@rick_viscomi Wow 😲. Hope some are left when we all gather in NYC in January.
@zachleat @eleven_ty Love how flexible it is: no lock-in with any template language, I can just choose dynamically… https://t.co/IHL5uUWMb9
@zachleat Thanks a lot for building @eleven_ty! Impressed with the build speed. Hope to get more familiar with the platform in the future…
@mathias Thanks for open-sourcing https://t.co/O7cvLmJyPc! This is and was extremely helpful! Biggest pain point so… https://t.co/0DxtqdFg45
Following @v8js’ example (https://t.co/vkwt8663Kx), I’ve finally started migrating to @zachleat’s @eleven_ty, away… https://t.co/ufl8QmDdEK
RT @kennethrohde: Info on @MSEdgeDev and PWAs
https://t.co/StfYd2XwD1 https://t.co/aGMdZpTylw
Contributing to WebKit for a more predictable web platform: https://t.co/4Y2b8C6fV2. Good overview of what â¦@igalia… https://t.co/sZXBQyuReE
The Official AMP Plugin for WordPress https://t.co/0g3BMj7ZGz
Your actual mileage may vary, but there’re definitely baseline performance costs of JavaScript frameworks that you… https://t.co/akWAGcm6LK