RT @sw12: I maintain a set of links to data about the web at https://t.co/OIbpSFQYK9.
I just updated it — let me know if anything is wron…
RT @mathias: JavaScript array destructuring implicitly invokes the iteration protocol, which comes at a cost.
Now that this pattern is bec…
@nekrtemplar @Paul_Kinlan @firt @webkit https://t.co/CQgt5u7vHu might be a good start, but there are more.
@nekrtemplar @Paul_Kinlan @firt Tracked in https://t.co/ZmvrYKyv60. Might want to chime in there. My bug actually u… https://t.co/f3ZmvgOOSJ
RT @yosuke_furukawa: “TPAC 2018 Lightening talk - Web Packaging - Google スライド†https://t.co/cVF141Uw0z
@kdzwinel Sure thing. FWIW, someone has been fiddling with this approach: https://t.co/IKsm8ORSqe.
@kdzwinel I can see the ad blockers of this world making this `is_private` test come out as false. Seems doable. Do… https://t.co/w3fO3AhMiJ
The core issue I was hitting is that @BabelJS transpilation didn’t polyfill `NodeList.prototype.forEach`, tracked i… https://t.co/F0DDr1gh6r
I was doing Googlebot JavaScript execution debugging today and found @Browserling’s @GoogleChrome 41 offering helpf… https://t.co/xk6xQ5sBQf
horse_js JavaScript. It’s basically TypeScript with implicit `any`, but you don’t have to write any types
RT @hadleybeeman: We the @W3CTAG are publishing guidelines for creating web platform compatible components.
RT @Scott_Helme: Last week we announced support for Network Error Logging (NEL) reports on @reporturi. Let’s take a closer look at what the…
RT @ietf: Catching up with #QUIC: There’s been a lot of progress over the last two years w/more work scheduled for the #IETF103 meeting. Re…
Reverse geocoding (🔠lat/long → 🗺 address) tends to be expensive, unless you #DIY with https://t.co/BdSOEBlaqV! My… https://t.co/hSJNx5RLU1
@DasSurma @jeffposnick @patmeenan @simevidas Hiring an expert @WorkboxJS Developer Evangelist, DMs are open. Previo… https://t.co/DUjceDDDjS
RT @simevidas: Safari went from no support for <input type=”color”> to best color picker UI on Mac 💠https://t.co/y47bMH5OTg
@henrylim96 @phae So how does it compare size-wise? That’s the core question the article leaves open. 😂
RT @Keithamus: Update to https://t.co/qf9fpnFeCK!
Safari Tech Preview 68 just released with support for `prefers-color-scheme: dark`. If y…
RT @smashingmag: âœï¸ Video performance on the web: @dougsillars takes a closer look at how video is being used today, what we can learn from…
RT @Dixon_Jones: Here you go. How PageRank REALLY works https://t.co/OO7J0KChsr cc @RyanJones and @JosephKlok & anyone else willing to retw…
RT @chris_dumez: As an experiment, we made it so that for anchors, target=_blank now also implies rel=noopener, for improved security. Plea…
Amazing blog post by @patmeenan on HTTP/2 prioritization explained with amusement park line analogies 🎢 and lovely… https://t.co/ctr5JtDYT4
@rick_viscomi Congratulations! 🎊
RT @rmondello: Safari Technology Preview 68 is out. Here are the release notes: https://t.co/fiXJ3t0GVA
Some highlights:
- Added `prefers-…
@firt @WebReflection @justmarkup There is support for service workers, but only after asking specifically for permi… https://t.co/unO9A8Oa7i
@robertnyman Mine was dark. But the specs were the same.
@Paul_Kinlan @yoavweiss Oops, of course. Corrected :-)
Client Hints demo: https://t.co/fiVZLYBLTZ .
• Response header:
- accept-ch: device-memory, dpr, width, viewport-… https://t.co/g5DvRNojsd
@robertnyman Philips Savvy: https://t.co/xGNI7C10OF
@argyleink IE? What else do you need? Picturefill filled that gap well when I tested it (for a obviously non-produc… https://t.co/yjNoUNEK8W
RT @philnash: Have you ever tried to load a video on a web page? 😀
Through a service worker? 😨
In Safari? 😱
Now I have, so here’s what you…
RT @abdonrd: Latest releases from the @Polymer Project!
âž¡ï¸ https://t.co/XjlVa2LWcA
🔥 The final stretch of work to release production-read…
RT @addyosmani: JavaScript public class fields are coming to Chrome. They enable declaration of instance and static public fields: https://…
RT @aerotwist: Is it (P)React vs Web Components? I don’t think so, I think they can get on just fine! If you have teams that use a range of…
RT @pfrazee: âœï¸ Just published an answer to the question, “If you need to keep your computer online or use peer-services like hashbase to h…
RT @SteveALee: Webauthn in action in a web app on phone with fingerprint and on laptop with a @Yubico key. This is a game changer for #coga…
`IntersectionObserver` v2 includes a proposal for occlusion detection: https://t.co/rPuRqfh8CX. Use case motivation… https://t.co/4KTbGa06Ix
My reaction to https://t.co/vkh8TSGlU9, an effort to collect @webkit PWA bugs in a central repo: â¤µï¸ https://t.co/gG3fo9zCAF
@_developit @samccone @____lighthouse @cramforce You just grokked German. Heartly luckwish!
RT @paulcalvano: I’ve started work on a 7-part Guided Tour of the @HTTPArchive, which takes you step by step through detailed analysis usin…
RT @_developit: Sick of typing <a rel=”noopener noreferrer”>?
<a rel=”noreferrer”> implies noopener.
Specifying both is redundant 🤪 https:…
@webmaxru @RickLania @jeffposnick @simevidas @slightlylate @workboxjs @webkit @firt While I appreciate the effort,… https://t.co/QL9bG279EQ
@RickLania @jeffposnick @simevidas @slightlylate @webmaxru @workboxjs @webkit @firt Yeah, of course you can reestab… https://t.co/lcX2DaotWz
RT @ChromiumDev: 🔥 The Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API enables localized formatting of relative times (e.g. “yesterdayâ€, “42 seconds agoâ€, or “…
@jeffposnick @simevidas @slightlylate @webmaxru @workboxjs The single one biggest issue is 1); there’s a bug for it… https://t.co/eT9rj66ati
On my way to Lyon for @W3C TPAC to discuss exciting Geolocation Sensor API issues, use cases, and feature requests… https://t.co/XI3Ix8EIgz
RT @argyleink: favorite way to make a responsive grid; just adjust a custom property in a media query 💀🤘
RT @umaar: Visual Studio Code can now convert your long chains of Promise.then()’s into async/await! 🎊 Works very well in both JavaScript a…
Tectonics Game xkcd.com/2061/ 🌠🕹
RT @simonhearne: @kdzwinel Nice! I played with a hierarchical layout for https://t.co/XeVhVwyiHG but it often wouldn’t fit on a screen! I f…
RT @b0rk: dig https://t.co/cO0IN2P51L
RT @Calibreapp: Why is Time to Interactive so important? How does it work? All questions answered in this great guide by @radibit
RT @ChromiumDev: Initiate and control Picture-in-Picture (PiP) 🖼 for videos in Chrome 70.
ðŸ–Learn how at https://t.co/03svX9k8y0 https://t.…
@jeffjose In the “X for Y†pattern it’s fine, ‘Y’ being the other company’s trademark. I happen to know because I g… https://t.co/Her3kVmO6w
RT @ThePracticalDev: Unsure if the cost of JavaScript is too high for your user-experience? 🙃
Lighthouse has a JavaScript Execution audit…
RT @smoores87: Today @FirefoxNightly announced their support for encrypted SNI and it already works with millions of @Cloudflare domains. h…
@kuvos @cramforce @stoyanstefanov The “CH†🇨🇠stands for the Latin “Confoederatio Helvetica†(Swiss Confederation)… https://t.co/08gKVBHt7k
@sitepen @umaar Thanks for writing this! Looks like the polyfill is history, though: https://t.co/mPGwc93fJI. The l… https://t.co/IctltCDjv5
Interesting paper on security aspects of Progressive Web Apps: https://t.co/OxiuEg8uVL [PDF]. Among them: crypto-mi… https://t.co/vB8lfSQHE3
RT @jeffposnick: @tomayac @simevidas @ChrisLove I’ve added some context as to what’s going on at https://t.co/q2TnGqY0VZ
For those followi…
@jeffposnick @simevidas @ChrisLove This is a brilliant write-up ðŸ’!
For runtime caching, couldn’t you make a HEAD r… https://t.co/5QQcF9iXZT
Neat trick to use `reduce()` to sequentially resolve Promises: https://t.co/vzdR2VZmYw.
Timing HTTP requests with cURL and Chrome: https://t.co/vzDyeD7rBb. I didn’t know cURL had that fine-grained timing info. â³â„¹ï¸
@simevidas @ChrisLove CC:ing @jeffposnick for visibility. This is a quite ugly bug, though…
@Rich_Harris Hah, fair enough. I learned about the feature through your tweet.
@Rich_Harris Might be worth filing bugs for this.
RT @edwin_de_jongh: Built with Microsoft Frontpage https://t.co/zcaD5Gto76
Rhythm in Web Typography: Better Web Type https://t.co/vFLxvIiU6H. Great article that goes deeply into the subject.
For whatever reason only learned just now that image/webp support was “stealth-tested†in iOS 10, without the… https://t.co/okk4LDAusm
@_developit Completely unrelated, but yay, #Tatort trending: https://t.co/AmaRshNHhH 🚔 🇩🇪
RT @agektmr: So happy to find that Instagram PWA implemented the Credential Management API 🤘! https://t.co/KUsvt7JICB
@kennethrohde @trivago @OStirbu @pistenprinz My thinking, probably concerns on smooth animations?!
RT @davatron5000: 🔠New post on the “hard costs” of third-party scripts. A list of stuff that might impact your users’ experience even if a…
The core question apart from @trivago’s original question “What’s the point in downloading the app from the store w… https://t.co/AvB3OKL1wg
RT @ChromeDevTools: New in Chrome 71: Store DOM nodes as global variables. Also available from the Console when you right-click an expressi…
Oh, now that RawGit is shutting down, there’s an opportunity for @GitHub to add proper MIME types to their current… https://t.co/rYR7gNHfwK
RT @nekrtemplar: I have no idea what Chrome’s Project Fugu is, but it has some cool PWA APIs listed there and they are Priority 1 (meaning…
RT @slightlylate: @Paul_Kinlan @nekrtemplar @owencm Owen and Paul are correct; we’re renewing our investments both in the missing capabilit…
@alexey_rodionov @slightlylate @Paul_Kinlan @nekrtemplar @owencm That’s something we’re looking into with the Geolo… https://t.co/yMwHM0xqim
.@WebKit Feature Focus 2018—2019: https://t.co/J6WL5M1PTs. Happy to see IntersectionObserver on the list. 🎉
RT @dalmaer: ★ It’s time the Web did some Undergrounding again
We have had a lot of innovation in user space, and it’s time to bake in the…
Why don’t we add a[n] element to HTML? https://t.co/urkPvdLAbN. Good thoughts by @brucel on HTML’s extensibility in theory and practice.
Outline: secure access to the open web https://t.co/inA9Ss0DYt
What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 71): https://t.co/kPFXAlbGk7. Especially loving the HAR extensions!
Twitter now counts every emoji as equal: https://t.co/H0446rdu90 Small, but welcome change! More of that, @Twitter!
RT @natfriedman: Microsoft is pledging our massive patent portfolio — over 60,000 patents — to Linux and open source by joining OIN this mo…
RT @katiehempenius: This article is a great intro to performance budgeting.
âž¡ï¸ What are perf budgets?
âž¡ï¸ What metrics can you use?
âž¡ï¸ What…
RT @kylealden: 🎉 Custom Elements are now In Development for Microsoft Edge - https://t.co/IG8ApdB9jW
RT @DasSurma: When did this land??
@ChromeDevTools shows you the recipe for compound emojis 🤯
(Side note: Is there a proper term for the…
Running FFMPEG with WASM in a Web Worker: https://t.co/DpAu9OrJI5
Chromium Blog: Trustworthy Chrome Extensions, by default: https://t.co/kpHo1TXq1i https://t.co/kpHo1TXq1i. This is… https://t.co/9yYahsSHtg