wsrest2014 #WSREST2014 will take place on 7 April 2014 at the #WWW2014 conference in Seoul. Stay tuned for the call of papers, following soon!
@bsletten We write “1.234,5”, you go “1,234.5”. Take any spreadsheet software outsmarting itself trying to parse… Then have a cold beverage.
@bsletten Corner cases _will_ occur. Just use a proper CSV parser (or TSV), don’t roll your own (cf. @RobertFischer
@bsletten TSV instead of CSV solves the majority of problems. Useful only if you control the other end obviously.
@bsletten It’s legal, but an endless source of bugs: line.split(/,/) anyone? E.g., stumbled upon readability-formatted numbers: ,”1,234.5”,
#TIL that /dev/null as a Service is a thing: #DaaS (via @pchampin)
Public-shaming the Banque et Assurance #LCL, France: #Fail @LCL @LCLEtudiants @MaillotjauneLCL