Yay! Got accepted for the #iPhone Tech Talk on November 13 in #Hamburg! Wanna know what they think of the @appcelerator approach…
Wow, this is pretty awesome: DIY Hud Display featuring the #G2 #Magic #Android phone: http://bit.ly/2R2sT2 (via @bensen)
@MartinAssmann Awesome costume! Have fun at the Halloween party!
You don’t wanna be Garmin or TomTom after Google announced Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0 => http://bit.ly/1sGzvB
The #Google Press Center now has a Twitter Directory: http://bit.ly/uu7Jk (via @frischkopp)
RT @jerem: for markup nerds only: http://diveintohtml5.org… (via @diveintomark)
If the data format has an ® by its name it probably isnt great 4 transparency/open data http://bit.ly/3KPCR3 @therealfitzz,@adrianholovatyy)
@BinaryJunkie Sure thing! First I need to migrate the whole project over to the latest GWT. Happy spec reading, let me know when you’re thru
Need to update REST Describe & Compile (http://bit.ly/3TM4kN) then to support the latest iteration#WADLWADL
Props to Marc Hadley (http://bit.ly/3SIzD) for submitting WADL to the W3C (http://bit.ly/rJkjq). Big step forward!
@gfxmonk Just created my GitHub profile: http://github.com/tomayac
Had Compliance dept. review my project today. No major show-stoppers so far. Feels good NOT to be working for the “good idea, but…”-bin!
@nemet Wow, nice one. And you haven’t even tried to imagine the CSE team’s sufferings… Live long and prosper and enjoy your post-Google life
RT @dalmaer:”Overall, wrapping code as a large comment is faster than wrapping the code as a string […]” http://bit.ly/3uYXK class=”hashtag” rel=”search” href=”//twitter.com/search?q=%23JavaScript”>#JavaScriptpt
@gfxmonk Makes sense. If you want, you can add steiner.thomas as a GRiS committer, I still believe in the open #iPhone via #Jailbreak way.
Google AdWords API PHP Client Library is the new APIlity http://bit.ly/160B6H #AdWordsAPI @adwordsapi
.@GTugs Yay! Yet another! #GTUG Karlsruhe’ll be founded on NOV10 in the 1&only Badisch Brauhaus http://bit.ly/1VD1l1. I’ll come!
@tcurdt +1 The annoying thing is: there’re T-Mobile & Vodafone almost all over the place, but still they only offer voice plans, but no data
Embarassing how even Google #iPhone apps forget to URL-encode special characters in password fields. & = %26, I mean not just you Panoramio…
#PageRank data no longer avail. in Google Webmaster Tools! Here’s why (did you even notice?): http://bit.ly/11lsKX #WMChelp #SEO
RT @aemkei: Hmmm, are @tomayac and me the only ones who tweet about JavaScript and live in Hamburg? http://j.mp/wmGIw - Don’t think so!
RT @betsyphd:TODAY’S INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY. SHOUT AWAY! http://capslockday.com // And I thought $CUSTOMER was yelling @ me
Yay! It’s #JustOneQuickQuestionDay here at Google. Stop by, line up, ask yours. [*]Conditions apply: Must be tier 9+ </sarcasm>
RT @pamelafox:Only 30 sign-ups for #Zurich #Wave Tech Talk so far. There must be more Zurich developers than that! http://bit.ly/3pB2ys
[Older, but still useful] Debugging hints for making sure your #Analytics implementation works: http://bit.ly/1UcS5E #ga
Duh. Just used my social graph to reconstruct someone’s name. Embarassing, I know, but still better than asking her for her LDAP.
@gfxmonk Hi! I’m on 3.1 as well, you need to find the right Backgrounder. Plus: GRiS runs better than ever! Less crashes w/ huge syncs!
@gfxmonk BTW: I have a black on white CSS in place now for GRiS (remember?). Ping me if you want it, ideally you include it in settings.
RT @MartinAssmann:Looking forward to see @twephanie &a@larsrassras from #Googleo#WaveWave Team at @GTUGMuc meeting on NOV11: http://gtug-muc.org
To all #Google people in #Killarney: make sure to check out the national park http://twitpic.com/m4dsk
OH Itay Talgam: “He’s suffering, that is, he’s enjoying himself the #Jewish way.”
RT @IrishTimesBiz:Interview w/ Google CEO Eric Schmidt in tomorrow’s paper. He’s in #Killarney w/ 2500 staff for a #Google sales conference!
In #Ireland / #Eire these days. Quote from taxi driver: “There’re just 2 speeds in Ireland: slow & stop. Pressure is for tyres!”
RT @Shonzilla:#Android adoption’s about to explode. You’ve all the necessary conditions (12 devices, 26 countries, 32 carriers) Eric Schmidt
RT @kojote:RT @raulde:lives in his own world. That’s OK, he’s known there. // (translated from German)
Get Quick Look for folders in #MacOSX #Finder: in Terminal type “defaults write com.apple.Finder QLEnableXRayFolders 1” http://bit.ly/2pEU0D
If U send me a message via LinkedIn, it emails me that some1 has sent me a message. If then the message asks if they may send email…Got it?
@jhaynie Yay, 0.7 has been pushed to a MacBook Pro very closely near me. Awesome updates. Thanks, @appcelerator!
@jhaynie Thanks, Jeff for the assuring response. Looking forward to the 0.7 release then.
RT @Mathieulh:There’s a new #iPhone 3GS Bootrom iBoot-359.3.2 around […] which is no longer vulnerable to the 24kpwn exploit.
@vinoaj Website Optimizer Cookies? Wow! Feel my envy? Can you beat my #Analytics Beer Cosy, though? http://twitpic.com/lhhro #ga
RT @vinoaj:Check out the ga.js changelog at http://bit.ly/3966ss // Important when you serve your own ga.js #analytics #ga #seo
RT @ChristopherBlum:32 Tips To Speed Up Your MySQL Queries http://wong.to/ynhqa // Hint 31 helps most if you have HUGE tables
I have #Titanium 0.6.2 installed. I get notified that 0.6.1 is available, while 0.7 should be out. Weird. What am I doing wrong, @jhaynie ?
Love Gmail Labs? Then you’ll love Webmaster Tools Labs: malware details & fetch as Googlebot http://bit.ly/2JV class=”hashtag” rel=”search” href=”//twitter.com/search?q=%23gwmchelp”>#gwmchelph#SEO#SEO
RT @berlingtug: #Google #Wave Hackathon in Berlin this Sunday Oct 18 http://bit.ly/wdNWX - Signup on mixx: http://bit.ly/2KyFkI
RT @filiber @oliverzenglein:Speed’s key! Really good preso from Matthew Trewhella (@LordofGoats). Check http://bit.ly/TYdDm #a4uexpo #SEO
@JohnMu “Playing w/ PHP & Fetch as Googlebot” means you try if you can trick Google via “if ($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] == Googlebot)”?
@hh_cocoaheads Hi there Hamburg Cocoaheads! Is there any upcoming meet-up planned? Would like to join!
Hating HTML emails as much as Word attachements. Casually both make sense (eg multiline bullet lists for mail). Generally both’re über-used!
Fire in the Google Hamburg office. Well, a simulated one. It’s Building Evacuation Awareness Week. Was the 1st to leave the office. Sign?!
Conspiration theories: geohot is appuloha1l is ferociousbird. The moon landing never happened. Born before 9/11 but still tweet this (XKCD).
RT @avinashkaushik: Tips for tracking Google #Sidewiki with, what else :), Google #Analytics: http://tr.im/ABTp #ga
Loving it when you ask for documentation & people send you code. If done well, actually yes, the code can be the documentation.
Via @goodbyebuddy I get DM’ed as people unfollow me. Why should I even bother if someone “following” 5435 users unfollows me?
@chanezon @vinoaj I should connect both of you w/ my wife. She makes the best Gazpacho. The real thing, not an imitation (she’s Spanish).
RT @bebroll: great post on issues discovered when installing #iphone apps: http://bit.ly/HD0GT thanks team #redfin // (relevant for devs)
RT @kojote: RT @nicolesimon The “WiFi At Conferences†Problem - Joel on Software http://bit.ly/18EUPz // true, so true. Thx for sharing
Yay! #iPhone FW 3.1.2 fixes #coma issue (no wakeup from sleep)! Yay^2: still #Jailbreak -able. Merci Apple! http://bit.ly/17hj0Q
.@nelson Thx 4 ur response! Regarding Auschwitz tourism creepyness factor, I recommend the movie “And Along Come Tourists” http://tr.im/AWzh
One of these freedom moments today: rental car, Queen - Bohemian Rhapsoy full volume. Except I was not cruising California, but Ruhrpott…
Google’s #Ajax crawling solution from #SMX (http://bit.ly/25OrBI) requires a server-side change. Isn’t dumping states in <noscript>s easier?
On the way to AMS. GRiS (http://tr.im/APbF) filled w/ 500+ feed items. That’s a good #iPhone offline feed reader (#Jailbreak). <3 reading!
@nelson It’s your business but “like Disneyland” & “Auschwitz” in same tweet makes an offending comparison. Not as a Jew, but as a German.
RT @dewitt: #GWT 2.0 M1 is out! A use-at-your-own-risk preview, but there are *many* awesome features coming very soon: http://j.mp/g4joO
Great metaphor w/ the automatic doors @ Googleplex, @mattcutts. Saw myself stranded there couple times. See all interviews http://tr.im/AIxX
RT @jos_tweets: How to convince your boss to use twitter: http://tr.im/AMfR #Dilbert
RT @pedrodias, @leeodden:HowTo Ask A #Google Eng For #SEO Help http://bit.ly/hSfUA //Knowing the other side, read http://tr.im/qAAq instead!
1) You buy an #iPhone app 2) Shortly after #Apple pulls it off the DE #AppStore 3) Updates appear 4) Legitimate buyer cant get’em #WTF #fail
RT @mattcutts: This interview is the deepest public discussion of how Google evals search quality that I’ve ever seen: http://bit.ly/2tLvpO
RT @bradneuberg:.@jasonw22 When asked “Canvas or SVG?” I generally say “Yes”. That’s like saying Hashtable or Linked List? Depends on prob.
RT @mattcutts: Two good Google interviews: Amit Singhal (head of core ranking) http://bit.ly/7RgGh and Eric Schmidt http://bit.ly/csMHJ
RT @Shonzilla:This pretty much sums up the hype behind #Google #Wave: http://j.mp/fuck4wave-in… (via @burntime) // LOL
RT @filiber: RT @missmcj: 92% of people use the same passwords across sites http://bit.ly/kMF6h
Google Webmaster Tools verification is easier: now also works w/ servers that return 200 instead of 404 http://bit.ly/XeFyR #SEO
Enjoying how seemlessly & perfectly my tweet read statuses get synced between #iPhonehone &#Echofon#Echofon. This is good software!
RT @vinoaj: Secret feature of Google Reader http://ff.im/-91bXR//Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a! Loving it!
Searching for a good #iPhone #backup extractor (for backups made by iTunes) for MacOSX? This one definitely rocks: http://bit.ly/yG4kq