Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

August 2022

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 Chrome is deprecating and eventually removing Web SQL! Read @tomayac’s post that details all the steps for getting there…

via Twitter for iPhone

@kilianvalkhof To be fair, it’s well documented that this thing throws:

via Twitter Web App

@kilianvalkhof Making it a no-op came up before. My thoughts: It may well be _not_ a problem, but at first glance it seems challenging.

via Twitter Web App

Erm, yay, I guess: Looks like the discussion is really civilized so far.

via Twitter Web App

The 🇪🇺 EU—Russia visa faciliation agreement ( is suspended. Well done! #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

via Twitter Web App

@joseph_silber @AshleyGullen I wonder if this would make it even harder to debug. By potentially having no-op behavior when in incogito mode or when blocking cookies, developers would always need to have a write operation followed by a read operation to s

via Twitter Web App in reply to joseph_silber

@sitnikcode @Mitsunee Note that literally just accessing `window.localStorage` fails. But if you `try…catch` all instances, you should be good.

via Twitter Web App

@CrosExperts @ianwill93 @Google Thanks, Ian, for writing about the 🐡 Project Fugu API Showcase!

via Twitter Web App

A friendly reminder that the 🐡 Project Fugu API Showcase is open for submissions: (search for “anonymous form”).

“We use a lot of ‘Fugu’ APIs in our products, too. CrosKeys uses Async Clipboard, CrosPaper uses Web Codecs[.]”—

via Twitter Web App

@kurtextrem Hopefully more will after reading this blog post. ☺️

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RT @Th3S4mur41: TIL that blocking #cookies 🍪 has a much bigger impact on web functionalities than one would expect 🤯

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RT @kennethrohde: Due to devices (streaming sticks, gaming consoles, etc.) having varying level of web support (some quite poor), both Prim…

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@rachelandrew If @sw12, you, and me happen to be there at the same time, I guess we can team up for a nice run!

via Echofon in reply to rachelandrew

@hdjirdeh Obvious question: Did you run a speed test?

via Echofon in reply to hdjirdeh

🤩 Chrome 105 is a great release: container queries and `:has()` as the two CSS launches, and the Sanitizer API as a security feature. See @petele’s blog post for the full summary!

via Twitter for iPhone

It’s incredibly inspiring to see @navalny’s and his team’s work result in the List of 6,000: Sanction every single one of the individuals on this list! #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

via Echofon

@edent LOL, I love that it’s even linkable. 😂

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RT @somebitsLinks: Twitter vs porn $: A plan for subscriptions for adult content on Twitter ran into their inability to police content

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@jensimmons @AdaRoseCannon What. The. Actual. Fsck?

The rules are very clear: “TPAC attendees must wear a mask at all times in all common spaces and meeting rooms, except when consuming food or beverages.”— You should escala

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@jyasskin @marcosc @krosylight @mgiuca It was targeting Chrome for macOS. 😂 Just need to unflag the behind a flag implementation.

via Echofon

@rocca27 @AshleyGullen Yes, incognito mode should ideally be not detectable by pages. Thanks for the bug report!

via Twitter Web App in reply to rocca27

RT @tomayac: Things not available when someone blocks all cookies 🚫🍪 in their browser:
⚠️ You better start `try……

via Twitter Web App

@sen0rxol0 @ChromiumDev Until you learn about 🦸🍪 supercookies…

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@ericlaw Oh, great, thanks for the code pointer! It might be a major operation, but it sounds like properly naming all of this (cookie → something something storage/persistence) would make sense both in the code as well as in the user interface.

via Twitter Web App

@fvsch @ChromiumDev There’s definitely potential for failing gracefully and in a way that users understand. I guess “Your settings can’t be persisted because you block cookies, which blocks other storage mechanisms in your browser as a side effect.” is te

via Twitter Web App in reply to fvsch

@cramforce I would suppose the set of failing APIs to be the same in the blocks 3P cookies case, yes.

Regarding incognito mode, it’s apparently a moving target, even in Chrome:

via Twitter Web App

@marcustallberg This seems to be a recent change. Just tested incognito on Chrome 104 and it worked, and on Canary 107 it threw. Interesting.

via Twitter Web App in reply to marcustallberg

@hate_and_roses @ChromiumDev Browsing statelessly is a #privacy user desire that I think we should respect. Sure, some features won’t work by definition, but many use cases should still be possible.

via Twitter Web App

@AshleyGullen It probably (maybe) boils down to redefining “session” for this purpose. The definition used for `sessionStorage` may not necessarily mean what users think of being a browsing session.

via Twitter Web App in reply to AshleyGullen

@thexpaw That’s right. Interestingly it’s only spec’ed to throw a `SecurityError`: and

via Twitter Web App

@AshleyGullen This is effectively `sessionStorage`, which gets blocked, too.

via Twitter Web App in reply to AshleyGullen

Things not available when someone blocks all cookies 🚫🍪 in their browser:
⚠️ You better start `try…catch`-ing all your `localStorage` calls!

via Twitter Web App

@mathias @jaffathecake This wins the Internet today. 💏

via Echofon in reply to mathias

RT @ChromiumDev: Compression and decompression in the browser with the 🗜️ Compression Streams API: write smaller web apps that don’t need t…

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@alexanderdanilo This might work for barebones trees: Something more complex: 🌳

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@devdevcharlie @AnaestheticsApp Wow, that’s an amazing project. Would you be open to presenting this at the next GDE meetup? I was looking for interesting topics, and this might be it. 🤩

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RT @devdevcharlie: I’m excited to share my latest side project! 😃

Using a Software Defined Radio dongle, an antenna and the Web USB API, I…

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@davrous Congratulations 🎈! Very well deserved!

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@__si_mon @HenrikJoreteg @reillyeon @googledevs If “it” refers to the Shape Detection API, then it can’t. The Shape Detection API is bound to detect predetermined shapes as in barcodes, faces, and text. It’s not extendable to custom shapes.

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@cramforce I find it particularly challenging to judge someone’s ability to strive in ambiguity in an interview situation. Sure, I can formulate the problem in an ambiguous way, but is the candidate asking clarification questions them striving in ambigu

via Echofon in reply to cramforce

@AdaRoseCannon 🤩 Wow! I cannot even imagine what this will mean for WebXR. Cannot wait to hopefully test it on an iPhone near me! Massive congratulations 🎈!

via Twitter Web App in reply to AdaRoseCannon

@alexanderdanilo I will for sure. Hoping to spend a couple of days in the SYD office.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to alexanderdanilo

@harleenkbatra For anything Google, they can turn on Advanced Protection mode:

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anssik pico.js, a face-detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:28 AM, Aug 27th, 2022 via Echofon)

@shadeed9 Same! “Industry’s heroes” very much includes you!

via Twitter Web App in reply to shadeed9

Proud to be part of Web Directions Summit 2022, together with some of the industry’s heroes I really look up to. 🙇‍♂️ See John’s blog post for the program.

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@ericlaw It’s behind a flag in Safari. Here’s hoping! 🤞

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@jeffposnick Great post, as always. This made me look up the current differences between Puppeteer and Playwright, maybe saving someone else a search:

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RT @jeffposnick: ✍️ How do you test a service worker, anyway?

Guidance and gotchas for end-to-end testing of your PWA’s service worker, us…

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How Nordhealth uses CSS custom properties in Web Components:

@DavidDarnes on the benefits of using custom properties in design systems and component libraries.

via Twitter Web App

@mafintosh @keet_io @simadsen Yay, eat your own dogfood! 💏

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@adamzea @csswg I think most of the work now happens in

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@khalildjahliart @Una I won’t engage any further since I think it’s toxic to compare the two situations; but before I mute the thread just noting that Google likewise is active in the Palestinian startup sphere.

via Twitter Web App

@adamzea You bring up a couple of very valid points. I suggest you talk to the @csswg (which you might already do).

via Twitter Web App in reply to adamzea

If you’re a Ukraine-based startup, you have up until September 20 to apply for the $5 million Google for Startups Ukraine Support Fund and receive up to $100,000 for your company. Apply here: #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

via Twitter Web App

@cramforce Oh, interesting. Are you thinking along the lines of:

import dark-mode-toggle assert { type: ‘custom-element’, name: ‘toggley-mctoggleface’ };

This would import `<dark-mode-toggle>` (default name) as `<toggley-mctoggleface>`.

(CC: @dandclark1

via Twitter Web App in reply to cramforce

@MarijnJH @BoxySVG @codemirror @ProseMirror General maintenance of existing work definitely falls under the set of things the fund _does_ want to cover. If in doubt, apply!

via Twitter Web App in reply to MarijnJH

@georapbox I just added the info to (which links out to the underlying Firefox and Safari bugs).

via Twitter Web App

@cheneytsai I’m old enough to still properly capitalize it, LOL.

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@BoxySVG @MarijnJH @codemirror @ProseMirror Marijn, please consider applying if you could use some funding! Thanks for relaying the info, @BoxySVG!

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“Implemented Compression Streams API”: yay, that’s a neat one 🗜️! Still some missing pieces to get to run, but slowly getting there, API by API. 💏

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@georapbox I think it was mostly related to Firefox not working with the color posterization filter that I pass in dynamically based on the sliders, so the posterization never happens.

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RT @ChromiumDev: In this post @MicheBarks shows some creative ways to style lists, along with practical tips and tricks for list markup and…

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RT @BenDelarre: So much truth to this

Don’t avoid the use of standardized capabilities because they’re not available across all targets. D…

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@passle_ Let me check and get back via DM.

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Quick call-out again for the ✨ Advanced Web Apps ✨ Fund: If you’re working on a next-level Web app or build core infrastructure like a library that allows others to base their next-level apps upon, definitely go ahead and apply 💰!

via Twitter Web App

@schweinepriestr Sure, it was more about testing the process…

via Twitter Web App in reply to schweinepriestr

#TIL that Firefox 🦊 runs origin trials 🧪 (, similar to Chrome (

I just signed up for the `OffscreenCanvas` origin trial for Let’s see what happens…

via Twitter Web App

Interesting case study (⤵️) on prerendering based on speculation rules: The idea is to dynamically insert them:

<script type=”speculationrules”>
“prerender”: [
{“source”: “list”,
“urls”: [“/home”, “/about

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔔 We’re live NOW!

Join the discussion for ways to take advantage of the web’s many powerful capabilities and APIs.


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@AnaestheticsApp @ChromiumDev @petele You are obviously aware, but for others tracking the conversation: the feature bug to star is

via Twitter Web App in reply to AnaestheticsApp

@cheeaun @estee_tey Yeah, it’s giving and taking. I didn’t manage to remove those sharp edges either, despite trying different approaches. FWIW, SVGcode’s black and white version seems workable, so you might also be fine by re-coloring the black and white

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@cheeaun @estee_tey Another option that lets you save the file is It uses yet another algorithm.

via Twitter Web App

@cheeaun @estee_tey This is a surprisingly really tough one indeed. It looks simple to the human eye, but apparently not to the Potrace tracing algorithm. Sorry, no better result here either.

via Twitter Web App

@WesGarland4 I know, but not an option where I work.

via Twitter Web App in reply to WesGarland4

@cheeaun @estee_tey There’s a ton of tweaking options. Happy to give it a try if you want to share the input image.

via Twitter Web App

@jviide Oh, interesting. I’ll give this a thorough try! Thanks!

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@dennis_0x It’s simply the smallest yet highest resolution screen that my employer makes available in my region.

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 Twitter Space pre-announcement: tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23, @tomayac and @petele will be your hosts for the Project Fu…

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@tomduncalf Yeah, at this point in time I’m all for reducing screen size if it comes at the benefit of smaller pixels.

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomduncalf

@rahul1sethi I thought so, too, for a moment, but then realized it was just displaying everything bigger (plus letterboxed). You can optimize for the built-in Retina screen or the external screen, and unfortunately it doesn’t seem to do magic.

via Twitter Web App in reply to rahul1sethi

@JonasKuske Yes, this was one of the first things that I tried. It doesn’t make a huge difference unfortunately.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to JonasKuske

RT @jeziorny_: @tomayac Some background info - not an easy task to find a good display. Even a 4K display at 27 inch shows details less tha…

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@sarajwallen I’m using the screen at its highest native resolution. There don’t seem to be any font settings in the current Ventura 13 beta.

via Twitter Web App

@sarajwallen I get the physics. The screen is about 50—60cm away from my eyes. I’m really just wondering how others cope with this. Did you not work on Retina screens to begin with and hence aren’t spoiled? Or do you all get 4K, 5K, or higher DPI screen

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I’ve been working on a 13 inch MacBook Pro’s 2,560×1,600 screen for the last couple of months and am now trying to make the switch to a 27 inch Lenovo screen at 2,560×1,440. I can’t help, but this screen looks bad. Did fonts always seem that pixely? Is

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RT @RGadellaa: 🔢 New blog post! TL;DR: Users are being spied on, websites are broken and hijacked.

It’s re-hashing a lot of what’s already…

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@CharlieCroom This is so they can know they need to activate “test mode”. </sarcasm>

(Context just in case: This scandal has burned all the trust I had in a once great German brand.)

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RT @KrauseFx: 🔥 New Post: Announcing InAppBrowser - see what JavaScript commands get injected through an in-app browser

💀 TikTok, when ope…

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RT @jensimmons: Learn all about how to use the `:has()` pseudo-class in walk-through of five demos!

“Using :has() as a CSS Parent Selector…

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RT @sw12: ❔ What’s in a Chrome origin trial token?

💉 Take a peek:

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@TheRealNooshu @36degrees I don’t know directly, and couldn’t find the answer after a couple of searches. Probably @googleanalytics does.

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RT @patmeenan: 💀 HTTP/2 PUSH is finally going away in Chrome 106:

HTTP 103 is the best way to early-hint out-of-ba…

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@sarah_edo “I also give them space to talk about what isn’t going well, and if they want to brag about anything.”
I wonder if you adjust the template for everyone when the team’s international, or just non-American team members? (I, a German, bein

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@davrous My words! Let’s focus on the right wires instead. Gold is the gold standard. </joking>

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@dannymoerkerke @kennethrohde @openuicg It’s not obvious right now, but see and, specifically At least that’s my reading.

via Twitter Web App

@danburzo Yes, it only really works in 105. The implementation in 104 is not complete. Sorry for the confusion.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to danburzo

@dannymoerkerke On localhost you can just enable the experimental web platform features flag:

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(Noting the quoted Shopify tweet is from 2020 and the Airbnb blog post from 2018.)

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

Companies setting anew on React Native (quoted tweet ⤵️) while others migrated off it some years ago ( It’s definitely an interesting world.

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@nsthorat Congratulations on reaching this milestone! 🎈

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@somebitsLinks Wow, I’ve been to Berlin many times but never noticed any of those. I’ll pay close attention during my next visit. Than@nelsonlson!

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Google Meet call control for USB peripheral devices, so you can access features like a headset’s mute setting via the Meet Web app, powered by the #WebHID API: Project Fugu 🐡 at work:

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @simevidas: As a workaround, set the aspect-ratio property to avoid the layout shift:

<video src=”video.mp4” controls

via Twitter Web App

RT @simevidas: Adding width/height attributes to <video> won’t prevent a layout shift in browsers.

via Twitter Web App

On ratings and meters: @leaverou has created two styleable and flexible custom elements, one user-editable, one not, to solve the star rating UI paradigm: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

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The HTML Standard has added a `focusVisible` option for the `focus()` method:

`button.focus({ focusVisible: true })`

This option enables websites to forcibly show the browser’s focus indicator (focus ring ✴️) when programmatically focusing an

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Exciting new Chrome origin trial: the Pop-Up API, which can be used to build transient UI elements that are displayed on top of all other Web app UI, accessed using the `popup` content attribute allowing the element to be displayed in the top layer: https

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RT @tkadlec: Solid post from @tunetheweb about how CrUX differs from RUM

CrUX is a great resource but I cringe a b…

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@SRobTweets @Google Wow, massive congratulations! Fantastic next step! 🎈

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RT @rowan_m: 🔀💮💿🚨

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@edent Nothing in particular, just as a source of alternative and, above all, cheaper or even free apps. I enjoyed a go kart game, but don’t remember the name now and am away from my device at the moment. It was like first-person Mario Kart (with worse

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to edent

Definitely check out SideQuest ( Some WebXR experiences ( and PWAs ( are also fun. Agree on the hefty price tag of all official titles. I only bought 🏔, an

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@kennethrohde Duh. This is sad news. 😔

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💀 #TIL about IndexNow, a way for webmasters to inform search engines about latest content changes on their website, supported by Microsoft Bing,, and Yandex: Notable absentee: Google. Upon changes, ping

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromeDevTools: 🤩 What’s New in DevTools (Chrome 105)?

🎞 Step-by-step replay in the Recorder
🎇 LCP in the Performance insights
✍🏼 Pro…

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@patmeenan @nomsternom @twifkak @slightlylate Unfortunately “We are utilizing artificial intelligence and have expanded our human review processes to help us identify, capture, and verify cloaking.” doesn’t really provide much insights into the ques

via Echofon in reply to patmeenan

@lajava77 @regocas @googlechrome Looking forward to seeing where this is headed. Thanks for the update!

via Twitter for iPhone

Great thread in the defense of WebView-based in-app browsers from @patmeenan, who’s been working on Facebook’s. ⤵️ Hear him out with an open mind!

via Twitter Web App

@simevidas @slightlylate For those following along, I have opened an interoperability issue for this difference in behavior: 🔋 The initial tweet and the material is credited to you, Šime.

via Twitter Web App

@andreban Or make the request from outside the WebView, strip the response header, and then inject the modified response. 🤔 Or maybe `shouldInterceptRequest()` allows to modify the response headers directly?

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@lajava77 @regocas @googlechrome Fascinating read, thanks for writing this up. I touched the topic in the context of, but little did I know about the internals. Also: yay for IPFS support. Brave already supports it if I recall corr

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@KrauseFx FWIW, when I looked, they didn’t seem able to do anything completely unexpected with the injected script data that I saw.

via Echofon in reply to KrauseFx

@simevidas @slightlylate Ah, the spec mentions remote clipboard synchronization as a use case that needs to work without user gesture:

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@Paul_Kinlan The devil 💿 is always in the details: “If the idea is for this file to be copyable to a directory on the user’s machine, we would need some mechanism for running Safe Browsing checks before copying a file from the sandboxed file system t

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@Paul_Kinlan Not yet. See and It’s definitely something I wish for.

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@simevidas @slightlylate The clipboard-write permission was removed in, but I’m a little surprised, too, that no user gesture is required: The article should probably say what Alex’ tweet says regarding

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@mrdoob @alexanderdanilo @grorgwork 💀 Do you have history links for both CSS3D and `<canvas>`? You got me intrigued now.

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Oh, neat: `<dark-mode-toggle>` ( 🌒 is the featured item in the “🔧 Code, Tools & Resources” section on Frontend Focus this week:

via Twitter Web App

Due to recent chatter (see quoted tweet ⤵️), if you need to inspect a WebView like Facebook’s, I’ve documented how to do this some time ago:

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💀 Interesting proposal by ⁦@adrianholovaty⁩ for WebViews to honor the desire of websites not to be framed by respecting the `X-Frame-Options: DENY` header value (equivalent to `Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors ‘none’;`)

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @claviska: ElementInternals was just merged into WebKit!

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RT @dannymoerkerke: Push notifications now work in Safari Tech Preview on MacOS Ventura!

Notifications are even shown when Safari is not…

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@RReverser @rictic @simevidas @tmcw (It takes a lot to put one’s code out there for the world to see. I think _none_ of us are criticizing it, I’m certainly not; we’re simply collectively making the code better, in an open-source sense. Just to set

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@simevidas I think the core thing @tmcw is running into is

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@simevidas Also: Why create the blob from the text when you can get it directly from the response?

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RT @AndreyLipattsev: While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent recovery continues, I will accompany every post here with an appeal…

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@AnaestheticsApp @diekus Right? I’m a bare user, I didn’t invent this. Just making sure…

via Twitter for iPhone

@AnaestheticsApp @diekus While annoying, this can at least be worked around:

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RT @cooperx86: An extensive independent list of Twitter’s search operators and advanced search techniques: — lots o…

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RT @agektmr: Chrome 105 Beta: Custom Highlighting, Fetch Upload Streaming, and More

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tomayac I use this in SVGcode (, where the form fields jarringly stand out (`select` at the bottom) or are hard to see (`input[type=range]`) in dark mode on Safari. It all looks fine in Chrome.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:47 AM, Aug 9th, 2022 via Echofon)

RT @tomayac: Bug? 🐛 Apparently `color-scheme` can’t be assigned a value via a CSS variable in Safari: Compare the…

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RT @Una: Wowow did you see all of the new patterns that just landed from @argyleink’s GUI Challenges series?!

🥳 So many new patterns for y…

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@schweinepriestr @Burtchen @LeaVerou @quicksave2k FYI, who has been working on SVG icon support in various parts of the platform:

via Twitter Web App

I use this in SVGcode (, where the form fields jarringly stand out (`select` at the bottom) or are hard to see (`input[type=range]`) in dark mode on Safari. It all looks fine in Chrome.

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

Bug? 🐛 Apparently `color-scheme` can’t be assigned a value via a CSS variable in Safari: Compare the computed style of an `<input>` field that is assigned a `color-scheme` value of `light dark` via a CSS variable in Chrome and

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@simevidas WebView is actually a separate shipping target. The process involves evaluating the readiness to ship by explicitly looking at WebView application risks, which for this feature were “Other engines haven’t shipped Client Hints so this doesnâ

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@marvinhagemeist @dotproto I’ve reported this phishing attempt internally already and the TAG is on it. It’s surprisingly well made, and the converter actually works, but injects an evil script called `bower.js` (it’s nothing to do with Bower) in al

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@sangwhanmoon Did construction likewise start on March 19, 1882?

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@cramforce Can’t wait! “Helene Fischer, but silenced!”

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@jecfish Welcome to Bavaria! 🏴󠁤󠁥󠁢󠁹󠁿 Since this doesn’t properly render, check the link

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@monfera @dannymoerkerke @lexswed @WestbrookJ In the case of custom elements, though, the grass is all green 🥬 these days: The last couple of non-green spots (e.g., will hopefully become green rather so

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RT @TerribleMia: There’s a long-standing CSS ‘best practice’ to remove units from zero-values. But there are many cases where that will bre…

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@bramus Well, mine was a typo fix 😂:

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A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers: The most concise introduction to Cascade Layers I’ve seen so far. Great work, @TerribleMia 💏!

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RT @Una: 🚨 Chrome 105 is a HUGE release! (stable Aug 30)

🤯 :has() & size container queries are BOTH landing!

These are 2 powerhouse APIs…

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RT @ChromiumDev: Chrome 105 includes the :has() pseudo-class. This gives us the long-awaited parent selector, but it can be so much more. G…

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@Benjamin_Aster It would allow someone like Adobe to implement performance-critical and file-based read-write operations: Something we’ve also seen folks like DuckDB or SQLite be interested in with their Wasm ports.

via Twitter Web App

If you’re interested in the `show*Picker()` methods, star ⭐️ the bug to be notified of progress.

🔂 `showOpenFilePicker()`
💾 `showSaveFilePicker()`
🗄️ `showDirectoryPicker()`

via Twitter Web App

In case you’re not camping out ⛺️ on the blink-dev mailing list as I do: It was just announced that there are plans to ship the File System Access API on Android and WebView: There’s one “but”, which is that this won’t include

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Is Android finally going to fix my favorite pet peeve with the platform that you can never really be sure where you’re going “back” to? 🔙

via Twitter Web App

@rauschma My favorite “Heisenbug” when I was not aware of the problem. Another way of dealing with this is to reset `lastIndex` after each iteration, since it’s writable:

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RT @jaffathecake: 🔝 New docs for page transitions! Lots of demos and effects for the kinds of transitions you can create, but I bet you fol…

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From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button:

via Twitter for iPhone

@danbri If true, this’d be incredible news. I wish sea water desalination was one of the Google X or even Elon Musk projects.
Gotta love the funding of this project, too:
🚫 Make clean water available to anyone.
✅ Make clean water availabl

via Echofon in reply to danbri

@ShangChien7 @ChromiumDev SVG images (`image/svg+xml`) are directly supported by the Async Clipboard API (still behind the experimental web platform features flag, but implemented), but since SVG is a very powerful format, e.g., embedded scripts will be r

via Twitter Web App in reply to ShangChien7

@edent @sangwhanmoon Visible again. Again. Let’s see if it sticks:

via Twitter Web App

Quick appreciation tweet for the folks over at @vite_js: thanks for fixing 🙏! It has allowed me to roll out `<dark-mode-toggle>` ( for SVGcode ( ☀️🎛️🌒

via Twitter Web App

@dfabu @cramforce @benschwarz I honestly don’t know the answer. It’s been a while since I haven’t heard anything about `<portal>`. Maybe @domenic can tell us more?

via Twitter Web App in reply to dfabu

@rowan_m Is that, is that a possible game state? 🤔

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to rowan_m

@rowan_m Solitcats 123 1/33


via Echofon in reply to rowan_m

RT @ChromiumDev: Until now, the Async Clipboard API 🔋 supported a limited set of MIME types on the clipboard.

🔢 The Async Clipboard API no…

via Echofon

@dalmaer @jeffposnick @twosigma Seems like Dion was first, but there’s no better way to say it than he did: “helpful” is the one adjective that stands out in my mental word cloud when I think about all the times we’ve interacted. Thanks for every

via Echofon in reply to dalmaer

RT @DominicPajak: We’ve made an 3D interactive BBC Micro with 100s of games ready for you to play on it 😀🎂

cc @mat…

via Echofon

@ziyunfei @ChromiumDev This should work now if you copy the image with the MIME type set to `web image/gif`, given the receiving application accepts this MIME type. See the article for details.

via Twitter Web App

Web custom formats for the Async Clipboard API 🔋 is an incredibly powerful new way of interacting with the operating system’s clipboard! I got so excited 😆 about it, I even typo’ed an accidental line break ¶
in the announcement tweet… ⤵️ http

via Twitter Web App

@edent @sangwhanmoon Sigh, not sure what’s going on. I have pinged the internal issue again asking for clarification.

via Twitter Web App in reply to edent

@TomasHubelbauer @edent Web bundles can remotely be delivered over HTTP(S).

via Twitter Web App