🔥 PageSpeed InSlides decks are designed for desktop, to be shown in full screen mode on a projector. https://t.co/o9gXg7Yb8v 💻🖥✅ / 🔱🚫
steveg3003 CSS variables (custom properties) makes supporting reduced motion settings super easy. There is little excuse to not too. pic.twitter.com/XUnxO8RisQ
RT @notwaldorf: 🔣I wrote about the super simple checklist I follow to upgrade a @Polymer app from a 45 to a 90+ Lighthouse score!
RT @mahemoff: Headless Chrome on AWS Lambda … run a thousand parallel tests in seconds! https://t.co/wbXVFiUWng
🔥 PageSpeed InSlides, an HTML5 deck gen. tool based on the PageSpeed Insights API:
Code https://t.co/5u3Vn2FhcQ
Demo https://t.co/nSismDsgsB https://t.co/pY0SfUz9Cf
Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability: https://t.co/lrRpqrmjjc. Pretty clever attack vector—tl;dr: Don’t return Arrays. (HT @DasSurma)
RT @daringfireball: ★ Public Service Announcement: You Should Not Force Quit Apps on iOS: https://t.co/Wd9VVJc5IQ