@RubenVerborgh Out of interest: why callbacks & no promises? LGPL may cause trouble w/ industry contexts. IANAL, but enforced by HDT C++?!
~RT @RubenVerborgh: HDT for Node.js—here’s the backstory: http://t.co/Q0z6BArf7n #JavaScript #SemWeb #RDF // This looks very promising!
ydn An Animated GIF is Worth a Thousand Words | Yahoo Engineering bit.ly/1uz5FOy
RT @grayops: @PatrickMeier FireChat poses security risks in this context. See: https://t.co/JZ6u0aOi01 Lots of other alternatives http://t…
mediagalleries #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10. Media gallery: pic.twitter.com/xq8Gdr6rGD
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/QvK6UqK1zV. Media gallery: http://t.co/r26EUdAb13
@russellsavage Thanks, hope it is useful. We certainly do appreciate your freeadwordsscripts.com over here :-) Great symbiosis!
@AmrapaliZ Congratulations, cand. Ph.D. Zaveri :-) Enjoy your vacation!
RT @mischat: And for all you #osx users who didn’t want to patch their #bash manually http://t.co/9bgKaiyBz1 #Shellshock
Created a simple remoteStorage API for @AdWords Scripts, closely modeled after localStorage in browsers https://t.co/1lpOuQKp9D
“There’s a gun in their hands, but an umbrella in our hearts.”—彼らã®æ‰‹ã«ã¯éŠ#OccupyCentral€æˆ’ã@hkdemonowãpic.twitter.com/EhwBNOpCNCyCentral (via @hkdemonow) http://t.co/EhwBNOpCNC
Super useful #CSS outline debugging console snippet or bookmarklet: https://t.co/of7wjjszmK. Thanks @addyosmani, @aemkei, @p01.
gccaedits I’m now running on the Wikimedia Tools Labs shared anon instance! tools.wmflabs.org/anon/
RT @paul_irish: Advanced Debugging w/ Chrome http://t.co/ahObKs8Kpm Slides: http://t.co/PSk3q39vfk JS debug & blackbox, monitoring & render…
@damiano10 Catching this tweet only now… Felicidades, Dr. Damiano :-)
ndiakopoulos Interesting API that aggregates crisis data: crisis.net #ONA14
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/asfPk5mdSF. Media gallery: http://t.co/WYNC8KryP6
“Bad news on Fridays†announcement over at @Yahoo: they’re shutting down #Yahoo Directory http://t.co/e3QMF6ZvYr and https://t.co/HOKxABxW2Q
Streisand—#privacycy project worth keeping an eye upon, esp. before trips to Internet-censoring countriegithub.com/jlund/streisandaL H@nelsonon
>$ env x=’() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”
RT @cramforce: So, yeah, it is worth working at Google at least once if only to checkout Memegen https://t.co/sdMECynPhk
@glennjones They may survive (acquisition, details pending). For #Twitpic backup, check http://t.co/yuMrzRV2az.
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/OoYlftUBf0. Media gallery: http://t.co/7d6tDpiUGo
@juansequeda Congratulations, Dr. Sequeda!
Stanford Law School’s CIS promises not to use Google funding for #privacy research http://t.co/3E30a67tdK. Also see http://t.co/2KFBrcR3ws.
Introducing structured snippets: http://t.co/ZwWrIt5E7c
The @JSConfEU projection mapping explained by #JSConf co-curator @cramforce: https://t.co/QSimR6J3IW. Quite sets the tone :-)
If you’re a #JavaScript programmer, spend these 20:13min on @philip_roberts’ event loop talk: vimeo.com/96425312 #JSConf
“float” is a JavaScript reserved word, so el.style.float won’t work in apparently just Firefox. Use cssFloat instead https://t.co/ORi8k2h3oK
Great @NYTimes article on Google’s and general Internet business in China. Also loving the illustration. http://t.co/ZUXSR2eNvZ
#Firefox Nightly #WebVTT <track>s misery w/ ‘load’ events only firing sometimes & mode attrib. ignoring ‘hidden’ state (‘disabled’ instead).
RT @scorlosquet: Looks like @github just started to use http://t.co/opkVjqdGvx actions with JSON-LD in their notifications emails! http://t…
Run any #Android app on the desktop (Mac, Win, ChrOS) w/ chromeos-apk: https://t.co/ZpujJTmQ03. Interesting hack by @vladikoff.
Started my first ever Google Python change list commit message for dremel.py w/ “Please pardon my Python”…
@ShinNoNoir Fool me once… I guess they’re part of a falling ecosystem that isn’t needed/wanted now. I stayed out of loyalty. Will switch :-/
@o2de OK, Danke! Netter Support auch spät abends noch :-)
@o2de Jepp, mehrmals. Seit gestern geht abends nicht mehr viel :-( Tagsüber war die Verbindung schnell, wie sonst auch immer…
@o2de Moin! Gibt’s im Raum 20355 seit dem Netflix-Start bekannte DSL-Probleme? Internet kriecht nur noch :-( FRITZ!Box behauptet 14.1Mbit/s.
~RT @mrry: Well, so long Microsoft Research Silicon Valley. It was nice while it lasted. // Apparently the whole lab just got closed!? :-(
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/ZPe38wqCFw. Media gallery: http://t.co/uScYY5YQbM
KaTeX by the @khanacademy folks is a fast, client & server side JavaScript lib for #TeX math rendering on the Web: github.com/Khan/KaTeX
@RubenVerborgh has put together a lovely #ISWC2014 Developer Workshop: iswc2014.semdev.org/program/ ♡ “[D]inner w/ developers. Pizza probably.”
@RubenVerborgh It’s the quickest hack that worked (for me) and didn’t get caught by their anti-scraping measures. Feel free to improve :-)
Created a trivial #TwitPic backup script to save your photos: https://t.co/O89QNk5mBR. #CC0. http://t.co/26LInj3wdm
RT @janjongboom: Slides from my talk at @jsconfeu “Abusing phones to build the internet of things” here! http://t.co/sBd8KQzZBe
RT @mkuehnel: Thanks to @philip_roberts I finally understand why setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes is useful: http://t.co/7Nh1OJlfh3!!! #eventloo…
RT @benschwarz: http://t.co/FoHzVTGaCq, by @thedeftone, presented at @jsconfeu —
@mafintosh Thank _you_! Open source plus permissive licenses FTW :-)
All of @mafintosh’s GitHub repo is a treasure trove: github.com/mafintosh (peerwiki, peerflix, torrent-mount,…#JSconfnf
P2P Wikipedia browsing w/ BitTorrent based on @mafintosh’s peerwiki: https://t.co/MNH5vMlfnS #JScon CC: @WikiResearch
@boxcar Thanks! Finally :-) notificationUsefulness++;
Deep-linking on dynamic pages: for each <p>: get hash by taking first letter of first 3 words of first & last sentence. @donohoe at #JSconf.
Moments of #JSconf via #TomsPhD (social-media-illustrator.herokuapp.com). pic.twitter.com/bjKumdRIYA
HTTP Strict Transport Security #HSTS browser extensions https://t.co/nIqEXwb1gw relevant for @freddyb’s security #JSconf talk.
RT @mathias: @jsconfeu Slides and notes for my presentation on JavaScript, Unicode, and ECMAScript 6: http://t.co/pUnwqxAHc8 #jsconf #👩
@jsconfeu Will you release the transcripts?
.@mathias remembers the dark ages where Twitter due to a Unicode string length calculation bug didn’t let you tweet 140 piles of ðŸ’#JSconfSconf
Neat (#iOS8) trick used by @michaelpoltorak to project his iPhone to the #JSconf audience: http://t.co/HzAuG7Esfl
@jsconfeu Twitter power search query: (#jsconf OR #jscon OR #jsconfeu OR #jsconeu OR @jsconfeu OR @jscon) -“RT “
RT @rtroncy: IIIF Image and Presentation API v2: http://t.co/TtMt1ObVpX. It promotes the usage of @w3c #mediafragments URI for your annotat…
~RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/uLfJkjJXjb. Media gallery: http://t.co/t6g5fs2tDQ // #NeverForget
Catalans demand right to hold referendum on #Catalonia’s independence theguardian.com/world/catalonia #11S2014 #TomsPhD pic.twitter.com/ozpYnXRpkZ
RT @rtroncy: #HyperTEd is one of the 13 entries in the @linkedupproject Vici competition Read http://t.co/maws1emf44 and play with http://t…
@jsconfeu Ah, I see :-) No worries then, thanks! See you on Friday evening.
@jsconfeu For those traveling back on Sunday night, will the boat anchor in between or return to its origin?
@stilkov LOL, calling the bullshit card.
RT @mediagalleries: #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: http://t.co/Abl45zvdTd. Media gallery: http://t.co/rAyNtx2BU3
mediagalleries #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_6. Media gallery: pic.twitter.com/ZSB9u08igo
#DBpedia 2014 (v3.9) is out. Stats: http://t.co/NojHsqJQVo. New type inference algorithm: http://t.co/197THnqGZU [PDF]
@lechatpito This is very much a feature and working as intended: http://t.co/MVpfJlzvj5 #FreeSpeech
csoghoian The only thing I want to purchase from Twitter is a pro-account with no sponsored tweets. Take my money, please.
RT @Streamweaver: “Notes on XKCD’s “Pixels— http://t.co/jHOlCgxUjs
Wanna put today’s #xkcd 1418 into horse (xkcd.com/1418/), get @RubenVerborgh’s & my xkcd 37 bit.ly/xkcd37 extension!
.@googledrive client just burnt my data plan’s allowance when tethering laptop to phone :-/ Can GDrive somehow detect tethered WiFi & pause?
#SchemaOrg Actions (http://t.co/m37ljjhClu) in action, overview blog post by Google’s Sam Goto: http://t.co/Bk72yH9wiV
RT @oliviercure: Biperpedia, a search ontology defined from Freebase, query streams and web texts. 30*bigger than DBpedia:http://t.co/hQ15p…
@wjarek @RubenVerborgh Yeah, we had Sam Goto as keynote speaker at @wsREST, w/ @mamund et al. in the audience. Small world.
aaranged #schema.org update from @danbri presented at #SemTechBiz 2014 - bit.ly/1lDjto7
RT @stephestellar: Love that someone is plugging @internetarchive’s applicability on this thread re: Twitpic https://t.co/D0AgvdytXa via @t…
Good discussion on Hacker News following #Twitpic’s shutdown notice: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8269553
~RT @noaheverett: […#Twitpicic’s shutting down—rbit.ly/WgmIpAqIm8 for more info. > Here goes yet another part of the old Twitter ;(
RubenVerborgh Demo of Linked Data Fragments querying at 4pm on #DBpediaLeipzig2014. Come test it yourself!
If not in Leipzig, use client.linkeddatafragments.org.
Brilliant #xkcd comic again. Click through to xkcd.com/1416/ and scroll up over the image.
If there’s one thing to be learned from #TheFappening, then it’s that 2-factor authentication matters. For Apple: support.apple.com/kb/ht4232.
@wjarek You and my friend @RubenVerborgh should talk: distributedaffordance.org :-)
@dret s/leaked/stolen/ Apart from that, +1 to your point on Exif.
RT @wjarek: I just published “Towards machine-understandable service descriptions at Web scale†https://t.co/PgpHbS6lae > CC: @RubenVerborgh
@rtroncy Nice, hadn’t seen this before. Thanks for sharing.
RT @RubenVerborgh: Nobody’s interested in the Semantic Web anymore? Seems so… #semantics2014 http://t.co/eyRBc2mthg
RT @mnot: “@arstechnica: How a new HTML element will make the Web faster http://t.co/piNnqkqIthâ… @WHATWG your mission is clear - MOAR ELEME…
@rtroncy In your inbox already. Cheers!
@edsaperia Hi Ed. Thanks for the kind words. I’m occasionally traveling to differing locations ;-) Best reach me via tomacATgoogleDOTcom.
The background story of #TheFappening http://t.co/xyqX861CTq, w/ code https://t.co/HGMP6Ml3uJ (#iCloud hole fixed now).
More on the anonymization flaw https://t.co/V4nbTfY7HM from @hfmuehleisen’s recent @Medium post. #Privacy is hard, yet #OpenData is good.
New York City’s top-10 taxi drivers by @hfmuehleisen https://t.co/a9SXvKzYe9. Also: #OpenData anonymization gone wrong… #MD5
Yay, my two #ISWC2014 #SemDev workshop papers got accepted :D iswc2014.semdev.org Semantic hypervideos & natural disaster monitoring.
For the record: I _condemn_ #TheFappening. @WikiLiveMon & @mediagalleries can’t, they’re just data-analyzing bots: http://t.co/lCOOwBb0Xh
I’d like to recall the mechanics of @WikiLiveMon arxiv.org/abs/1303.4702 & @mediagalleries arxiv.org/abs/1403.4289 esp. content sources.
#Wikipedia page on #TheFappening’s deleted by now. @WikiLiveMon/@mediagalleries still have caught the “news” event pic.twitter.com/2z01AR5jeV