Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

December 18th, 2018

@aerotwist Happy birthday, mate! 🎂 I didn’t know we were that close date-wise: mine was yesterday. Off by one. Classic.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to aerotwist from Hamburg, Germany

RT @marcushellberg: New 5-part text & video tutorial on building an app with #LitElement, covering:
🔥 #lithtml templating
⚛️ state manageme…

via Echofon

@marcushellberg @kennethrohde This is a really good tutorial! (Seems like the repo is private:…

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: ⏰Need to keep the screen or the device awake?

Most devices quickly go to sleep when left idle to save battery🔋, but did…

via Echofon

@simevidas Seems like you might be interested in the minutes of the @w3c workshop on permissions:

via Echofon

@justinribeiro @alexey_rodionov That’s a seriously cool app! You should chime in on (GitHub…

via Echofon

A speedometer PWA that uses the Wake Lock API to request a `screen`-type wake lock to keep the screen on. 💌

via Echofon

RT @wesbos: 🔥 Intersection Observer is handy for when you need to disable a UI until something has been shown on screen. In this case we ca…

via Echofon

RT @katiehempenius: How to see all response headers used by a site (in Chrome):

- Type “has-response-header:”
- Dropdown of all headers ap…

via Echofon

RT @firt: BLE Beacons is coming to the Web!
Today WebBT is available only to connect to a well-known service, but it can’t be used to list…

via Echofon

RT @notwaldorf: Happy Monday! Here’s a ✨magical doodling app✨ I just built!

It uses Magenta’s SketchRNN model to complete a doodle you st…

via Echofon

RT @HelenSchrader19: “A step by step guide to monitoring the competition with the Chrome UX Report” by @rick_viscomi #DEVcommunity https://…

via Echofon

RT @rachelandrew: Next time you think “CSS is terrible, why can’t I just … ” why not find out why the property behaves like that? If noth…

via Echofon

RT @ireaderinokun: Loving all the responses from people who’ve found genuinely good use cases for pointer-events. I’m collecting them to ad…

via Echofon

@jonathandavis and @webkit might be interested in this thread by @HenrikJoreteg. The bug is here:…

via Echofon

For the impatient, the Wake Lock demos are:
1) 💬 Talking Wikipedia screensaver:
2) 💟 Run tr…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @ChromiumDev: In response to @petele’s article on Wake Locks ☕🔒 (, @tomayac has been experimenting and created t…

via Twitter Web Client

For geeks like me who care about Oxford commas, watch 🤔 regarding the new `Intl.ListFormat`…

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

RT @ChromiumDev: Badging for App Icons? Yes please🙌
The Badging API is a new API that lets installed web apps to set an application-wide ba…

via Twitter for iPhone

@rowan_m I challenge you to MacGyver-ise (look how I en-GB’ed this for you!) the ultimate Feuerzange:

via Twitter for iPhone from Hamburg, Germany

@kennethrohde I don’t think this was a design objective, but wasn’t involved at all. Probably best to reach out to…

via Twitter Web Client

@nekrtemplar @Paul_Kinlan IIRC the status bar had changes reg. dark mode in Oreo, but not sure. The spec is vague o…

via Twitter Web Client

Design document for Chrome extensions with the future manifest v3: Some exciting changes i…

via Twitter Web Client