RT @MozDevNet: Introducing the @FirefoxDevTools landing page: All the DevTools resources in one place! https://t.co/eoMXOJmtLd #DevTools
There’s a petition to open-source Flash in order to preserve our historical Internet heritage (think: Flash intros): https://t.co/mJn3M4N1Yv
RT @kosamari: Optional catch binding just moved to Stage 3 (“Let’s implement & feedback” stage) 💯💯💯
try {
} catch { // ↠no (e)!!!
Proposal to expose the Identifier for Advertising (IDFA, https://t.co/a19kJkCFBf) via a @WebKit API https://t.co/bfkByUJRYW for a post-ðŸªðŸŒâ€¦
🔥 PageSpeed InSlides decks are designed for desktop, to be shown in full screen mode on a projector. https://t.co/o9gXg7Yb8v 💻🖥✅ / 🔱🚫
steveg3003 CSS variables (custom properties) makes supporting reduced motion settings super easy. There is little excuse to not too. pic.twitter.com/XUnxO8RisQ
RT @notwaldorf: 🔣I wrote about the super simple checklist I follow to upgrade a @Polymer app from a 45 to a 90+ Lighthouse score!
RT @mahemoff: Headless Chrome on AWS Lambda … run a thousand parallel tests in seconds! https://t.co/wbXVFiUWng
🔥 PageSpeed InSlides, an HTML5 deck gen. tool based on the PageSpeed Insights API:
Code https://t.co/5u3Vn2FhcQ
Demo https://t.co/nSismDsgsB https://t.co/pY0SfUz9Cf
Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability: https://t.co/lrRpqrmjjc. Pretty clever attack vector—tl;dr: Don’t return Arrays. (HT @DasSurma)
RT @daringfireball: ★ Public Service Announcement: You Should Not Force Quit Apps on iOS: https://t.co/Wd9VVJc5IQ
RT @pbakaus: Building a skeleton UI for fast perceived load? Try this clever trick by @dvoytenko to elide text using text-shadow: https://t…
RT @justmarkup: Animating with CSS Variables https://t.co/g5NTptOuHO
The CSS property “font-display†is now avail. in Chrome 60. The spec explicitly says that a kitten🱠gets killed if one sets it to “blockâ€. https://t.co/ATNFoQF75w
Was just watching the new @Apple film youtu.be/ufBLI6bB9sg, which suddenly triggered my iPhone to make a FaceTime call. #AugmentedReality
RT @nicolastorzec: A brief history of @MusicBrainz by his founder: https://t.co/MDsHJrArrX
@ReaderMeter @Andrewhink Nice! These edit bursts repeatedly made it into @WikiLiveMon’s an@mediagallerieses’ breaking news candidate lists.
Adobe phase out Adobe Flash (https://t.co/UVVX4qn9Ww), and with it hundreds of millions of restaurant Flash intros. Requiescat in pace. https://t.co/0v8Z4MaiXC
RT @igrigorik: you made your app offline-friendly — great job! Next, good tips by @mxbck on how to make the UI “offline friendly”: https://…
 Apple updating Payment Request API to “Under Consideration†is an interesting move given Apple Pay JS (https://t.co/F5lywcnSDb). https://t.co/cJ6mJMYJwI
@andreasbovens Favorite pet peeve: pending Android update screenshots ;-)
@MSEdgeDev @windowsinsider This probably means the #EdgeBug at https://t.co/YMBC1fXbt4 can be closed.
Looks like @MSEdgeDev were busy getting Service Worker APIs fixed in @windowsinsider Preview Build 16241, running Edge/16.16241. ðŸpic.twitter.com/a04gjXUAChACh
@pbakaus @fighto @tibor @AMPhtml @guardian FWIW, I’m on iPhone 7+, iOS 11 Beta 4; it’s working fine now and has also worked fine on Beta 3.
Firefox marketshare revisited, by former @mozilla CTO Andreas Gal: https://t.co/9pJaTaz9SI
Now what’s missing is WebP support in Butteraugli to psychovisually compare Pik & WebP—Also: support for both in all browsers. (HT @dalmaer) https://t.co/Jv56ndDl1F
RT @jeffposnick: Considerations when using multiple service worker fetch handlers, including handlers defined via importScripts()
The most entertaining introduction to ES6 Modules (âž¡ï¸ https://t.co/FBSnroZm1B) that you will read today, courtesy of @samthor ⬇ï¸. https://t.co/TLZOwQaXQq
RT @justmarkup: How We Got the Favicon https://t.co/vwqiUbUgNa
@tonyfindeisen To be sure I get it right: depending on the shipping address, the allowed payment options change. @agektmr, is this possible?
@spreadshirt @tonyfindeisen @maltewill @agektmr, @tonyfindeisen’s learnings from impl. Payment Request might be good feedback for your team—See replies to https://t.co/ZTRwRL8sqr.
More & more companies “discover†the Payment Request API, incl. @spreadshirt. @tonyfindeisen, @maltewill and I’d love to hear the learnings. https://t.co/OcFPymsKfm
RT @tcurdt: ssh-chat - brilliant idea https://t.co/9VIc0jcgcG
RT @renegadedme: This, by @troyhunt on picking the right password, is brilliant.
RT @webkit: An in-depth look at the updated WebCrypto API in @webkit. New algorithms, better standards compliance, and more. https://t.co/l…
When writing Web Components, by all(!) means let <link rel=”import”> deal w/ dependency management. See https://t.co/yr7QbxAEh2 by @agektmr.
RT @pbakaus: 🔥 https://t.co/kjP5CMccvV is a fast+tiny PWA that uses AMP pages from @guardian as data source. Read how I built it: https://t…
RT @DasSurma: Today’s âš¡ï¸Supercharged Livestream with @jaffathecake is now available!
VOD: https://t.co/5Yr5g2F2MV
Code: https://t.co/VaxVt…
RT @igrigorik: CSS isn’t “black magic”: https://t.co/xYkHO1bm3H - nice high-level overview of CSS processing & core concepts.
Definitely can relate to the latest #xkcd: WiFi vs. Cellular xkcd.com/1865/.
r0wdy_ The future pic.twitter.com/XNXLhNsRfK
We (@rhiaro and I) are running the @TheWebConf’s Developers’ Track: https://t.co/Hv09csZsEN 💩â€ðŸ’»ðŸ’¨â€ðŸ’» #WWW2018 https://t.co/CsnMH91IQx
😲 @griffith_joel’s Navalia makes JavaScript or CSS coverage analysis super easy: https://t.co/qw32X16cwM Blog post https://t.co/dUV4kKZCaC
RT @DasSurma: My #FullStackCon 2017 talk “HTTP/2 — Know Thy Buzzwords†is now online!
VOD: https://t.co/keaSl6rrwJ
Slides: https://t.co/fc…
.@cramforce was an invited guest in the @w3ctag today talking about @AMPhtml. Here is the raw transcript: https://t.co/pkMYQwZC4i. https://t.co/VS2nL98pWk
somebitsLinks Inside the Uber gulag: Report of horrible working conditions, compensation, etc dlvr.it/PWKV2z
RT @ChromiumDev: Want to make Drag-and-Drop interface? Check out how to use `dragover` and `drop` events in a browser by @samthor 💡
RT @hsinyi71: Take a look at the New Storage feature my team is working on. :)
I held back iOS updates to preserve the jailbroken state of iPhone—The Life, Death, & Legacy of iPhone Jailbreaking: https://t.co/QslctvrEsB
🆕 @WebKit bug 174541—courtesy of @jaffathecake—“Implement Service Workers” https://t.co/4Ag8YYi2Du is the one to CC: on & make noise about🔢.
@stefanjudis @FakeUnicode This is a great blog post and I don’t want to miss future ones, but your blog and TIL section don’t have feed URLs :-( Let me follow you… https://t.co/IOoEt8Biaz
RT @stefanjudis: Inspired by @FakeUnicode I wrote a quick post. “Hidden messages in JavaScript property names” 💉ðŸ»https://t.co/H01ULP7VDU #j…
.@pbakaus @othermaciej Closing, apparently the context of https://t.co/c2iFeOZyOq was @igalia’s work described here: https://t.co/juDWeedCBq
TalAter #til Cloned a JS project and u don’t know the npm commands (test? build?) Just run `npx ntl` to interactively browse all available commands. pic.twitter.com/pugYwG7h0d
RT @jaffathecake: @othermaciej @bradeeoh @tomayac @webkit https://t.co/MFGAGQ8T90 💌
Ⳡ🎉 https://t.co/7DmwHxrhwP
RT @othermaciej: @tomayac You can assume we’re aware of popular info on the public web. Context here was device manufacturers - more info o…
Hi 💋 @othermaciej! Re: https://t.co/c2iFeOZyOq, I guess your team’s aware of (i) https://t.co/xi27E83GJn (ii) https://t.co/3mZM7xawRi !?
@kennethrohde Thanks, found it thanks to your pointers (and quoted you).
A sign of life by @othermaciej from the  @WebKit team on Service Worker support: https://t.co/c2iFeOZyOq. They’re asking for use cases. 🎉 https://t.co/fO2PW1Ltx6
@kennethrohde Do you have details on this 🔧? Who’re the sender & the recipient, when was it sent? Are they actively looking for use cases?
RT @ChromiumDev: Wanna make an app that reacts to 🔱’s movement? @samthor tells you how to use various gyroscope features in browser✨
Handy list of “share†URL patterns for many social networking sites: https://t.co/hTA24l5Cs5. https://t.co/hnykLEHBbw
RT @umaar: Dev Tips: DevTools: Increase your understanding of accessibility with the accessibility tree 🌳 https://t.co/vYwHJNEXWm Useful fo…
RT @akras14: Reverse Engineering One Line of JavaScript
#javascript https://t.co/a1JheNcJSq
RT @pfrazee: If you’re looking to save your soundcloud music before it’s too late, @mafintosh has you covered https://t.co/eDD5TrkinO
The HackerNews PWA competition (https://t.co/Rjw1theHH9) got a new competitor, and it’s crazy fast. Amazing job, @_davideast! https://t.co/tl0HqAWXT7
RT @poshaughnessy: The Payment Handler API is available to test in non-stable Chrome for Android behind flags https://t.co/PpDH5zJ8wW #WebP…
@jeffposnick @owencm @jaffathecake Mostly unrelated, but the thread got me thinking—App Shell was 1996’s <frameset&gcap-rotach.deMXZs
RT @umaar: Normally, we only think about client side JavaScript, but we can also profile server-side JS to learn why webpages are slow 🢠to…
Dealing with changing connectivity in an accessible manner, as shown by @mxbck: https://t.co/aejhDxRg7Z https://t.co/a4sn3V8IzZ
Updating all my @npmjs packages (https://t.co/rqsS7v8nnn) due to @nodejs’ hash flooding vulnerability. Also, thanks @heroku for alerting. 💠https://t.co/EmvdJoIQnj
@andreapernici @Google @AMPhtml The carousel contains both @AMPhtml & non-AMP articles: search for “carousel” on https://t.co/mgPgGqOdl8. CNN & Vox shown as non-AMP below. https://t.co/pv8cHJBdC6
#SEO⚠︔There’s no ranking change on @Google—Whether a […] site has […] @AMPhtml […] has no bearing on [its] ranking”—https://t.co/24BHr8Iw6n
somebitsLinks Why Persona failed: Succinct list of reasons Mozilla’s login system failed dlvr.it/PTf4Db
Progressive Progressive Web Apps https://t.co/fkLiOe7tym Reading recommendation for the title alone :-)
@Paul_Kinlan Duh, I meant “explicit†of course, thanks for the correction. So yeah, why not clearly and _explicitly_ mention standards work?
RT @Paul_Kinlan: I would love your feedback.
“Thoughts on a Chrome and Web Developer Relations manifesto”
@Paul_Kinlan Unless I’m mistaken, I didn’t find an implicit mention of “standardizationâ€. IMHO Developer Relations plays an important role.
RT @ericlaw: TIL: The Chrome task manager is a lot cooler than I realized. https://t.co/g0jRonSs07
RT @olivtassinari: Always profile in Incognito mode
kdzwinel I’m pretty sure that everyone would welcome a bit more flexible layout system in @ChromeDevTools pic.twitter.com/jrzERHNzzq
RT @PolizeiHamburg: Wir bitten alle friedlichen Demonstranten, sich von den vermummten Personen auch räumlich zu distanzieren.
andreasbovens The screenshots accompanying Gmail Labs experiments are like mini time capsules showing what the web looked like in the late 00s. pic.twitter.com/TyRJrOifYh
Hands-on article by @philnash on the new Background Fetch API in Service Workers: https://t.co/mfBRFSyBpL 💾
Good HN discussion about @AMPhtml âš¡ï¸: https://t.co/VqcB7CrACm . Related: @mnot’s post on stale-while-revalidate: https://t.co/VJII4DaaYe.
RT @samthor: Emojityper v2 is out: offline fast PWA to get your emoji typing on 🤣🎹 with @mangopdf https://t.co/hVg5KdaeV8
RT @pbakaus: A no-bullshit, non-biased article about making informed decisions about @AMPhtml is a rare treat: https://t.co/LbAqDyK5XC
RT @LeaVerou: Crazy how many big websites sort by rating naïvely so an average of 5 stars from 1 review trumps a 4.9 average from 500 revie…
RT @justinribeiro: PWAs need rendered metadata for linkbots, so here is @Firebase function + @samdotli GAE Chrome headless bot render. http…
@erikmannens @laurens_d_v @imec_int @ResearchUGent @IDLabResearch @selvers Congratulations, Dr. Laurens! 🎉 Where can I read your thesis?
RT @webkit: Dive into more details of WebKit’s WebRTC implementation including tips to add WebRTC support to your website. https://t.co/uZw…
@hyperir Yes, it’s a known Issue: https://t.co/Ut7biuLtg2. I have unfortunately very limited time at the moment, but happy to accept Pull Requests.
The 2017 G20 Hamburg Summit (#G20HAM17) starts to create edit boosts on Wikipedia, as detected by https://t.co/xOcXSnpJo4. Right in my hood… https://t.co/dwzwMNgzve
The person next to me literally has a contact in their phone called “HSBC PINâ€. The contact’s phone number’#SecurityThroughObscuritybscurity
RT @individual8: @tomayac @DasSurma @mathias Found out via Wikipedia, it’s Shift + Alt Gr + ß = ẞ
RT @fiete_stegers: Ergänzung: Für Deutschland relevanter als @congressedit sind zB @bundesedit und @WikiLiveMon https://t.co/THpUu6yaBy
OneDevMinute Check out this video about the Payments Request API, which will help you with the checkout process. #Windows10 #Payments #ODM pic.twitter.com/UrE0h5XDsL
@iandevlin Have you tried ProduKey (https://t.co/GVFBAq7f1v)? Looks a little sketchy, but is legit.
@DasSurma @mathias I guess it is mostly due to fonts not properly incorporating the character in their design, still looks like an alien. 💽
RT @MaterialUp: We love these moves! ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’🼠to @gianablantin @EliorTabeka & many more #UI animation designers featured here:
→ https://t.c…
@RubenVerborgh Genius minds think alike ;-) I have had mostly good experiences with Prettier; it only messed up some template string stuff.