@garrettwilkin Brad might know: https://t.co/6Lkw0X9L
The Google Social Graph API will be shut down on 4/20. It didn’t see the adoption its creators hoped for. http://t.co/0rISSZps
RT @BigBoss: New Site Post: #iPhone4S & #iPad2 #jailbreak untethered 5.0.1: http://t.co/70i43MDU // Waiting for the storm to calm, though.
#WebDataCommons publishes #RDFa, #Microformats & #Microdata in #CommonCrawl corpus http://t.co/nq4PbrZh by @hfmuehleisen, via @nicolastorzec
#CommonCrawl “Web corpus” data to be hosted on Amazon S3 for free: http://t.co/ZQM4D5iu (via @hfmuehleisen)
RT @MuscleNerd: Corona A5 jailbreak nearly ready to pop…please read http://t.co/lXv1H6lJ carefully!
sponno How Cool. xkcd.com/1005/ has a hidden message (use photoshop, up exposure). Result attached. yfrog.com/ocfclap
RT @nicolastorzec, @bill_slawski: #Siri: a patent application on Intelligent Automated Assistants was granted to Apple: http://t.co/K3iKtrNz