Blocke @neueszuhause Immonet &a@WohnScoutyouty ImmobilienScout24 @spamSpam. Keine Werbung eintweet#Nachmietere#Hamburgburg
@WohnScouty Einmal: Ganz nett. Zweimal: Lästig. Und “Block”. Bye!
We celebrate #Australia #Day ( at #Google Germany. The chef serves crocodile steaks & kangaroo filets. New experience.
#Android #Developer Labs in US, EU, & Asian metropoles. Sign-up ASAP, sessions will be awesome(!): class=”hashtag” rel=”search” href=”//”>#GTUGGTUG
Reading @diveintomark’s Learnin about the background of #HTML5 & enjoyin fun quotes like the prev. twe#OpenWebnWeb
“The AVI format was invented by MSFT in a simpler time, when the fact that computers could play video at all was considered pretty amazing.”
Coding a (Google-internal) #Chrome #Extension. Did you know how easy it is? Just HTML, JavaScript & CSS. Docs: class=”hashtag” rel=”search” href=”//”>#OpenWebnWeb