bobdc The Outlook spellchecker suggests that instead of “xsd” I meant to write “sad”. It’s difficult to argue.
cramforce Why is the project called Hocker? — because it is something to put next to a CouchDB #german
@jimwebber Try, not sure with regards to the en-UK keyboard, but worth a try.
Loving Last Week in #HTML5 ( & This Week#RESTREST (, both the blog titles & the content :-)
Tagged: @tomayac -
RT @webr3: RT @manusporny: Ivan blogs about why the RDFa API is awesome: #rdfa #w3c #lod #javascript /via @ivan_herman
RT @mamund: A Fundamentalist Restafarian: Please Accept: application/hal+xml //See my comment there. //CC: @mikekelly85
RT @mhausenblas RT @dret LinkedData - SemWebSpecificStuff + LooseCoupling ≅ REST <<Dont understand this eq //+1 for not understand. Details?
@LuisBenavides Nice one :-) Thanks! A great picnic! The only comment is: Hasta la próxima!
dalmaer Stanford Javascript Crypto Library: secure, powerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, xbrowser library for cryptography in JS