Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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August 8th, 2022

@schweinepriestr @Burtchen @LeaVerou @quicksave2k FYI, who has been working on SVG icon support in various parts of the platform:

via Twitter Web App

I use this in SVGcode (, where the form fields jarringly stand out (`select` at the bottom) or are hard to see (`input[type=range]`) in dark mode on Safari. It all looks fine in Chrome.

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

Bug? 🐛 Apparently `color-scheme` can’t be assigned a value via a CSS variable in Safari: Compare the computed style of an `<input>` field that is assigned a `color-scheme` value of `light dark` via a CSS variable in Chrome and

via Twitter Web App

@simevidas WebView is actually a separate shipping target. The process involves evaluating the readiness to ship by explicitly looking at WebView application risks, which for this feature were “Other engines haven’t shipped Client Hints so this doesnâ

via Echofon