayac talks about push notifications: Push, bu…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🙋‍♂️ More of a TL;DW (too long, didn’t watch) kind of person? @tomayac has worked on a write-up of last week’s video “Why…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @frontendfront: Everything about CSS environment variables

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@zachleat @kylemathews @joeyquarters @DaryBarrio It’s all about privacy-preserving prefetching & making building ha…

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Interesting article by @ireaderinokun on CSS reset frameworks in 2018. In my opinion, margin and padding inconsiste…

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RT @JoubranJad: Wow flashy but I like it 😍
App Manifest’s theme_color is now styling the top bar

OS: Mac Mojave
Chrome: Canary (72)


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RT @feross: Detect pressed keys via microphone audio capture in real-time. Uses training data captured by typing first. Very neat!


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RT @zhenpixels: After Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, etc. all revealed their own typefaces, I fell into a rabbit hole of finding out why.


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