For whatever reason only learned just now that image/webp support was “stealth-tested†in iOS 10, without the…
@_developit Completely unrelated, but yay, #Tatort trending: 🚔 🇩🇪
RT @agektmr: So happy to find that Instagram PWA implemented the Credential Management API 🤘!
@kennethrohde @trivago @OStirbu @pistenprinz My thinking, probably concerns on smooth animations?!
RT @davatron5000: 🔠New post on the “hard costs” of third-party scripts. A list of stuff that might impact your users’ experience even if a…
The core question apart from @trivago’s original question “What’s the point in downloading the app from the store w…
RT @ChromeDevTools: New in Chrome 71: Store DOM nodes as global variables. Also available from the Console when you right-click an expressi…
Oh, now that RawGit is shutting down, there’s an opportunity for @GitHub to add proper MIME types to their current…
RT @nekrtemplar: I have no idea what Chrome’s Project Fugu is, but it has some cool PWA APIs listed there and they are Priority 1 (meaning…
RT @slightlylate: @Paul_Kinlan @nekrtemplar @owencm Owen and Paul are correct; we’re renewing our investments both in the missing capabilit…
@alexey_rodionov @slightlylate @Paul_Kinlan @nekrtemplar @owencm That’s something we’re looking into with the Geolo…
.@WebKit Feature Focus 2018—2019: Happy to see IntersectionObserver on the list. 🎉