@k_zoltan @linclark @scorlosquet 1st start: http://bit.ly/azc6IC. 2nd: http://bit.ly/bBNQ18. My experiences (tweet): http://bit.ly/kQgAo7
Kind of fixed #SemWebVid. The problem of using undocumented #YouTube APIs is that they are undocumented. http://bit.ly/asxbce // #TomsPhD
@cramforce I love the fact, though, that the API Discovery Service describes itself: http://bit.ly/iAeo2C. Recursion FTW!
.@cramforce Dont describe beforehand what can be discovered at runtime. HTML forms cover params, media types most other. Need semantic desc!
.@cramforce Note how @bitworking’s both harsh critic of WADL & (co-?) creator of http://bit.ly/mTgf55. Scope diff, tho (➡“Who’s using it?â€).
.@cramforce Me #REST guy dislikes it. Why? Read http://bit.ly/jKNN3Q then http://bit.ly/iX6Khi then http://bit.ly/jKGWHv. #WADL reinvented.
On a related note: Wikipedia’s still missing #TypedArrayay article. The spec draft is here: http://bit.ly/lqbqyo. Takers#ECMAScriptp#WebGLGL
Edited Fabrice Bellard’s Wikipedia page & adde#JavaScriptScript x86 PC emulator bits: http://en.wikipedia.org/…
RT @cramforce: Some more info on the JS x86 VM running Linux http://bellard.org/jslin… // Incredible!
RT @cowboyd: Literally *just* had this conversation with @thatdutchguy over emacs keybindings http://t.co/eBdVes2
mikekelly85 ok I just found out 1337% of pi is 42 http://www.google.com/se… - today is a good day.