RT @jerem: for markup nerds only: http://diveintohtml5.org… (via @diveintomark)
If the data format has an ® by its name it probably isnt great 4 transparency/open data http://bit.ly/3KPCR3 @therealfitzz,@adrianholovatyy)
@BinaryJunkie Sure thing! First I need to migrate the whole project over to the latest GWT. Happy spec reading, let me know when you’re thru
Need to update REST Describe & Compile (http://bit.ly/3TM4kN) then to support the latest iteration#WADLWADL
Props to Marc Hadley (http://bit.ly/3SIzD) for submitting WADL to the W3C (http://bit.ly/rJkjq). Big step forward!
@gfxmonk Just created my GitHub profile: http://github.com/tomayac