Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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July 14th, 2015

@RubenVerborgh Thanks. Will check. If you’re after optimizing code length, may I introduce you to Mr. JS1K @aemkei?

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

@RubenVerborgh Ah? Not Promiscuous? Streams as multi-Promises? Have a pointer to code? Bedankt.

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

@RubenVerborgh Guess we agree on .all ;-) I’d have chosen .seq over .race. BTW, do you know Quite elegant code.

via Echofon

@RubenVerborgh Pushing for having them natively :-) Glad you agree these are necessary features. Wonder why Promise.race() made it…

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

RT @WikiResearch: Wikipedia and IFTTT: A Technical Guide — by @sklaporte and @mhashemi

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@RubenVerborgh Interested to learn your opinion on Using array.reduce for Promise.seq() doesn’t cover all use cases.

via Twitter for iPhone

Promises IMHO need Promise.seq() for sequential exec. and Promise.allMax(iterable, n) for parallel—but max. n at a time—exec. support!

via Echofon

RT @johanoomen: ‘Now’s the time for collaborative video on #Wikipedia’ by @benrito #iamcr2015 #wikimania2015 http://…

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