Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 8th, 2018

@rick_viscomi Wow 😲. Hope some are left when we all gather in NYC in January.

via Echofon

@zachleat @eleven_ty Love how flexible it is: no lock-in with any template language, I can just choose dynamically…

via Echofon

@zachleat Thanks a lot for building @eleven_ty! Impressed with the build speed. Hope to get more familiar with the platform in the future…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tomayac

@mathias Thanks for open-sourcing! This is and was extremely helpful! Biggest pain point so…

via Twitter Web Client

Following @v8js’ example (, I’ve finally started migrating to @zachleat’s @eleven_ty, away…

via Twitter Web Client

Contributing to WebKit for a more predictable web platform: Good overview of what ⁦@igalia…

via Twitter for iPhone

The Official AMP Plugin for WordPress

via Echofon

Your actual mileage may vary, but there’re definitely baseline performance costs of JavaScript frameworks that you…

via Twitter for iPhone