Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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March 12th, 2014

We’re hiring for Sales-Engineer-type #jobs at #Google #Hamburg—or less attractive pitch: be my colleague

via Echofon

@rtroncy Check the last paragraph of, engineers are already looking at it. Thanks for the pointer, though!

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@RubenVerborgh @moustaki Was more aiming at cache expiry… Given today’s mostly static data sources, but then, there’live.dbpedia.orgl0

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

@RubenVerborgh Great remark, @moustaki! @RubenVerborgh, any insights/recommendations in/for the caching strategy (in-memory & HTTP)?

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

The current gallery of @mediagalleries for #MH370 is a quite representative mix of sources.

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Finally #Wikidata has a proper reference (and overview) publication: [PDF] by @vrandezo and @ma_kr.

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