RT @edsu: hadn’t heard of Telegram before reading this article https://t.co/0fKpZ3mhoN opensource, 10 billion messages per day https://t.co…
googleresearch Read the results of a multi-year study of how email security has evolved since 2013 - goo.gl/WWj6lp pic.twitter.com/wNHs04edKa
RT @isotopp: “Leben statt Beten”, fordert Charlie-Hebdo-Karikaturist @joannsfar nach dem Terror in #Paris https://t.co/tDMdFEncFO https://t…
@echofon Bug in latest Echofon Pro—tweets I’ve opened later on get displayed over other tweets in TL: gray&g@codepo8opic.twitter.com/5P4a5r7Btxtx
@codepo8 @cramforce @danbri Ironically, this is how it looks like when I’m trying to read the @Medium article: pic.twitter.com/g9a68w6PAx
RT @google: We’ve made international calls to France free via Hangouts. #ParisAttacks
Android→ https://t.co/RLNSn2HPHd
iOS→ https://t.co/U…
mediagalleries #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataclan. Media gallery: pic.twitter.com/c6ctz7rcMZ